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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/kyron_hormans_parents_reveal_n.html#incart_mce "Though Kyron's parents mostly stayed away from specific information about the investigation, Horman did talk about where he was the day Kyron disappeared. He worked that morning at Intel, but came home in the afternoon. He waited at the bus stop for Kyron with his wife, Terri Moulton Horman, and their 18-month-old daughter. "
  2. I thought those were sealed?? Wow you guys really make a person think. I have no clue to how you all do your searches to get so much info. (I google and get the main media outlets) I think there are very good points made from all of you. I am still surprised we have not heard anything more from the police. I would have to believe as much as I do not want to, that SM did something. (or knows) There is no way that the local pd or FBI could not have come up with all the scenarios you all have posted and dismissed them. To me that would mean they have some very damaging/incriminating informati
  3. I really thought with all the reports and him leaving her an arrest was just about to happen.
  4. Ah yes, my kids are older (17 & 18) but we did do Cinderella and signature dining experiences and those are two. Did you like the food at aukerhaus? We did not when we took our niece, but she did love the princesses!
  5. The CS is IMHO the best moderate resort. They have a few restaurants, a club, and a spa. (some of the deluxe do not even have a spa) The pool area is very nice. The rooms are standard for Disney, they do all have a fridge. They also have deluxe rooms that are available. This resort was completely upgraded about two years ago. What type of character dining are you looking for? There are different characters in different places, and some meals are order while others buffet. If you get the Disney Dining Plan (the one with dinner service, not just counter meals) it really pays off to use them
  6. You are right it probably would not be workable to set up a public debate at this point. I am not sure of how many have actually voted yet, most of my friends are about where I am with District 19 and DA. We are just not too sure. It is actually the one time we have all agreed that these are important decisions and should not be eeny meeny miney moe at the ballot box! I think many just get lackadaisical about it and this time the climate we are living in is so different they realize how important politics really are, and I am just not getting worked up over nothing!
  7. Thanks NJ! I never go to the fastread page! Off to watch. Edit after watch: While I appreciate the forum that was held to introduce candidates to us it was not a debate. One different random question was nice, but not what I was hoping for. I am still not sure between two candidates on my vote.
  8. Same here. When was this debate? Was it just a private debate to be aired or was the public there? I guess I need to get local papers during the elections cause I seem to be missing much! Does anyone know if you can get online and see this? Deadeye~ For that deal I would have moved too!
  9. Thank you. I sincerely appreciate someone giving me facts and while even being close to one letting me know all are qualified. Do you think a new DA can get rid of the backlog of cases that Paulding has, or is that just how it is and will be out here? I know they all can promise to do so, but is it feasible? I still wish they would have went head to head on a debate. It would be fantastic to see them all in that atmosphere! Thanks NG. I hope to not sound like an idiot all the time, but I figure if I don't know, ask. LOL
  10. THAT is exactly my sticking point with him. He sounds good, no bad things coming up except for the fact he has no criminal experience. Thanks for the replies. I was hoping you had to certify in a specialty.(At least then he could say he is doing or will be doing that and be "up to date" on the laws/cases.) Learning on the job is fine in most circumstances, not so much as the boss.
  11. Well that is true. Obviously it is senseless to us, but a parent, the reasoning, the why's are just so hard to fathom! I guess that is why we talk about these cases though I know we will never fully understand the mind of the insane or truly evil. I think you may be right. :(
  12. Does anyone in the law field know if someone (Plumley) does not do criminal law, does he have to take another test for it? Can he practice it without having studied it? I am asking just because I know I would have to get certified in an area if I wanted to teach something beyond my current certification, does it work like this in the law field? TIA
  13. Really? You're kidding? Come on, yes it is unimaginable to me to harm a child no matter what that child has or has not done, but if you are going to do something like that, why would you do it where people see you and know you? That is my question. I am sure she had many oppertunities to do it without a witness, why would you do it there? I am not well versed on the mind of a killer, but from prior cases seen on the news and various media, these people know what they are doing and plan a bit better then out in the open.
  14. Could the report of his body being found be true? Soon after that was reported and then retracted the all out search seemed to stop. It turned into an investigation. Could the reason no more info on the search be that they have him? This whole thing is very mind blowing, especially since the family seems to have distanced themselves from the SM. It does look now as if she might have done something. (or at least involved in it) I do agree with why then? Why not at another time when anything could have been made to look like an accident? It just seems so ridiculous and stupid to do something
  15. Love this site! We have purchased many things from them for little $$! It is the same and sometimes better stuff I can get at the local places. (I purchased a wall mount for our tv for 25.00. Same exact thing they were trying to sell me for over 100.00. ) Quick turn around too. I don't mind waiting two days to save the amounts I have with that site!
  16. I would love to see them in a debate!! I think that would help me make up my mind. Good idea! Maybe if they saw all the on the fence posts around here they could be persuaded to do one.
  17. I do believe I am right there with you. I really do hear nice things about Lane, as a person, as a DA, not so much. I guess with Plumley, his lack of criminal experience bothers me. If I did not have a degree in a certain area I would not want to walk in and try to teach a class in that area. If Plumley's background is not in criminal law, how will he be able to successfully try/be in charge of criminal cases? There are so many close races and hard decisions this year!
  18. I think I need to start a positive/negative list on these three candidates and work from there. Any positives any of you have would be appreciated! (I can easily see the negatives! )
  19. Can't "anyone" be a judge in Magistrate court? I thought the requirements were to live in county and have a high school diploma?
  20. He used to have offices in a few counties I believe. Maybe he had to downsize to one and the Douglas one was the most central? I do not personally know him, but I do know he is fairly active in Paulding. That is how I know his name.
  21. I am STILL not sure on my vote for this one. Lane does not seem to be actually doing much. Donovan should have just let WFAL vent about him, because I don't like that he said anything. (Though in all honesty, I would have too if someone said something I perceived as an attack, but then again, that is why I am not running for anything! ) Plumley just does not seem to have the experience to do the job. (I have only found this:Chad’s areas of practice include Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Probate, Wills Trusts and Estates, Personal Injury, Domestic Relations and Collections)
  22. Download this: http://www.openoffice.org/ Newsletters: http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/search/node/newsletter
  23. Classy! That will really get people to vote for SPLOST that were on the fence.
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