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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Wouldn't you last question need a; " N/A voting in the democratic primary?" I was just asking cause, at this point, you have 3 people that answered that for the others, yet also answered the last question. That to me would throw off the figures of if people were happy with the republican choices or not. (I would think all democrats would say no, or do not know them enough. That is what is showing as of now)
  2. Not the same. I know you as Sound Guy. I knew Chris as Ithy/PT until the crud hit the fan. I think you should have any opinion you want to have on here and be able to argue and defend it. (and get called out on it) It gets personal and flat out flippin ridiculous that one persons real name is being used and things said about his personality, personal appearance, and other things, and the guy is NOT even running for office. (Nor able to defend himself) This has not be a discussion only on what he wrote. (as if it were the AJC or USA) This has been a witch hunt of a person through many thread
  3. Please read all the concerns and threads regarding this and then throw in your 2 cents. No one wants to take food out of a childs mouth that needs it.
  4. Totally Different. First, he can not post here. Second, that is the same as you/anyone bashing a candidate here. Third, my point is he is NOT a candidate so why is it allowed for him to be bashed in numerous posts/threads? Fourth, how many users are there on that blog compared to p.com? Fifth, if you so feel you can go over there and post. edited for spelling, crackberry is not on the ball today!
  5. I checked out the website it seems nice! What about automatic running lights? My cars come on if I have the key in the ignition.
  6. This whole topic....... :rofl: :rofl: Good morning laugh!
  7. My personal opinion here; if Chris is not allowed to post (which is Pubby's right to not allow him to) then he should not be the topic of conversation. The people now "trashing" him and making jokes/comments at his expense are showing how childish they really are. (enjoying it, really???!!) I have seen his name in many posts/thread and I particularly do not care what he is doing, he is not on any ballot. Why do we have free rein to speak of someone that is not actually running in the races? This is seriously messed up and wrong. I do not always agree with his posts or who he supports (and if a
  8. Where did you read that? I have not been able to find anything on the case other then the main press releases. (and a TON of viewer speculation through comments) TIA for pointing me in the right direction. I pray it was not the step mom, I am just at a loss at to why someone would hurt their child. I never want to believe it. When the Susan Smith case was turning in her direction I would not believe it until the car was found, and even today I just can not wrap my head around it. (I had a couple little ones at the time and to this day it still really turns my stomach to even think of it
  9. I have not touched an iron since buying it. My husbands dress shirts come out completely wrinkle free. (Now it can not be an enormous load, that sucker holds a ton, but a regular size load it works fantastic) There are obviously no "crisp" lines in anything, but when using the steam cycle there are no wrinkles. Plus if you have something that was in your drawer that you want to wear, but is wrinkled, throw it in just for the steam cycle, 15 minutes and done! < That is a huge time saver. I can be getting ready while it is steaming. I have also steamed sweaters to freshen them up! (They just
  10. LOL. I thought my computer was telling me to stay off!
  11. Congrats on 35 years. That is a wonderful accomplishment! All I meant with my comment was I saw the world as a different place when I was younger and many of my ideas and beliefs have grown and gone in a different direction over the years. I didn't change for anyone I grew.
  12. I have never had a problem with mine. I always use the HE detergent and leave the door open while the dryer runs. Once the dryer is finished I shut both the dryer and washer door. I have never used any cleaner in the washer and I do not use bleach. (Bad incident while I was young and I vowed never ever to touch the stuff again!) I do not know if having the steam washer and dryer make a difference on cleaning, but that is what I have.
  13. I just figured all those hungry little kids....LOL For the chicken salad, I mostly need to know if you add sugar and what type of dressing. I can figure it out fairly close from there. Unless you have the actual carb and sugar count? Oh and what kind of bread do you offer your sandwich on? I usually have to stay away from outside homemade because I do not know counts so I do appreciate any info you are willing to provide! Good to hear! My kids go by and get stuff all the time and describe how good it all is. (They are not aloud to bring it in and torture me!)
  14. Have you not changed your mind on different things during different periods in your life? I would say with age (and many times children) you get wiser and what you once believed to be true might not longer be the way you think.
  15. Um, so? You want health care for all anyway, so when a domestic partner gets it that is different, how? I still would like you to answer what specifically is the problem with him and people in Post 4? Just asking all this since you said he will probably do this here.
  16. Could you post the nutritional values on those? I do have to pass by that way, but would need that info. Have you thought of talking to the ridge road ball field? Maybe you could work a special deal for them to bring teams down after a game.
  17. I love that salad or should say loved. My numbers were way off after I would eat there (I thought it was the drink ) I looked up the nutritional info..it wasn't my drink. I hardly ever eat salads out anymore. Many have more calories, fat, and carbs then a cheeseburger. That just kills me!!!
  18. LOL! Teen boys are fun aren't they?
  19. The point behind that is???? I found that out just by doing an internet search. I do not think it was "kept from" anyone. You know him so well that you can know what he will "probably do here" ? What in particular is it with Post 4 that you think they specifically would not like him attempting (since you said he probably would) to put in place a domestic partnership law? I am conservative, but I do not judge what anyone else does. I am not a hypocrite. (I fall far from perfect and leave a higher being to judge my decisions and others) I actually think insurance for a partner is a good idea.
  20. Thanks! I did not have that one. Do you have http://www.kgbdeals.com/atlanta ? Movie tickets today!
  21. If you get some time I would love to hear it. I do have a hard time holding something against someone they did many years ago as a teenager. That is just me though and I respect that some could not get past that. It is the "other" that I am interested in. Many I have spoke with about him really like him so I am not getting a complete picture. (and those that don't, JUST bring up the infidelity)
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