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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. LOL. It was me and I was just about to quote you because I liked your post!
  2. I did a couple from Groupon for the Smyrna Vinings area. There are a lot for Alpharetta and Decatur for both. I do not go out there. LOL I bought my husband and kids zip line tours in North Georgia from Groupon, so I really think it is just all over. You just have to look each day. (I get them in my e-mail so no big deal on looking) I do wish more stuff would be out this way.
  3. I have bought a few fantastic deals through them and Groupon.
  4. LOL. We need to start a club and speak in code too! If I hear I will let you know.
  5. Can someone PM me about what the heck you all are speaking of? I feel so lost and out of the loop.
  6. I have lived here for quite a while and know some of what went on. I still do not think adults "playing a game" of smear tactics is acceptable. Period. You personally have tried to run someone's name through the mud because of who she worked for. Provided us with facts, but not all of them. I just find it reprehensible that people do this. I agree that we need industry. We need jobs. We need many things out here, but turning ugly is not helping. I have a few people that live over in the district of Ms. Cochran that have told me they are voting for her after reading what they did here! Now
  7. CC Do you ever really work? Always seems like a party to me!! (GOOD FOR YOU!!!)
  8. Oh good! I don't even want to imagine.
  9. Madea, Are you speaking of his marital indiscretion or is there something else? You can PM me if you do not want to put it on the board. Thanks I appreciate it. I am still in the deciding phase of that race. Bella
  10. For real? What did you do?
  11. Whitey, really? Tit for tat? Real mature for grown adults living together in this community. It truly makes me sad that people want to "play" like this. Now I (and others) would be willing to look at any information you might come across, but to say you are just doing it to play the game is not right. I have no idea about another website, but I know I personally have not received anything about anyone that would be considered part of a smear campaign. I want to know the good and bad regarding each candidate, but can that not be presented and discussed without the smearing and name calling?
  12. Thanks guys! Sorry I vented a bit this morning, but I just had a chance to read this thread and could not believe it was going the way of some others. I agree with BeachBum that the trashing does hurt their cause. Tell me why I should vote for the person you are supporting and not just because so and so did something. It really seems petty and I know it makes me feel bad for those candidates taking the brunt of the finger pointing. Everyone is always saying get involved, but for the life of me I can't imagine running with the likelihood of hurting my family to try and make this county a bett
  13. WTH? If YOU know something, as insinuated by that post, why don't you tell us? Why are you and others so hell bent on "destroying" candidates other then the ones you like? It really is disgusting how some come on here and throw accusations and make insinuations about local candidates. They live here and whether they come on p.com or not someone in their family or a friend is reading it. It is just so mean and I know I am personally sick of it. Some seem to have made it their life work to not support their candidate of choice, but to dig and try to destroy the opposition. I want to know th
  14. Yup! Yesterday by the time I finished watering plants the first ones were drooping!
  15. I am not in the "ya'll running people off". I pointed out why some might have bad feeling towards this program. I do get the point you made about being down and needing food. That is fine. Last year they were having day cares come (that mom and dad paid for food) and even advertising at the movies. That is where, I believe, "bad feelings" came from. If that is not what is happening this year, and it is only for those that really need it, explain that you (collective, not you personally) understand that, and are just looking out for the children in the down economy. The people that pay for the
  16. [ I do remember last year people that worked the program pretty much inviting anyone to come so they would not lose the program. That alone would turn people off. If someone needs it is one thing, and I personally have no problem with that scenario.Coming on here and telling everyone to come if you have a child under 18 is different. Just a thought why people might have a few hard feelings toward this program.
  17. Did you already get you tax bill? I was wondering when they would come out. I am pretty sure I am going to appeal the assessment they put on my home. Last year's was too high, but I didn't get it done in time.(Life came up!) I called the office and they told me what I had to do. It was a year ago so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. I would just call them Monday.
  18. Okay I will put in a call to both tomorrow. I will let you know what I am told.
  19. Did you see them placing them there? Could it be that one of their supporters took all their (ones the supporter was to put out) signs and put them up in one spot and they are unaware?
  20. I don't have to read it (it does "talk", but I do look at it to see what roads are coming up next etc.) My friend pointed out to me that it is not an internet based thing, but satellite, does that make a difference? I see many issues with this. What about police and their laptops (or whatever they use, I am not totally familiar, thank goodness) are they exempt?
  21. Many people have actual GPS units built into their phones.How are you going to distinguish if they are looking at that to read it or an email/text? GPS units have not be banned,correct? So will I, as many others, be pulled over left and right for using our GPS's? (NOT texting/e-mail)
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100607/ts_nm/us_natgas_blast_texas Gas line.
  23. Pft I see enough people doing that around here they ARE believing you! ha ha ha ha ha ha
  24. That song is crazy! When it came out and everyone was playing it non-stop it didn't make me happy anymore, it made me bang my head on the wall! hahaha :rofl: Cute!
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