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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Great! What students get to participate in this?
  2. Not the same. Sorry treasure, but with two separate entities money cannot be shared. Well if they want to go to jail for misuse of appropriated funds. Now I do not know if they could amend the budget in any way and possibly do some sort of donation to the BOE from the BOC. :pardon:If that is a possibility in any way they need to do it, but like I said I really don't know if that could be done. I don't like it, it stinks. It all does. We have things not needed or used in our county and teachers that are needed losing their jobs.
  3. I am not defending the BOE, but isn't that two different checking accounts? I keep hearing people bring up the court house and airport and while I do agree, not needed, I do not see that as taking money from the BOE. I do not believe that money can be shared across the boards.(Commission and education) One runs our county the other our schools, two different entities and two different pots. I believe this is a legal issue, money if intended for one thing has to go to it not others even if you come up short in the others.
  4. Unbelievably lucky man! I am happy for him and his family.
  5. I got that Jerry was calling me silly!! I agree with spinal adjustments, but when a child has a fever that a lukewarm bath, cloth (which we all have done) does not work most go for the meds. (and while your children might not have fevers that get out of control, I have one that the temp can rise from 101 to 107 from a cold! It all depends on the kid) Generic has not been recalled and I believe that was what Jamie78 was asking about, not "safe" as in what you believe. This op made the post to let parents know about a recall.
  6. Is this a type of bed? How long do you stay in it? A month is $40..how may times do you do it in a month? TIA
  7. I am all for chiropractic care (I go once a week), but if a child has a fever.....what are you suggesting they do?
  8. Thanks! I tried to find it and it did not come up, I tried harder after you posted it did..I found it. LOL
  9. Does this place have a website or FB page?
  10. OMG your zipper smiley is so cute!
  11. Thanks. I was trying to follow but got a bit lost! LOL Is there a fact page that has all the candidates together?
  12. What is Steve W Golden running for? I thought he was the campaign manager for Avery? I am so confused. Who can point out (link) where I can go and read about each candidate? TIA
  13. Ah, I get that! I do wish they would consider some more hours. Unless I am off during the week (doctors, etc) I never can make it there myself. Their drinks are good!
  14. Just an FYI... I am diabetic. I do not discuss that with my kids. I know a few others that also have food issues so while appreciated (it is!) it unfortunately does not get ate by the recipient. I personally just bring it home to my family. I stick with small gift cards to local establishments. ($5- 10 nothing too big, unless a teacher goes above and beyond for one of mine)
  15. I would imagine putt putt would go over GREAT here. People of all ages enjoy it. Families taking the kids out, teens, young adult, and even older date nights. I like Mountasia. I do not like the indoor ones. Incorporating the rock climbing and an activity area for younger kids would also keep a money flow during the bitter months when you might not have good revenue from putt putt. Go carts, I am not sure of. That would be great for teens, but isn't there an age, height, license requirement? I would think that insurance might be really high. I know Stars and Strikes is very busy on the weeke
  16. Cakes do have real icing on them (and usually a filling in between layers) most people just pull of the fondant and eat it without it. I can't say anything about the handling except there are many foods that are touched a lot prior to you eating them. (breads, pizza dough, etc...)
  17. LOL...you have lost me. Ren was from Chicago and when his father died, he and his mother moved to the small town of Beaumont. It was never said exactly where it was, but was over the bridge from Chicago. I just saw the second part you added. That would be new and not like the original.
  18. I hope not! I love that movie. It was one of my favorites. I hate remakes, but I know I will go see it just to check it out.
  19. Read like it. Why is anyone saying anything about GA? They make movies all over. They seem to be doing a remake of the original which is based on a mid west town, whether filmed in GA or elsewhere. So I do not see any portrayal of southerns in a bad light. (just speaking of Footloose)
  20. I am pretty sure that this movie did not portray the south in a bad light as it was a fictional town in the Midwest.
  21. Uh oh, was this your vehicle? Really though... someone about takes off someones door to their truck and then swings in to park illegally (at a convenience store, no emergency in sight)...I would be ticked off too. There are rules that come with the license issued. Many in Paulding and all over do carry guns. You tick off the wrong person and it could get ugly. A post on a local forum doesn't seem too bad. (Plus it had pictures, no he "said" this happened.Person really was illegally parked. )
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