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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. AMS and I am not sure of the girls name. Yes the People's Choice thing is a weird one. You should see it at some schools! I have seen people throw down $50's !!!
  2. Wasn't argueing, just pointing out if you wanted to see how fair it is run I would get that to you. Maybe! How did you daughter do? Did she have a good time? Get over it. Do not question the integrity of someone that volunteers her time for 5 years, 45-50 hours a week during pageant, and offers for anyone to sing. Sorry but you are the one with a problem. As pointed out, largest pageant, run the most on time, ever.
  3. LOL. I know. I hate coming on and pointing out things too! This time though the director doesn't get on here and I just feel as if I should point out what I know. She just told me (FaceBook) she doesn't mind anything anyone says. She knows it was run as smoothly as possible and has heard from many of the parents and girls last night and this morning, and they are happy with it. That makes her happy.
  4. Did you have a daughter in it? Yes that girl did sing. She was not the winner. All the schools use contestants as singers. At mine we don't even have anyone else. We don't have dancing either, and they last 4-5 hours.
  5. I have a copy of all the rules and procedures. I would be glad to e-mail it to you. 5 judges, 4 professional, not one even knowing the girls or families. Do not live in Paulding. Very strict guidelines are set for this pageant, because of the "bad wrap" lots get. BTW...just so you know. This is NOT a beauty pageant. Not once is "beauty" judged. 50% of their score is based on an essay submitted and judged. (with a number no names)
  6. That is a blatantly false statement and as untrue as you can get with the pageant that was held last night. You can have your opinion but in this instance it is wrong. edited for a word spelled wrong
  7. Every parent was aware the pageant could take 4-6 hours. The judging was approx. 35 minutes. This year was actually the earliest start time in the past few. (that I helped with) Door sales usually hold it up, but since most had tickets it went fairly quickly.
  8. FACTS: 1. Yes one girl was running late, but one was also in back very sick ( the serious) and that was being taken care of. Also as soon as door sales cleared the pageant started. 2. The girls scores were all in at the time they sang. Judges did not have any score cards, and if you noticed they did not win. 3. People's Choice is done like that at all the schools. Some pageants in the area are a lot longer. SPHS had 20 girls and was well over 6 hours. This one had 70, and including pictures (at 4..the hour early) was less than 5. I will let the director know of your last state
  9. They also protect slackers, time stealers, and people that should be fired. You have to jump through hoops and even then sometimes they can not be let go. I think it is great that they can protect ones that are trying to make a situation better for all, but at the same time some are being protected that in any other situation would be long gone.
  10. Compare their education and pay to someone that does not work in the educational field. Tell me what you think. (My husband, one degree, makes 3 times what I do with two)
  11. The long form or the short one? I believe that the long form does have many questions that are not public record. (Meaning you or I could not go down to the court house and get that specific information asked in certain questions)
  12. So no one does know the actual budget deficit we have? LOL.... I should have known this would go a few different ways. I am truly curious though on where we stand. I believe knowing at least the amount would give us all an idea of where this county might be headed. If we are in the millions like others I would expect major changes, whether that be loss of jobs, 2 weeks shorter school year, or even 4 day weeks. Maybe we are not that bad off and some small changes/sacrifices would be enough. If I call will they give me a number? That is not correct. There is paperwork to fill
  13. I was reading the AJC where they were speaking of the budget deficits and was wondering if anyone knew where Paulding stood? Some counties are millions short. Where are we?
  14. I have no idea, but would love any information on a local comedy place! (club) TIA!!
  15. We have a snack basket. (wicker) All the snacks go into it in either original packaging (granola bars) or individual servings of things (cookies, goldfish, pretzels..) in small ziplocks. This way it is one basket for everything.
  16. Awesome! I am sure you can do it, you have excellent taste in books! I have a friend that lives in the UK. I am going to ask her how much shipping it will cost. (pathetic right?)
  17. Ugh! I went and read it and then realized it does not come out until May!!! Poking you!! Actually I did see it comes out March 18 in the UK. I wonder how I can get that copy!
  18. Yes. Duel enrollment, heavy load schedule, early high school graduation, just a few that come to mind. I had my degree and was in a classroom right before my 20th birthday.
  19. While conversate can be found in the dictionary now, it is still slang and improper use of the word converse. Heck, my spell check is even telling me to fix that word! LOL People just need to be corrected (not on the board, but IRL, to learn) and maybe some of these new words would not find there way to our dictionaries. (Hopeful thinking I know.)
  20. It has worked in many school systems since the 70's. Haralson county has said it is working with organizations to help out with the day off. Doesn't sound like throwing someone under the bus to me. I understand you believe this cannot be implemented in one year or phase, but since it has been and has worked, I find that belief to be unfounded. (The actual plan implementation. ) Everyone's wallet is being hit at this time. I don't know of a better solution to help out these school systems, do you? (I can throw some out, but not any that would have the same monetary savings to the
  21. I love it. I have many, many, invitations to special occasions. Most I can not possibly attend. To contribute to something someone actually wants is a fantastic idea. This is the same as someone sending me a registry for actual gifts. I purchase it online and the retailer sends it. I never actually touch it or wrap it, so if they would rather have a gift card, fine. Actually I do know most registries now have where you can just op for getting a gift card sent anyway. (You know, when only the $500 place sets are left..I always up for the $100.00 gift card. LOL)
  22. I do think sometimes people are trying to be rude and nasty, but they are just miserable people. You can point it out, but I don't know that they even care! I have pointed out a couple of times when people are venting, and others just jump them, then they try to justify their rudeness. Okay. Other times I think (on here) sometimes things can just be read wrong. It is hard to tell exactly how someone is trying to say something without hearing their voice and seeing their face.
  23. Holy crap! Thank you for your dooms day prediction and your belief that God is "shaken people off". I guess the tectonic plates moving had nothing to do with it? Yeah, your belief. Honestly I am a devout Catholic. I have been my entire life. Yet your posts are always just so.....ugh, I can't even think of the word! You always put it out and then say don't argue, fine, then don't put it out if you do not want a response. I am sure many believers of God have been hurt, injured, or killed in many natural disasters. My hearts go out to them, and I do not use a tragedy as a way to say someone
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