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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Like driving around in our humongous vehicle? What short term gratification? Yes, this is horrible, yes, there will be ramifications from it, but instead of throwing around catch phrases, what would you suggest we do? We need oil for the foreseeable future. Alternate energy is great, but can it truly replace everything oil is used for within a reasonable time frame? I am not being snarky. I am really asking questions. It seems so easy to throw blame left and right, and BP should have had something better in place, and we should have accepted help from others willing to come and help,
  2. For the love all all things....someone needs to get rid of all these "identifying" posts! If someone wants to search for the info, which is out there, let them search, don't leave it up for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Whitey, RR...I am sorry that someone does not see that making those type of posts are wrong. The people making them should be ashamed of themselves. This has gone far beyond anything I would have thought. Leave a poster's personal information personal. (I don't believe these folks are running in any election)
  3. Whitey~ Thank you. This is the type of opinion/personal experience that is wanted by many.(I do like to know the voting history of a candidate, but most of that is easily gained. This is stuff that can sway someone if everything else is equal) You gave me a reason and example of why to vote for Pownall. You also explained your reasoning of why you do not think his not taking a salary is a stunt but part of who he is. This is way more informative, at least to me, than you telling me of who not to vote for and slamming them to back up your position.
  4. This place has a boatload of great info and I do love to read others opinions on restaurants, stores, and local businesses! I have found many places I might not have otherwise went to without the recommendations. I also enjoy (well not the mean spirited play) hearing about the local politics. It is very interesting especially when we do have many knowledgeable participants. Most are always ready to help you, answer a question, participate in fun topics, and even debate you until they turn blue! I love it here.
  5. LOL. I always thought I talked a lot, now I need to learn how to type a lot! Have fun getting there!
  6. Mmmmmmmmm tomato and hot pepper sandwich! I thought I was the only one that did that! What kind of hot pepper do you use, and please do not tell me you ruin it with mayo! LOL
  7. I know between this and the Miley Cyrus thread..... I am really at a loss for words.
  8. No it is the same. Hoarding is getting excessive amounts of possessions and the inability to get rid of them. (Attachment to items, even garbage) I do not think that it has been defined in the book of mental disorders, but it is truly sad that people are like this. Something that seems so easy to fix, yet for them it can be physical sickening to get rid of something.
  9. There is an ending, but it is left open for a continuation if picked up. I know the ratings were not high at the time, but with LOST now over it fits a niche people want. Nothing coming up in the fall lineup will cover what has been LOST. I would watch it. You will have answers.
  10. Thank you! I thought I had seen the same M&O, but I did not know if something had changed. The rates can not go much higher can they? (I was thinking "cap") Each year our taxes have gone up (which btw has been EVERY year) they have adjusted my escrow within months. Why would they not with going down? (Can you tell I am not a taxes girl? LOL. I do appreciate the answers!)
  11. Don't be silly! This whole thread has been interesting.
  12. Seriously? Name calling is ridiculous. If you agree or not with a lifestyle choice you do not have to resort to name calling. I am sure you must be perfect, right? I think that is what a lot of people need to look at. I do not want a lot of "fighting", but I do not want everyone agreeing on every little detail. The overall goal should be to make Paulding a better place, but there is a lot to be said about having a voice to say, "maybe this would work better" instead of, "yes."
  13. Could someone with tax knowledge respond to the above post? I thought the mileage rate is already set?
  14. Great idea! I have not made my decision in this race and for the first part of this thread my personal thought was, "not another politician doing something we have to look into!" I realized when I did get to the end it was standard practice and above board, but you are right, how many of us read all of these threads from first to last post. Whether intended or not, it does seem to cast him in a bad light from the beginning. (and the jabs along the way do not help) I do think everyone does deserve and have a right to question anything they are concerned with during a campaign and beyo
  15. Thank you for posting! I really wanted to try again, but I just could not get past the condition of the last store. (not that I blame them, but I just couldn't shop there) I love the new location, I can hit a few places at once.
  16. Exactly! Every year, even last, ours went up. I would appeal. Did not get mine today.
  17. That is good to hear. Clarify: I figured I would have to do all kinds of work and be down at the court house because ours went up last year, and I was not paying the taxes on that amount again! So knowing that someones went down (as it should in this market) might save me a lot of work.
  18. Great post! I also think that people made too much out of them saying that he would not be there for Father's Day. It was a family statement, not from the SM, so unless they were all in on it, I would think it was just a statement of sadness that a holiday was (most likely) happening without him.
  19. I think summer, outside and Father's Day weekend makes for not a good choice of an event date. Especially the holiday weekend. Maybe next time Paulding GOP will look at those things. Plus the advertising should have been much better. I really do not think Paulding is 90% republican. BTW: The airport is usable? (Yes, I am totally out of the loop on that!)
  20. Glad I could bring you over to my side of confusion! LOL We need a PCAC for Dummys manual at this point.
  21. I am coming up with 13 dogs. ?? Me too!! I seem to be confused in a lot of threads lately.
  22. Can someone fill me in on why a rescue would have to return dogs? That makes no sense to me.
  23. Shall a special one percent (1%) sales and use tax be imposed in the special district of Paulding County for a period of time not to exceed six (6) years and for the raising of an estimated amount of $ 20,622,904.00 for The Public Safety Facilities Capital Outlay Projects; for the raising of an estimated amount of $ 53,102,948.00 for The Road, Street and Bridge Capital Outlay Projects; for raising of an estimated amount of $ 20,114,920.00 for The Recreational Facilities Capital Outlay Projects; for the raising of an estimated amount of $ 1,159,228.00 for The Economic Development F
  24. If it weren't for p.com I would have not known about it. I do not get a local paper delivered. I would say, the not known, the heat, it being summer and many being on vacation, going to weddings, reunions, etc., and being Father's Day weekend had more to do with it then people being disenfranchised with the party.
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