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Everything posted by winston1972

  1. I'm going to pretend to be a republican and say that we need to get rid of all welfare, end EMTALA, privatize everything and get rid of child labor laws, the EPA, FDA and all consumer protection organizations. Problems solved!
  2. I have a real problem with anyone or anything (animal)being exploited by government, a corporation or another individual.
  3. Thank you. Of course they won't.
  4. So you are OK with companies using slave child labor in 3rd world countries and destroying another countries environment to yield the income to pay a CEO 50 million a year???
  5. They've been listening to too much prosperity proganda from the pew...
  6. and 50 million a year is a little too much for a CEO...
  7. It saddens me to know end that many on this board believe that those that are unable to afford to fund a private retirement plan of their own are considered scum of the earth and deserve their lot in life. When your grandchildren are living in conditions similar to Bangladesh...... Financial conditions can quickly deteriotate over a few years. For example, I have a 250 month health insurance premium. Just got a notice that it will go up to 292 amonth. At that rate of increase, my premiums will double in a little over three years and in 8 years assuming a 20% increase every year I'm at a
  8. . There is money on top and bottom of it and in the middle is cut out for the device. It looks like a regular stack of $$$. Same with dye pack and if the pack goes out the door it sets off the device. Its been a while since I was in that area of the bank but I'd imagine the technology is similar now. Not to mention the silent alarm in the teller till that goes off if the pack is pulled. If you ever go through a turn style or foyer type set of doors at a bank-- some branches are equipped to lock someone in there in the event of a robbery.
  9. Completely agree. I remember graduating from college wanting to be a union organizer but alas I'm from Alabama and there weren't too many of those around.. However, just with any organized body, they are not perfect. Am I completely happy with some of them absolutely not. I'd like to see some reform within within ones and new unions pop up for professional level positions. I know plenty of engineers, accounting and IT folks who are working 60-70 hour weeks with no overtime. Someone needs to be looking out for their interests too. I always suggest people read Upton Sinclair's The Jungl
  10. Yikes! When I was in the banking industry a while back track packs were typically only used in the higher risk areas due to cost and lowerr risk areas were fitted with dye packs.
  11. They had them the last time I was at the Dollar Tree in Hiram sometime last year.
  12. I was really excited to see their store brand not have high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oil in it. A loaf of bread was under 1.50, Normally pay upwards of $3 for a loaf without that stuff in it,
  13. My value went up 18,000. Guess if they are raising everyone's value THEY DO NOT NEED THEY MILLAGE INCREASE FOR FIRE!!! I'm calling now to tell them how I feel!
  14. I went yesterday and thought most of the pricing was as good or better than Kroger on many of the things I buy. I will shop there a good bit since its the store closest to me but I love Ingles on Nebo...
  15. Had some promising clouds earlier but sun is out and I guess I have to water the garden...
  16. Yep. I'm voting for anyone who doesn't have an "I" beside their name. In 2,4, or 6 years I'll do the same again...
  17. I really wish there was more vocational education in high schools as not everyone has the mental or financial ability or desire to attend a 4 year college and it would be nice for kids to come out of high school with some marketable skill. Many of the vocational programs once available in high schools are now what is taught in for profit and tech schools. But of course leave it to corporate america and our gov't to make out like bandits with 8% or more tuition increases each year and on student loan $$$. Why give 'em something for nothing when you can screw 'em over and make 'em debt slav
  18. We keep getting these offers from our servicer- Chase for a no out of pocket expense refi for another 30 year at a rate that is higher than you could if you shopped around. We decided against it because we didn't want another 30 year, maybe a 15 and we honestly don't trust banks, especially in light of all the issues surrounding who really owns the loan and in many cases the original paperwork has been lost and they would love nothing better than to get new paperwork with a clear chain of ownership, etc
  19. You beat me to it. That 2nd one could pass for a transvestite.
  20. Are kids required to participate in these boondoggles?
  21. Bring it on. Can't wait to see what I am re-incarnated as in my next life.
  22. In Alabama for example in unincorporated sections of some counties, residential households are charged a fixed fee each year for fire service, along with a library fee, these are escrowed. FYI--I have a major problem with someone who has a 1 million house paying more for services via ad valorem taxes than a lower priced home. Usually, there is an inverse relationship between taxes collected vs. services used.
  23. A lot has changed in 100+ years.
  24. Postman- We moved here from out of state in 2006 from a state where most people were born and raised there. It took us a while to figure out was "different" about people in GA. The difference my husband and I finally came up with was that a large number of people are from other places besides GA, they moved here primarely for personal advancement, many see it as a temporary home as they move on to greener pastures elsewhere, have no roots here and since they don't plan on staying here make no attempt to make it better as they have no vested interest in it and could basically care less ab
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