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Everything posted by winston1972

  1. Kmart the summer between high school and college as a cashier. They paid time 1/2 for Sundays and paid in cash weekly. Of course, by the time you got to the front, you had spent it all.
  2. What is great about it is that you can participate in online study groups, but local is even better-- I imagine it being kind of like a book club..
  3. Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one and sometimes they stink...
  4. Our illegal immigration problems would be solved if we adopted Mexico's illegal immigration laws. Its very tough.
  5. I'm reasonably good with numbers and am considering taking some actuary tests. Supposedly with 2-3 tests under your belt you can get a good job starting in the 40's and perhaps higher. Not what I was making but for a minimal investment of 200 a pop a test, and a lot of the study materials are online and if you need refreshers in calaculus, etc., there are plenty of freebies out there including khan academy and MIT open courseware. I love MIT open courseware I've been learning alot obout physics. The other thing I had looked at was the CFA, but a glut of them and the test and materials are
  6. Not bad if he/she can get it but they are competing against 100s/1000s of other applicants..
  7. Thanks for the article. Very interesting and thought provoking.
  8. 1000 thumbs up.. Funny as H*LL!! and some truth in there too.. Needed that good laugh!
  9. It's not my fault OR problem to fix the issue of your illegal parents screwing your life up!!! Can't get into a top tiered GA college, not my problem, can't get a professional job or certification, not my problem-- take it up with your parents!!! There are not enough jobs for legal citizens now! Go home to your country and fix your own country's problems.
  10. I've long suspected that I have a touch of Asperger's too...
  11. I've heard so much cr*p on both candidates for Commissioner and most others it not even funny. Same as last time and the time before. No one seems to care about what the issues are. Heck, if God was running for office in this County I'm sure people would be making stuff up.. I suspect things will really heat up between now and early voting..
  12. http://www.11alive.com/news/article/244805/40/Paulding-County-pays-ex-chairmans-travel
  13. Sounds like and entrapment thread to me and with a certain candidate I've heard is sue happy these days, I think people should pass on this one....
  14. China and India's economy are slowing, India's rating was lowered to near junk. Argentina recently enacted capital controls. In theory things should be getting FUGLY sooner rather than later but never underestimate TPTB's ability to kick the can down the road.
  15. We are a rare bunch that are deep thinkers and always on the quest for the truth.. We definately march to beat of our ownd drummer.
  16. You might like this Postman. Its the Briggs Myers and has 16 personalitiy types. I am INTJ the rarest of all for women... http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp
  17. It's late so I lack the time nor the inclination to delve deeply into this. But GDP is calculated GDP= Consumer Spending+Investment+Government Spending +/- imports (trade deficit or surplus), GDP= (money supply+ credit)* velocity Its simplistic to point to an increase in GDP without delving into the components, factoring GDP growth vs. inflation rate or looking at the increase of credit vs. GDP, the rate at which money is changing hand (velocity, think of the cash being hoarded by banks, on loan to the FED and by Corporate America).. Its kind of like having a 0% unemployment rate
  18. The study of business cycles is quite fascinating. The K wave, Martin Armstrong and The Fourth Turning are all worthwhile readings. Additionally,ECRI and cycles research institute are facinating reads on agriculture, weather, busines and their correlations...
  19. Yet if we had a scholarship for whites only everyone would be screaming RACIST...
  20. There have been several cases involving bystanders watching a rape who were later arrested.... Postman-- I can't remember who said it but I agree with it completely--the middle class won't give a d*** until their children go hungry...
  21. I have wondered about them. We have been fortunate that we have not been sick and have needed to get any prescription filled. I really like using independent pharmacists over the chains any day.
  22. or All animals are created equal but some are more equal than other..
  23. I love the Serenity Prayer but I believe in the concept of Ubuntu---"I am what I am because of who we all are"
  24. Woukd we be having this discussion if LaRaza or the Black Panthers wanted to adopt a mile?
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