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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm against Deal. I'm against politicians in general. I think Roy can do a better job because I think Deal is an extremist. Really, it doesn't matter. The governor can't do anything by himself. He can't raise or lower taxes. All he can do is direct our reaction to the ride.
  2. If it is a hoax, how did they get it in all copies of the film?
  3. I tried to be as open ended as possible, praying for the wit you could give on that one. I don't think it is a radio but I don't know what it could be either.
  4. Dammit. I hate it when the Mother Ship comes for its annual oil change.
  5. Doesn't have to be a tower in 1928; it only has to exist in a dimension that could transmit in the dimensional time of 1928. Where was Gene Roddenberry in 1928?
  6. I saw that on TV and had watched the You Tube only a few minutes b4 you posted this. Really strange.
  7. They started taxing Social Security in the mid 80s and raised the retirement age in order to make it a solvent program. Now we need money for roads, the military, prescription drug program, education, etc.
  8. Bipartisan group. They've gotta come up with ways to cut spending and raise revenue. Got to pay for Social Security, Medicare and the Military that make up 2/3 of our budget and will be 80% in another 20 years. Even if we cut out all spending on transportation (roads, airports, everything) and all education spending, we would still have a deficit just from the Big Three alone in a few years. So we cut some of the big three and deal with the fourth option - raise taxes. Cutting deductions is one of those ways to increase revenue. Gotta pay for the wars and the stuff we give our seniors
  9. They write the laws and they exempted themselves.
  10. Nope. You can still vote even with tax problems.
  11. Should people who owe back taxes be allowed to vote? We complain about the candidates and the taxes they owe intentionally or mess up on the tax filing and end up owing money. If we hold the candidates to a standard where we make their taxes an issue, why don't we hold all voters to the same standard?
  12. Paulding Wellstar. Same doctors as at Kennestone.
  13. According to him (and you) and that is the what he was saying in the post in question. Let me ask you what station was being discussed in that context to which you replied to my post? What network was the thread about? What were the two opposite models PSD and I were discussing? What other model is there? Come on. You can admit you messed up. It is not hard. Say it. One word at a time. Won't kill you.
  14. This is absolutely hilarious! Everyone agrees the "they" refers to the "liberals" or "liberal biased radio" (NPR) and those were your choices. It is one or the other and everyone agrees. OK. So what "liberals" or "liberal biased radio" is being discussed? Answer: NPR. BTW, Mr. D, you might want to go back to the thread and re-read what I wrote. I even said the "they" refered to the Liberals and the Liberal Bias. And exactly who were the Liberals/Bias in that context if not NPR since it revolved around the commercial verses the non-commercial advertising formats? Hmmmm. Me thinks you reall
  15. Let's put this whole thread in context and start at the beginning of where this post is placed. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/256349-i-am-disturbed-by-the-juan-williams-firing/page__view__findpost__p__3293715
  16. Riiiiight. You keep that story up and it might just work for ya one day. You're right. Give me what they want the news to be so they don't have to be confronted with reality and it is like candy.
  17. As far as I know, as long as you're paying something, they won't sue but they will call and send mail and otherwise harass. I don't know that for sure but that is what I've always heard.
  18. Please. The topic and the tangential discussion was about NRP and how it funded verses the commercial model of Fox News. If you want to deny the obvious, go right on ahead. Your grammar could only be used to refer to "liberal" and "liberal bias" since you were responding directly to my post and your post directed back to the sentence. What station in this entire discussion could that "liberal" and "liberal bias" possibly refer? Now you're just being dishonest. I'm done.
  19. Ok. Then who is "They" if not referring back to the previous sentence of "liberal radio?"
  20. NPR doesn't endorse candidates. Will you apologize for saying something that is not true? Fox News gives listens what they want to hear, not what the news is. It is called "itching ears" and Fox News is more than happy to heap onto the masses what they want to hear. I think that is in the Bible, isn't it? Ever read that book? Amazing what you will find in there. Of course, I'm not saying the Bible is saying Fox News is like false prophets who get paid to say what the people want to hear. I would never say that. But hey, we all know that the more educated people are, the less likely the
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