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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. You know, that's not a bad idea. Let's be fair. Fox News will stop accepting advertising revenue and operate on donations and endowments. Let's be fair.
  2. Update on the time line. Williams was told several times that his appearing on Fox undermined his credibility since it made him appear to agree with Fox News right wing slant. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/10/21/130717991/after-comments-about-muslims-npr-terminates-juan-williams-contract&sc=nl&cc=es-20101024 Like covering up the Tillman problem? Or discharging gay soldiers who serve our nation to protect all our freedom?
  3. Right. NPR is trying to stay above all that. The problem is not what he said (we all feel that way, if we're honest) but that NPR cannot have it's objectivity for news even having the appearance of bias. Williams had been on Fox saying things for a long while. When you play with Fox's Fire, you're gonna get burned. It's not what he said was wrong but that he brought NPR into question. The whole thing sucks.
  4. Damn. Didn't even know the profile said "male." Edited it. Maybe I need another avatar. Guess I could use another picture.
  5. Typos? You've got me confused with some other hot chick. I only slammed on Anonymoose (the asshat) for his typos. Never got on anyone else. The idiots are gone from there? Why are you over here?
  6. It was the same poster. Nature Girl. Glad you think NPR is "undeserved market." Reminds me. How are things at Paulding Voice?
  7. Yeah it does. Page 28 The anti-Catholic Know Nothing Party. Remember that? They built on the anti-immigration platform, mainly European Catholics?
  8. Don't you remember Al Smith? JFK? These were in all history books. Remember the Know Nothing Party? Religion in the southern states: a historical study Scholastic Teacher's Aid
  9. Any American history book will have it in the index. That's common knowledge. Wiki Link Wiki 2 Link Wiki 3 Link Wapedia Link Rackleff's article
  10. At one time, it was quite common for Jews and Catholics to be discriminated against in the South by employment practices, houses not being sold to them, etc.
  11. Yep. That's the law pretty much everywhere regarding fair housing. It is illegal to discriminate. We've seen that movie before where certain religions don't get houses sold to them because of their religion, e.g., Jews and Catholics. The same law prohibits asking for a white roommate too. And to answer Lappie's question, the law says any religion, not just Christianity. Here's the quote from the article, just for you.
  12. Another vote of confidence! About Willams, I agree with you. I don't like what they decided but they do have to make sure their reporters are above the Fox News Spin in order to be taken as completely objective. Don't like it. Understand it.
  13. We're all set for your explanation. I'll repost it so you can go point by point and explain how you got that.
  14. How in the hell did you get that out of her post?
  15. Since you've entered this dry and desolate corner of the world wide web, there is an oasis of life-giving hope; a spring of cool water in a dreadful dungeon of Palinesque tyranny. Thank you for coming to the rescue of paulding.com.
  16. Woohoo right back atcha! I would kiss you for this but it might give people the wrong idea about me and you.
  17. Not at all. What is GA doing to bring our state in line with the human decency other states are doing? I agree! This is a vital topic that all Americans should discuss because it is about human beings and the basic decency our society should extend to all citizens. It is no more political or religious than the football games. Granted, some want to make it political or religious for the purposes of control of a whole sub set of citizens, but that is their problem. Society needs to discuss this and come out of the dark ages.
  18. Twenty years from now, we will look back at our prejudice towards gay Americans like we see the 60s Civil Rights movement. That's not politics. That's human decency.
  19. My religious views are irrelevant because American citizens are judged by our laws. God judges the conscience. But you were the one who said this is a religious thread so that must mean you want the courts to apply the bible to our laws. So you are opposed to Sharia Law but not the Bible as our law book. Pot. Kettle. I found this recent thread something you might want to read. Please don't make this thread religious like you are fond of doing.
  20. I'm sorry but what was your answer to the question? That would mean you must think homosexuality is a sin. Is that true or not?
  21. Thank goodness we don't have Sharia Law or the Bible as the law of the land either! The judged ruled on the law, not on what is "sin."
  22. You were the one who said religion is involved, not anybody else. That would mean you must think homosexuality is a sin. Is that true or not?
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