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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. But it does keep many kids in school to get the eduction. It can be sports, band, choir, academic teams or any host of things. Education gives people a chance and all the studies show that kids involved in activities tend to stay in school, get better grades and stay out of trouble.
  2. There is nowhere left to cut. If we cut education to the point where there are sports or extras, the only kids that will get those things are the kids whose parents have money. The families that have little cannot afford those things. Sports and activities is what keeps many kids in school and gives them a fighting chance to break out of the poverty they are in. If we keep cutting, what we will have left is a permanent underclass of mostly minority students. Maybe that is what some want. Can we afford that?
  3. That's just it. They don't get the same belt or ribbons or anything else. They just don't. And it is wrong to say they do. To say kids are coddled is a knee jerk reaction to shout trite statements that simply have no basis in fact. They are sound bites and not truthful. What parents do is another matter and has always been an issue. There was even a Little House on the Prairie episode about it. The philosophers of the ancient world talked about it. My parents said it about my friends. It is said, yes, but kids today are no different than kids of 500 years ago, unless you want to say our entire
  4. So we're willing to sacrifice the education of the kids for a political statement today. This is a Republican who said there is no more fat left to cut. It's either raise taxes or cut services.
  5. Guess those roads, schools and services will be cut back. We just don't have the money. And all the politicians vowed to cut taxes which means even less money for the state. My Link "There's no fat left in state government," said Harbin.
  6. The problem is the kid does fail. So what exactly are you trying to say? Are you honestly trying to say that is the reason for low test scores? How then do you explain the scores of kids that do participate in sports of all kinds are generally higher than non-sport participants?
  7. Words have meaning. When you learn to properly construct a sentence and say what you mean, let me know. In the meantime, I will continue to wonder how you could possibly say that learning to win and lose has any bearing whatsoever on our children's test scores.
  8. Excuse me? I agree with this. I disagree with your statement that the reason our kids are falling further and further behind other counties is because have trouble learning how to win and how to lose. That is what I disagree with. Making that jump is like diving into a wormhole and ending up in the Triangulum Emission Garren Nebula. And that is whatyou said.
  9. I understood your point. I just disagree with it. No one is saying kids shouldn't be competitive. No one is saying there isn't a problem with parents. No one is saying the kids shouldn't learn to compete and work hard and earn the right to advance. What I am saying is that your idea that the reason our kids are falling further and further behind other counties is because have trouble learning how to win and how to lose. That is what I disagree with. Making that jump is like diving into a wormhole and ending up in the Triangulum Emission Garren Nebula.
  10. Then what is your point? The article was not about a school team but a rec league.
  11. It's an example of how society takes its mores and inserts them into the Bible to determine sin and righteousness. My hot pants in 70s damned near got me expelled from school and the church.
  12. On the other hand, the Good Lord made you butt naked and knows what we look like butt naked too. I think it is more about what is appropriate than what is "sinful." But people have always confused personal preference and modesty with what is sinful. I do agree there is a limit but it is determined by society at large and not the Bible. IMHO.
  13. This is a good read. An small magazine named Cooks Source published a blog post about apple pie from blogger Monica Gaudi. Cooks Source lifted the article and didn't pay Gaudi, though the magazine did give her the byline. Gaudi took offense and fired off a nasty email to the magazine, asking for an apology and a donation to the Columbia School of Journalism. The magazine editor said that that sort of stuff happens all the time and as long as a name credit was given, it was no big deal. In fact, the magazine's editor said compensating Gaudi was out of the question. Here's an excerpt fr
  14. I don't think it is social media that destroys the marriage but it sure as hell can make it easier to be busted. Just an interesting read. My Link
  15. In Paulding County of 50 years ago women wearing pants was as sinful as drinking, believing in evolution or being gay. My. How interpretations have changed.
  16. Who said anything about winners or losers? We're talking about a private football league whose members get to make that decision. They did. As those kids get older, they will learn all about winning and losing and so will all kids. Just don't put the adult version of win/lose on them and crush them. That doesn't do anyone any good. These are kids. If adults want to win/lose, go play fantasy sports. Kids need to learn to be both competitive and cooperative. Otherwise we end up in a Highlander World where there can be only one. A lack of compassion seems to be what many adults have learned t
  17. I thought we were all about free enterprise here? If the other teams don't want to play the Sedalia team, they have the right to forfeit the games, do they not? I don't know if Sedalia recruited players or what - don't care either - but apparantely it was something big enough that the other teams all agreed to not play Sedalia. I've been on both sides this and neither is pretty. You see a team getting whipped and it's not fun for either side and does nothing to help the losing players except frustrate them (these are kids and not adults and no matter how "grown up" you think they are or
  18. "Good news" doesn't sell advertising space because people don't want to hear or talk about "good news." Just look at this place. The things that get talked about are bad news and Bitchfests. Good news has never sold and never will.
  19. There had better not be more to the story. The required public meeting means all the information has to come out in that meeting. If something else was there that didn't come out, someone is looking at some serious charges.
  20. A meeting at the World Council of Churches headquarters in Geneva between leaders of the Muslim and Christian communities has condemned the deadly attacks in Iraq on Our Lady of Salvation Chaldean Catholic Church in Baghdad. It killed 58 and injured many more. CNN reportedthat al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq had declared Christian organizations in the country "legitimate targets" for holy war. The great news is that the leaders from both faiths not only condemned the attack but called for formation of a working group to be mobilized whenever a crisis involving conflict between Muslims and Chr
  21. Why even bring up the personal relationship or the fighting with an ex of her fiancée? Who the hell cares? That is between her, her fiancée and the ex and is not the board's business since it didn't impede her work in any way and she did nothing illegal. My God! school systems are so petty, political and pissy.
  22. Michigan suthorities found no reasonable cause to believe there was a violation of the Fair Housing Act in the case of a woman who posted an ad for a "female Christian roommate" on her church bulletin board and someone complained about the ad. In its Oct. 28 Determination of No Reasonable Cause, HUD said: The statement issued by the Michigan Department of Civil Rightsemphasized that it had never implied during its investigation that there was a violation of law. It went on to say: Under the Fair Housing Act, HUD's determination does not preclude filing of a f
  23. Ok. Then I must be missing something because San Francisco didn't take away any choice. So can you explain how that is socialism? And are you saying that anyone who disagrees with you on this is a socialist not a true American?
  24. That's a good answer. Not sure I agree with all of it but it is a good answer. In this case, the choice is still there but there is no free Shreck figurine.
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