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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. This is not political or religious. It was an interesting news article. The Navy is denying the guy his right to CO status. That is his right as an American. The news is that the government isn't honoring the law. Since when do we lock people up for their religious convictions?
  2. The guy has every right to change his religion and the law requires an honorable discharge for CO status.
  3. That's not right. His religion is between him and God and neither you nor the government have any right to interfere. His obligation is to his conscience first. He is willing to pay it back so the money is not the problem. Just because his religion is different than yours doesn't give you the right to discriminate against him. People cannot help when they have a religious conversion or fall in love. If he had a car wreck and was unable to serve, would you demand he stay in? Or if had a mental breakdown? Give the human factor a break here. He has to obey his god first
  4. But it is his right. You may not like it, but it is his right to believe as he does.
  5. If you people had taken the few seconds to read the article, you would have seen that he wants to pay the government back the cost of the tuition. You would also have seen that the military chaplains are supporting his petition. The guy is not a coward. He has a different set of beliefs that didn't happen until after a short while on active duty. Everyone has the right to change their religion. You may not believe in his religion but he does have the right to hold it.
  6. A naval officer on active duty at Groton naval base, has filed suit challenging the Navy's refusal to discharge him as a conscientious objector. Ensign Michael Izbicki alleged that after he graduated the Naval Academy, he developed religious beliefs and he ultimately concluded that he could not take someone's life or aid others in doing so. The petition cites a long list of erroneous assertions made by the Navy in rejecting Izbick's two applications for CO status. My Link
  7. Looks like the idea of a workout is good in a lot of ways. Preventing (some prevention anyway) the development of a cold is a good reason to keep on that treadmill. My Link
  8. Sounds like fun but I don't give it much the chance of a snow ball in hell. A Muggle's Dream
  9. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Oklahoma have recently banned these drinks too. These drinks are just too dangerous. It's about protecting the public.
  10. It's about time! These drinks have super high caffeine content, making the alcohol not even felt until it the person is way drunk. The state did the right thing to limit the danger of these. My Link My Other Link for Background
  11. A cowboy walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then causally looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?" "No," he replies, "I just got this state-of the-art watch, and I was just testing it." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" The cowboy explains, "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically." The lady says, "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any panties." The woman giggles and
  12. Roads. That is not in the Constitution. Be gone. State parks. No more. Health inspectors. You're on your own at the buffet. Child Services. Abused kids are on their own too. Environmental Protection Agency. Why? Those are a few places to start, eh?
  13. Whatever kid it was that built and launched her science project, she wins.
  14. Somebody messed up and they don't want to admit it. CIA maybe?
  15. Not one bit. No changes in spending. If taxes do go up, they will go back to 2008 levels. Most folks don't even realize the tax cut that took place under Obama so it won't even phase most people. Just look at the tax tables and anyone can see the cuts. I doubt if any increases will pass for a while anyway.
  16. Not talking about individuals but about an idea that has been around since the days of integration. Vouchers cannot begin to fund a private education and the result would be the parents with means can afford the costs and the parents that cannot, won't. The result are schools that can never improve, with the least paid teachers, the lowest performing students, the lowest socio-economics and a permanent underclass filled with minorities.
  17. Then I hope you never see you post anything about test scores or how the "school system" is doing since, according to you, that is all the parents' responsibility.
  18. I see you want cuts to everything that doesn't touch you. Maybe we should cut all road funding. Maybe cut out all state funding to education and let each school system fund itself. How about cutting all health inspectors? Pay raises for state employees can be cut? That means teachers get no pay raises, the GSP or GBI get no pay raise. Is that part of your radical idea too? Here's an idea: everyone pays another 1 cent per $100 purchase. Just 1 cent. All that adds up. Then maybe we could continue to fund education and roads, at least. Would you be opposed to that?
  19. Absolutely they want to dismantle public education and have been trying to do so since the 60s. First they fought integration. Then they tried to de-fund education with vouchers. Now they want to dismantle its funding at the state level - or at least make it so that the poor and minorities are stuck somewhere else. The goal is to direct money for indoctrination instead of education and to keep "the others in their place."
  20. Yes. Lots of them. I know of many kids whose parents didn't give a damn but the sport or activity, coupled with some camaraderie from other students and good help from teachers, gave the kid a reason to stay in school. Some of those kids are PC Finest right now. Or serving in the military. Or are now teachers.
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