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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Now you're saying government can come between a person and his god. Doesn't that violate what the apostles said in Acts? And what corner are you talking about here? Doesn't the law say a person who is a CO can be discharged honorably? So what are you saying is wrong here, if the guy is genuine. Is the law wrong or is his religion wrong? Or is your view of god wrong?
  2. Your god "understands." Now you want the federal government to decide what god says for everyone?
  3. Read the link. Read the link. Read the link. Then come back and try again. You don't get to decide what their religious views are.
  4. I guess you didn't read the link in the first post. He said he cannot physically participate in the action. The Quakers believe that the tax money is required to be a good citizen but what the government does with that is up to government and on their heads, but believers shouldn't actively engage in the destruction of life. That is their religious faith and you don't get to decide if it is worthy of protection or not. If the guy really had a religious experience, then he shouldn't be forced to sin. No one says I get to decide.
  5. I think Jesus said to pay the taxes. What was it the apostles said in Acts about how they must obey god rather than man when it comes to matters of the conscience? But that's really not the news for this is. Why are you trying to change the subject? I agree. But when the military chaplains agree the guy is real and he went through the channels to handle this the right way to begin with, then maybe there is something to it. That's why there is a lawsuit. No problem with that part. I have a problem with the forced service if the guy is real. That I cannot go along with.
  6. If that's what he did, then he should not be given the discharge at all. I'm not arguing that at all. I'm pointing out that too many on here are quick to say his conscience doesn't matter and he should be forced to serve anyway. That is what I have a problem with. When that happens, is freedom really there?
  7. No, Sweetheart, I did get it. You said the guy should let government come between him and god. That's what you said. And, no, lover, I'm not posting under a new name but did start posting after some changes in my career allowed me more free time. Now I don't quite understand how we can want the fed to tell someone that their experience with Jesus is not genuine. Can you explain that one? The guy has offered to pay the cost back. It happens. It is unfortunate. Maybe the military should have done a better job in screening the kid before giving him the ride to Annapolis?
  8. So government is not "man." Got it. And you know this guy misunderstood Jesus, how? The military chaplains think differtenly.
  9. So that whole thing about obeying god and not man is only good talk on Sundays, right?
  10. Because his family is not even the topic. It was in the MDJ. It mentioned EPHS lost a good kicker and (right or wrong) EPHS got slammed. Maybe what he said has some merit? Has anyone considered that?
  11. We found something on which we can agree. Do we apply that to test scores to determine what schools/teachers are effective in order to run schools competitively in the free market?
  12. He doesn't live with his parents. Bad family situation that doesn't need to be discussed here.
  13. Driving drunk is an act of his own choosing. A tornado (my edited example) or an accident not of his doing, is an act of God. So Jesus finds him after he graduates and you want to force him to not honor what Jesus told him?
  14. But Jesus told him something totally different about killing, or did you not understand that part when you read it? Jesus found him on Jesus' time table, not yours. Would you demand he be dishonorably discharged if he is injured in a tornado (act of God) and couldn't serve anymore?
  15. And since when do you decide what Jesus told him? Has his experience with Jesus made him dishonorable? So are you saying he should obey the Navy and not god? He is asking the Navy follow the law that allows CO status. He has done nothing wrong. If his religion says he can't kill anyone or support that operation, why would the government want him in there anyway? He has done nothing wrong to get a dishonorable discharge. Would you say that anyone who believes that way is dishonoring their country?
  16. He had an experience with Jesus. Do you consider that worthy of dishonor?
  17. That's why he should be discharged according to the law.
  18. Since when does the Navy get to force religious views on personnel or decide whose religion is worthwhile and which is not? The law allows for CO status whether a draftee or not. Maybe that same Jesus is telling two people two different things ... or are you deciding what Jesus tells people also? You may also recall that each case is tried on its own merits. This is news and not political or a discussion of what religion says about war. I would hope that if this thread starts discussing what religion says about war that those posts get moved since that is not what the news story is abo
  19. The chaplains support his petition. He can't help when he finds faith. It just isn't right for the government to force a certain religious view on everyone when we are in Afghanistan fighting against that very thing.
  20. Saw this in the Marietta Daily Journal. EPHS lost a great kicker. MDJ Link
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