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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. We've always been divided along party lines. This is nothing new. The election of Jefferson was so nasty that it makes what we see today like a middle school class president straw poll.
  2. I just read the article about ten big name companies, whose names we all recognize, that might no longer be around in a couple of years. Blockbuster is gone? Kia Motors? T Mobile? Times are certainly changing.
  3. Ummmm. You might want to re-check that date. We didn't kick any British Ass until after 1776.
  4. I remember watching Leave It to Beaver and those kids walked the street a lot. Same with Andy Griffith Show as Opie and Friends were always going all over town, walking down the road. I remember as a kid in the 70s going down to the lakes below the house with lots of friends and spending all day. We tend to view society through a filter that fits whatever parenting mode we are in.
  5. I was listening to the radio last week and there is a blog where the 20-something asked people to write a letter to their younger self. The response was huge. Some people told their younger self to lighten up while others said to be more serious. What would you like to say to your younger self? Here's mine. Yes, there is life after 21 and you need to listen to what you want instead of what everybody else is telling you is best. Sure, they all agree and think they know best but only you know what you're feeling. Don't do anything based on what everyone says is the "right" thing. MAKE TH
  6. If you feel that strongly, perhaps you should use some of "your money" and file a lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of taxing for the purpose of parks and rec. That way you can have your position clarified by the court. If you are absolutely certain that it is not the government's place, I'm 100% positive an attorney would love to take your case and would do so for free since it would be a big deal. I would caution you, though, since the Constitution does give government that authority. So I guess it really is the government's place to tax fo that purpose. Now I will go back to my
  7. But it is the government's place to do that, too! By providing those services, the general community is enhanced for the benenfit of everyone. It is part of what attracts businesses. It helps families that can't afford to pay for entirely private sports. It helps us all when we all have the areas available.
  8. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you like Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement. Am I right? You are that demographic. Government workers doing fundraisers for parks and rec. Now there's a Tea Party idea for you. I hope you know (most people do) that the cross walks are required by federal regulations to be at every new stop light.
  9. Thank you for clearing this up! It is good to know that a politician did something honest and upright and there was nothing illegal or unethical going on! Let' me know that maybe Stout deserves another look for my vote since he had done the right thing all along. I wasn't planning on voting for him at all but now that I know he had done something honestly, I will certainly reconsider. Thanks!
  10. I get one every month from Johnny Isakson, Saxby Chambliss and Phil Gingrey. All three came in the last two weeks. Just one of the perks of being an incumbent.
  11. Right next to First Baptist Church. Can't miss it.
  12. He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. God help us all.
  13. I only ran two miles today. Usually I run a minimum of five. It was just too hot.
  14. And what is your occupation so we can make sure you are consistent and not supporting someone who favors your job position. Bravo. Don't expect the inellectually honest (or intelligent) to admit that. Good job, though.
  15. Always. Have since 1981 when the doctor told me about the dangers of not wearing them. Been wearing BluBlockers ever since.
  16. Has no one asked the obvious? Is this true or not? How did someone "find out" something that is a year away? What is the source of the information? Has anyone verified it? I can't imagine for the life of me that it is even true.
  17. Can't wait to sleep a bit later and still be able to enjoy my morning while they stay in bed until noon.
  18. Hope I am doingthis right. April has been the hottest on record! So far for 2010, we have the hottest recorded temps yet! Article
  19. I would want to know about it but I would understand why he might not say anything. That can be embarrassing.
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