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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. So anyone who disagrees with you on this is a socialist and not a true American?
  2. I'm betting she will run for state representative in Coweta county in two years. Wanna bet?
  3. Oh, yes. And we know how so many of those with the R after their name proven themselves to be soooo truthful to their constituents of Paulding County. Voting for the R means the voter is getting used.
  4. I don't usually get into this, but I don't think she "stayed above it all" because she wanted to but because she knew she didn't have to (with the R after her name, most people voted based on that) and she really couldn't deny what was said about her. Plus, she knew that if she did engage Avery, he would have cleaned her clock, intellectually speaking, because she just doesn't have a grip of the issues. We all know she won because she ran as a Republican and it had nothing to do with anything else.
  5. I remember when Ralph Nader finally got the government to force seat belts and less metal inside the car to make it safer during crashes. People were really upset about that Big Brother mentality. I remember when the government finally forced tobacco companies to put warning labels on cig packages and banned the advertising of tobacco on TV. People were really upset about that Big Brother mentality. I remember when the government required food labels so people could see exactly what it was they were buying. People were really upset about that Big Brother mentality. Maybe this is
  6. The SF Board of Supervisors voted earlier to ban kids toys with any food purchase if the meal doesn't meet certain nutritional standards. The city says it is trying to promote healthy eating and is fighting childhood obesity. Of course, McD's is disappointed. The new ordinance says that no toys can be given unless the meal is less than 600 calories, contain fruits and vegetables, and include beverages without excessive fat or sugar. My Link
  7. Police don't know why or exactly how but a pair of raccoons got into a home and attacked a 9 month old child in its crib. The mom awoke and called 911 around 4AM to report the attack and police managed to shoot one racoon upon arrival. The other animal was captured and is being tested for rabies. The baby is in critical condition at Egleston. My Link
  8. And that includes the bird-flipper's $600 legal expenses. The guy had flipped off the cops as a "political statement." Afterwards, he got stopped twice in 2007 and was charged with illegal lane change and improper display of license plates. He was acquitted on the charges. He then sued the Sheriff's Office and three of its employees, seeking corrective action. The county in Oregon agree to civil rights training for the deputies too. The county said: "We made a business decision. It was cheaper to settle the case than to proceed with litigation." My Link
  9. Right on. Thus the need for people to be educated about things that really do pertain to them, though they have no idea.
  10. The bike race between a pair of four year olds resulted in an 87 year old lady being struck, knocked to the pavement, and then dying three months later. The estate sued the 4 year old that struck the lady arguing they were "negligent in their operation and control of their bicycles." The judge agreed and the now 6 year old is going to have to prepare a defense. My Link
  11. 6 years. After that the extortion for candy must end.
  12. Here's something I found that is interesting. It is from an insurance group and it says health insurance costs that employees pay has gone up 30% since 2001 but salaries have only gone up 3%. My Link
  13. I agree. Our health care costs more than the most nations with less delivery of services. That's just not right. Premiums will go up every year just like all prices go up. That's the way capitalism works. But I don't like insurance companies making more and more money and delivering fewer and fewer benefits, all the while denying as much coverage as they can get away with. That's just wrong. Then again, I have insurance. Have to have it. What is the option? That's not bad. In 2007 mine went up about 20% but that was only the medical. Starting in 08 all of it went up. A lot. To be
  14. Tell them you want the Really Good Pain Pills.
  15. Quote all of it if you want to quote me. I said AS MUCH AS I WISH I COULD BLAME IT ON HIM. Then I went on and said it had to do with just the increase in prices and was not political in anyway. Congrats! I'm impressed with your employer on negotiating an even better contract!
  16. Ouch. At least that Bag of Lazy Bones I'm with (it's complicated) has gotten a COLA. Even his gym membership has gone up in each of the last two years (I'm sure someone will blame that on Obama, too). But we have jobs and insurance, something many people don't have. We're blessed. Look, please don't make this thread political. This is a gripe thread, not a political thread. Ok? If you want to talk the politics, here's a link that says insurance cost increases are not the fault of National Health Care.Post it over there where nobody goes and you can dissect it to your heart's cont
  17. The National Health Care is not to blame for the increase in premiums. If that were true, the prices would not have been going up for all these years and for all insurance, including life, long term care and disability. This is just the increase that all insurance is experiencing just like the increase in all costs of all things. Obama wasn't in the White House in 2006 or even in in Congress in 1999 when the costs first started really going up.
  18. I got my new enrollment packet and have to have all the stuff filled out in a few weeks. Everything is going up in price: the life insurance, the disability, the long term care, the vision and dental, too. The one that hit the hardest is my medical insurance and it has gone up 25% over last year. Last year it was up 15% and my deductible went up too. This is just the increase in cost of health care and has nothing to do with Obama Care, as much as I wish I could blame it on him. I know the doctors do more and the nurses have to do more, too. I realize the machines and research cost money.
  19. There is some guy that runs Dallas-Acworth Highway between Industrial Blvd and New Hope Church two nights a week. It is so hard to see him and he is right on the shoulder. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  20. I don't get it. Halloween is on Sunday. So why would anyone think about doing the trick or treating on Saturday? If Christmas is on Sunday, does anyone want to change that? Gimme a break.
  21. I just can't see that. It would be too easy to demonstrate if it were a hoax and with his business, it would be like me throwing my husband out of the house after he played a practical joke. I just don't see it.
  22. If you are the paranoid type, this is the time to start running.
  23. Could be but other people would have older copies. Since this guy came forward with it, it would be professional suicide if he doctored this for 15 minutes of fame that really doesn't make him any real money since not that many people are going to buy it when the part in question is on youtube.
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