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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. If you admit they have the right, then why are you saying they shouldn't build there? If they have the right and (wink wink nudge nudge) we want them to have the right, but we are going to raise all sorts of opposition as to why they shouldn't build there. That is nothing more than double speak for "we really wish we could deny your right because we don't really believe you should be allowed to build wherever you want."
  2. You are saying they have the right to build but shouldn't because it is insenstive. In other words, it is not politically correct, right? That is just another way of telling people you don't want them to exercise their rights. It is no different than telling people who vote or the Democratic candidates that they have the right to vote but they really should not be allowed to go to the polls that day. They have the right so leave them alone. Would you mind telling us what church you attend?
  3. Never mind. I'm going to sleep now.
  4. It wasn't an insult from Donna. She was using an exaggeration to make a comparision. Instead, you missed the point of her entire post by pulling out that one part and trying to make an issue of an exaggeration for comparitive purposes. If I had written what she did -- like she did from the heart -- and somebody said what you did, it would be really hurtful.
  5. However, history is full of examples where that sort of radicalism directed at minorities takes over in very difficult times because the minorities are an easy target to blame. Ancient Rome blamed the Christians. "Witches" were blamed for crop failures and natural disasters as God's wrath in Europe and even in colonial America. The Jews were blamed for the famine in ancient Egypt. The Jews and gays caught the brunt of Germany's angst after WW I. The Japanese Americans were incarcerated after Pearl Harbor. Russia often blamed sectional minorities as an excuse to crack down. WWI was an excuse af
  6. I found an interview with this guy on Huffington Post and am shocked, though I shouldn't be with this guy. Is this group radical or just following what the Bible teaches? Or is this group masquerading politics under the guise of religion? Maybe they are just bigots and use the Bible and the Constitution as a shield to say we should return to the dark days like the Muslim extremists say. I hope nobody turns this into a political or Bible debate. Let's talk about American culture in this context. Are we in danger of becoming a radicalized nation like Phelps? I don't know many people that agree w
  7. Any duty in this case was wrong. Going to a religious service or doing any sort of work. That is not a fair choice. The government needs to stop this blatant promotion of a religion, especially since other religions didn't get the same chance with the soldiers, and with our tax money, too.
  8. And you know that is the case? The article didn't say they were trying to prove anything. In fact, the article didn't even say they had filed a lawsuit but they should and should do so tomorrow. How can you know what their motives are? Were you in their bedroom listening in or participating in the conversation about how they wanted to make a point? How dare you assign a motive when you really have no clue as to why they ever applied at the school, Maybe, just maybe, it is like they said. Maybe they really are telling the truth and they just wanted their daughter in a good school and this is a
  9. Thanks for an excellent topic! And thank you for convincing me to come back to pcom land. Now that a few of those really obnoxious people are no longer here to just insult anyone that dares offer a different insight, I plan on coming back to offer a variety of opinion! Check your PM box and I'll see you and your handsome hubby in the morning for coffee. Love ya!
  10. Oh, the drama. Glad my ladies group doesn't get into the gossip like this. We prefer to meet, discuss books, politics, faith and kids. The rest is for The Ya Ya Sisterhood.
  11. I went to one of these meetings when we first moved to Paulding. Never again.
  12. This is Patriot Act stuff that the Republicans and Bush 2 brought in.
  13. Homeland Security and the FBI are very interested in you???
  14. Is it worth standing up to support the Constitution? Is it worth demanding our own government follow its own laws? Wonder if the Founders thought it was worth it to put that fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights in response to the abuses of the Crown that was seizing mail, going through personal belongings without a warrant, ransaking homes looking for things "just in case." Yes. It's worth it. If we don't stand up to this infringment, what will be the next liberty that is allowed a pass?
  15. Absolutely chilling. The fourth amendment be damned, right?
  16. The judge got this one right just like I predicted and everybody said I didn't know what I'm talking about. Good idea but a very poor way of trying to handle the issue. The law was bad. Very bad. It would end up infringing more on the rights of US citizens than on the illegals for which it was aimed. Besides, immigration is a federal responsibility. This was a no-brainer and an easy one to predict a long time ago that it would not survive the court challenge.
  17. That's not what he said either. You are making that up. Here is his exact quote from the CBS news article. "I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened but United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened," said Rauf. He said American policies were an accessory to the crime - part of the problem - and the US didn't deserve what happened. In that food for thought, ever eaten crow?
  18. So you're just making it up that they are building there to proclaim a victory of Islam. Maybe they are celebrating the victory of liberty and understanding instead of hatred. Is that not just as possible? It is what they said they were doing so I am basing this on their words and not what I want it to be to fit an agenda.
  19. Can you give a link that says that they want to build there to proclaim an Islamic victory? This sounds like something you're just making up because the links I read said they are building it to show what Islam is really about, to celebrate understanding over hate. Don't give links where somebody is guessing but the actual words of the people building there. I prefer to read fact instead of inuendo from rumor mongerers.
  20. It is NOT being built at ground zero It's a privately owned site and they can build whatever they want there. Don't you believe in private property rights like the Constitution says?
  21. Don't get me wrong. I think we should ban plastic bags. I also think we should ban straws, plastic water bottles and non-biodegradable sunblock/ tanning oils. I think we should require bike and walking paths on all new roads and give tax incentives to those people who develop and purchase electric cars. I would like to see required energy conservation in all new constructions, including heat recovery. There are a lot of things the rest of the world is so far ahead of us regarding conservation, but a ban on plastic bags in Paulding is one of the silliest rumors I've heard in a long time. The bo
  22. I'm so glad my better half decided not to enter politics. No matter what, it is just nasty.
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