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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. We saw one take off with a squirrel in our front yard a few weeks ago
  2. To be fair .. many snakes are not nearly as bad as humans we see everyday.
  3. My ex husband had a mini stroke a few years ago. He travels and LIVES off of caffeine. The docs at ER told him it was a combination of too many Red Bulls and cups of coffee. He hasn't had any problems since he's laid off the stuff. It is possible .. she was little over caffeinated.
  4. No helmets here .. never got hurt. I think the fact that I knew it would hurt if I did anything stupid is what prevented injury lol.
  5. I had a moped at the age of 10 that I rode everywhere ... no doubt!
  6. My daughter has a pet rat. That things absolutely drives my husband mad. He HATES rats. I didn't think I would like it. I let her get it anyway. He's actually VERY sweet and intelligent. I carry him through the house, he sits on my shoulder. All hubby wants to do is let the cat eat it lol. Even our 5 cats, have no desire for him. He's just awesome. Point is .. I gave him a chance and realized the stereo type that I was brought up with .. is wrong. However, it took some bravery on my part lol .. to find out. I do help snakes, .. I help all creatures, until they give me a reason not to. Now
  7. We only use original blue dawn dish soap. Haven't had a flea in the house with 4 dogs and 5 cats in over 3 years
  8. And that's the entire point. There should be true separation between church and state.
  9. I'm at the point where I prefer the chocolate Also, hubby is always romantic .. Valentines day has nuffin on him
  10. I honestly found it easier without the epidurals. My first son was out in 3 pushes lol. I literally shot him across the room. Initially, they told me that his head was too big and that I would require a C section. I really didn't want that C section lol. So, I mustered up all I had and pushed him out as fast as I could. I know I would not of had the energy or power to do it .. without that natural sensation to PUSH. I had him at 3am and was home by noon eating lunch. The recovery is also MUCH faster and yes that hot shower is SO nice!
  11. You have to be careful with those. With my 4th kiddo, my midwife turned my bed into a chair, to my surprise. Anyway, It did help him come out faster, a little too fast. He ended up literally ripping his way out. I had internal bleeding. I would of rather it took an extra hour and did it without the panic and bleeding. Thing is, I told them he was ripping through and nobody would listen. I truly believe we should be able to " drive " when it comes to having our kids. If you feel you need to lay down, lay down. I've done it 6 times .. and each time it was different. Different experience, di
  12. My daughter goes there .. awesome school! and I agree, she would fit in well
  13. I'm a natural loner. I'm always looking for ways to help. However, I'm a more of a behind the scenes type helper. I usually end up doing the things that nobody notices. But, I like it that way I try to socialize. Whenever I do, I get along fine with everyone. I just find myself, itching to get back home.
  14. I went at least 4 weeks late with all of mine. One of my ribs is actually pushed out too far from the pressure. The things we do for our kids Beautiful pics .. He'll be here before ya know it
  15. Too much commercialism for me. It's a day, just like any other day for us. I do like making chocolate covered cherries though .. it's a good excuse for that
  16. It's about making wise decisions on whom to procreate with. Women don't think about these things ahead of time. I'm divorced, ex hubby is anything but deadbeat. Integrity, reliability, honesty ... were and are important things that all women should look for in a man. Whether or not he fills a pair of jeans in well .. that should be a plus .. not the reason you marry them. I hope I raised my daughters to know better. I guess I'll find out in a few years.
  17. Very normal. We have 6 kids and it happened every time. This too shall pass. Just take time to hug each other and remember that you both have the short end of the stick. Comparing sleeping hours, ect .. does no good. Remind each other, that you're in it together and you'll get through it together. It's just a phase, not an easy one but very worth getting through in the end. Take time for each other. Hugs, kisses, shower nooky ... whatever it takes to get you through it.
  18. Good ole fashioned vinegar will kill the smell. We bought a used couch a few years ago. After a spraying with vinegar, nothing ... and the vinegar smell was gone within 20 minutes Vinegar kills all odors, for those that don't know.
  19. I know myself, probably a little too well. I know the good, the bad, and the ugly. I dated a guy once and he said that I had things about me, that I needed to change. I said, well then, you're not the one for me. Life isn't about changing so that others will accept you. Life is about surrounding yourself with people that love you, just the way you are. Nobody is perfect. How boring it would be if we were. I have a huge amount of respect for people who stand their ground, and be the awesome individual that they are, regardless if I agree with them or not.
  20. Lots and LOTS of fluids .. water, cranberry juice, and beer
  21. Yup, until a few years from now and they find out it causes birth defects
  22. I don't blame the men. I blame the women who tolerate it and allow it happen. Men will only do, what they know or think they can get away with.
  23. I wouldn't suggest it while pregnant. She was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as a child. She dealt with it on her own for years. The vitamin helps allot .. but not while pregnant. Exercise and a good walk can do wonders.
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