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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. We were with Wachovia. After WF took over, we left. We tried a few different banks and have come to LOVE Suntrust. We were very bummed about losing Wachovia. Over 10 years of banking with them and never a complaint. They were hard to match but so far Suntrust has done an amazing job. I banked with WF many years ago. I didn't like them then and I can see that they haven't changed.
  2. I nap everyday. I have since I can remember. I would rather nap and feel refreshed than drink a cup of coffee and be cranky. On days that I don't get a nap, it shows. Naps are good for you physically and mentally.
  3. I hear ya! My oldest baby just joined the Army. I spent everyday of his life with him. I home schooled him, not a day was I without his hugs and kisses. Even at 20, he hugs and kisses me when he sees me. He says I love you all the time. I think I cried for 3 weeks straight. My oldest daughter started college the same week he left. It's been a very hard year for me so far. They are happy and flourishing, that is my saving grace. You raise them and pray you're doing it right .. knowing that you did a good job certainly helps.
  4. Exactly! The world of extremism is coming to an end. People are starting to see that we are all indeed human. Those that maintain their self righteousness will just have to deal with it. Like it or not .. the teachers do have private lives. They probably do allot of things that YOU don't approve of and will never know about. If you don't like it, teach your own kids. Otherwise ... deal.
  5. As far as the Christian comment goes, I do have something to say about that. My oldest daughter is a Pagan. Many years ago it was Christians that drowned Pagans as proof. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for the war on Christianity. I, myself have no cares about what faith people choose. However, I believe the war on Christianity has come full circle. What goes around, comes around. I'm a Buddhist myself and believe in only kindness and understanding .. and above all Tolerance. However, not everyone shares that belief. I agree, at first it would be like AWESOME lol .. and then eh, who
  6. Being a porn star isn't a crime .. I don't compare her to rapist .. ect.
  7. It does have an effect on our septic. We have a big household to begin with. Our poor septic is always being challenged. On rainy days .. we just do as little as possible with water. We've lived here for 9 years and so far we've avoided anything major. " knocks on wood "
  8. That's my thoughts exactly. I guess society won't allow people to turn their lives around.
  9. I LOVE that soundtrack! Austin Power and the Spy that Shagged me
  10. I absolutely agree. Prevention is key to every thing. Sometimes though, life forces us to take the bumpy road.
  11. My philosophy is tomorrow is a mystery. If I start to think otherwise, I truly am kidding myself. Every time I think I know what life is going to bring, I get a shot of reality. Control is an illusion. I have simply learned to never say never. And to truly appreciate everything. Even the bad things ( or they seem at the time ) have a purpose.
  12. It's funny how life does that. With everything that we are forced to experience, we gain knowledge and wisdom. The views that I have now, weren't the same even 10 years ago.
  13. Ahhhhh I shoulda been a child of the 60's. I was So born in the wrong generation
  14. Absolutely! I also believe that EVERYTHING has a reason. We might not see at the time, but it's there. All you can do is roll with the punches and live your life to the fullest. We all think we have answers. It's when things don't go our way .. that we truly find what our values are.
  15. LOL .. My teenage son is all about Resident Evil. He has his Zombie Survival Guide .. Hey .. who knows
  16. Morals and sex have nothing to do with each other imo. I have always had very high morals, yet a very randy teen. I've always had high levels of testosterone for a girl. And that, I believe has allot to do with it. With my kids, I've noticed that some of them want nothing to do with sex while a few others, yeah I'll have to keep on a short leash. Abstinence is preached in my house. I believe it's the only true safe route. However, I was once a teen and I know that's not going to be entirely realistic for all of them. If you look at the nature of humans, we are animals. We have natural instin
  17. You and me both .. I've been told if I want a grandbaby, I'm better off getting a puppy lol. My oldest have no desire. My oldest daughter says she may adopt one day .. but other than that, nope.
  18. This is why it's imperative that parents teach their children. It's not fun or comfortable but then again neither is learning that your teen is about to become a parent. I showed my teenagers how to put a condom on a hairbrush .. talk about embarrassing lol I don't know what was worse ... them knowing that " mom " does those things or me trying to remember how to do it. They're kids .. I had sex in places that I won't mention as a teen lol. My oldest son witnessed 2 kids having oral sex on the school bus .. in the 7th grade. It's not just Georgia, it's everywhere. However, the Bibl
  19. Absolutely! Making kids accountable is something rarely seen anymore. My mom was a teen mom, I was a teen mom ... My 18 year old daughter is a virgin. I have put in lengthy conversations and education on the subject to ensure that the cycle ends with me. It takes effort and time. I believe our kids are worth it. Don't expect the school system to educate them, do it yourself.
  20. I would get another doctor. Constant bladder infections will harm your kidneys. My mother only has one kidney left, due to too many infections. They put her on a low dose antibiotic when she was in her 30's. She said it helped, but as soon as she went off of them, the infections started right back up. She also ended up developing an immunity to antibiotics. I don't know if there is an answer. I do know that catheters cause bladder infections and that's not good. I really doubt your stone is the issue .. it sounds like something else to me. My mom and ex hubby both got stones .. and the pain wa
  21. This problem has been going on LONG before " teen mom " .. and no I don't watch TV or read tabloids .. and neither do my kids. Just because it's on TV doesn't mean that you have to watch it. Perhaps if people stopped watching it, they would stop showing it. We only receive what we demand.
  22. I agree with what Pubby said. I'm sure that plays a big factor in their numbers. The way that social programs are managed, needs to change. I also believe the notion that both parents have to work to make ends meet, adds to the divorce rate. Sorry, guess I'm just old fashioned in that aspect. I've always stayed home and have friends who don't. I see the stress of trying to do it all. That stress lingers into the bedroom and thus the marriage. People underestimate the power of stress and what it can do to a family.
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