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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. Honestly, I only make my kids learn how to sign their names in cursive.
  2. Most know that I homeschool. I can easily say that education is a very big deal in our house. It is part of our " family " time. I spent yesterday afternoon helping my 2 little girls hand make calendars for this year. They had a blast, and learned at the same time. We are always having debates or discussions about history or science while driving down the road. We don't have homework, but we never stop learning. My oldest daughter is now in college. And oh boy does she have homework! She's loving it! I think because of the way she was raised. She actually wants to learn and enjoys it.
  3. Actually spend time and talk to your daughters, that simple.
  4. Teatime

    Mr. Postman

    I also don't watch Tv. I read just enough news to know the basics of what's going on. I truly believe, ignorance can be bliss. I try to not let the media do my thinking for me. I know of the wikkileaks .. and I believe while what he did wasn't right, IMO it also wasn't illegal. I know, I know I'm evil. But, it's my opinion that things like this, are what help keep checks and balances. Our government is full of corruption, just as others are. To point it out, I really don't think anyone was shocked. If they were, perhaps they live under a rock, deeper than mine.
  5. I was a teen mom, and yes I did know how to say no. I didn't want to say no. Some girls actually enjoy sex, I know a shocker to some. That being said, not all girls are stereotypical. The reason, I became pregnant is because I wanted to. I grew up a very lonely, only child. I wanted someone to love and that would love me back. Were there much better ways to achieve this ? sure .. but I didn't have the resources that I needed. Nobody to talk to about it. As far as birth control goes, again .. I wanted to get pregnant. I'm glad I did, and I have a beautiful 24 year old daughter now because of it
  6. I'm a first born, so is hubby. We have 3 firstborns in our home and 3 youngest. If there is more than a 4 year gap, the cycle starts again. We have 3 sets of kids .. 3 boys and 3 girls. The first 2 born in 90 and 92. The second pair were born in 96 and 97. Last set was born in 2002 and 2003. Now that our kids have developed, we have noticed there are no " middle " children. We have 3 very strong, independent first borns. And we have 3 that are going to have to fight for the basement
  7. Neither We haven't had TV at all for years now. Don't miss it at all. Most TV shows, you can now watch online.
  8. I also, don't buy into it. I also use the bags for other reasons. That being said, I don't see how helping the planet whenever I can hurts.
  9. I have teens and they aren't out at all after dark. No reason for them to be. You have every right to be upset.
  10. I've used the minute clinic inside CVS a few times. They were pretty good and reasonable pricing.
  11. I started using brown sugar and olive oil a year ago. You mix it and make a paste .. and then scrub. I haven't had any dry skin issues for the first time in my life, in the past 6 months.
  12. I was raised in Hawaii. It doesn't get any better. If I could afford it, I'd move back in a heartbeat.
  13. Don't care what they say, I'm an Aquarius, dead on. Even if I never saw the dates, the description couldn't get any closer.
  14. I'll have to check them out. My biggest problem is that the cloth bags aren't big enough. When I shop, my van is stuffed! I also use reusable bags for gifts, instead of gift bags.
  15. I even cleaned my garage My kids are driving me off the deep end Hubby went back to work today, daughter is supposed to go back to school tomorrow. Yes, I'm SO looking forward to this melting.
  16. We resuse our plastic bags or recycle them.
  17. We live on a big hill as well. Have watched, and one car has made it so far. One guy almost took out our mailbox trying. He literally slid back down, almost into someone's house. We figure we're stuck for a few days at least. I'm just grateful we have food and hubby can work from home. I know many others aren't as fortunate.
  18. Our daughters first day of college was supposed to be today. She was all excited, but will have to wait now, until Wednesday. Hubby is working from home, thank goodness he can do that. I told him, if he thought he was going in, I'd have to slash his tires lol .. kidding. He's not quite that insane, thank goodness.
  19. My 2 oldest waited until they were 18. My younger 4, will do the same. Not worth the headaches rushing it.
  20. Absolutely! We're not germophobe's in our house .. and our immune systems Rock! We clean our hands, when they are dirty. We shower, when needed. Now if you if dropped something in a pile of garbage, no I wouldn't eat it. But, on my kitchen floor .. heck yeah.
  21. My oldest son lost 60 pounds on Adkins. That was a year ago, and he still hasn't gained the weight back. The diet does work, however .. it has it's consequences. My son lost the weight, so that he could join the military. After the weight was off, he started running. The first day he ended up in ER. The diet caused his heart to go out of rhythm. It was scary. He couldn't do much without having breathing problems and chest pains. On a bright note, going off the diet fixed the problem. He'll be leaving for basic training next month. Adkins causes you to lose muscle, your heart is a muscle .. rem
  22. Been there myself " on the receiving end " ... yes they should announce it. People don't get married thinking they'll ever get divorced. People fall out of love. Sometimes they marry the wrong person. We are only human. I would rather my spouse divorce me than be unhappy. Without happiness, imo marriage is pointless. I've told hubby several times, If you're ever unhappy .. there's the door. I promise to not smack you in the butt with it.
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