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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. I went to the Paulding.gov website but they've changed it, and now I can't figure out how to go about viewing my paid property taxes. Anyone?
  2. I personally think it should have been Miley that got sent home.
  3. I'm trying to be a good citizen and do my taxes. I've used TurboTax for the last several years and this time it won't let me get started until I upgrade my Adobe to "Flash 9.0". Problem is, Adobe keeps kicking me out everytime I try to do the upgrade download. Anyone else had this problem?
  4. Prayers going out. My husband and I have been in the same boat. He got laid off from the AJC back in March - IT Security Manager. From what we understand they've laid off the majority of their IT people.
  5. Is that a toilet in the background with something brown floating in it?
  6. Are they staying the entire weekend or just on day?
  7. So, are we talking in code for R House or O'Chuck's? Personally I'm confussed.
  8. the P.com cookbook? Did I miss it, or is it still in production?
  9. Atlanta Technical School isn't in Atlanta?
  10. Now we definately won't get anything.
  11. Yup, Papa caught and he died last spring And now Momma doesn't seem to want to do much of anything................
  12. And now, I'm not even sure how to get back to my original post, much else come back and see any responses. Obviously I did, but it took me quite a while. Pubby, you're doing a great job - I'm must pretty sucky at this kind of thing. OK, the giant blue button a/k/a snake that I didn't see? LOL. I'm sure the change is good, I've just got to get used to it. Thanks!
  13. How do you view the old version of "new posts"? You know, sirens on EP Drive, what are you serving for Thanksgiving, etc............................................ I know that change can be a good thing, I just like my old comfort zone - silly me. If anyone could please help me in navigating this new site, I would greatly appreciate it.
  14. If you "wine" enough, you won't care what's for dinner.
  15. Bless his heart - the victim. I hope he's going to be OK. Where in the heck is Briar Patch Path off of East Paulding Dr.?
  16. Sketti here too - I've got leftover sauce from the lasagna I made last week, and then I think just broccoli to go with it, I'm sick of salad.
  17. I'm just glad that someone actually spelled "Glenn" correctly. I've got concerns about the vaccine for the H1N1. I don't think it's been around long enough to know whether it's safe or not. On the flip side, all the vaccines that people get for their babies early on, i.e. whooping cough, mumps, measles, small pox etc., well, we did all that, and my son turned out fine, but I'm concerned re those about people who either don't find these necessary, or people coming in to our country who've never had them. I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for this. I'm just stating my concerns.
  18. Have you checked with Home Depot, Lowe's or Ace Hardware?
  19. I was going to say Walmart - that's where we bought ours, but that was a couple of years ago.
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