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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. I've never figured that out either. I'm computerly inept.
  2. I'm about to go watch the ending dance scene from Dirty Dancing. I've already got the song in my head, and I've got the DVD ready to go.
  3. You have no idea! Especially since we both lost good jobs this last year. Thank goodness DH is a saving madman (I do help I must add), and now we at least know that whatever else happens, we own the house and our land. I'm so excited, relieved, etc.
  4. Good luck, I have no idea around these parts. My favorite is Umezono at the intersection of Cobb Pkwy. and Windy Hill. No fan of sushi here, but I love that place. Rusan's is good (Windy Hill just after the same intersection). Other than that, I have no idea.
  5. I told my son the same thing - just don't want to tell the relatives in case they think we now have money, LOL. This just means we can breathe a little easier.
  6. THANKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Due to strategic planning, cutting back on expenses, etc. - WE PAID OFF OUR HOUSE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except for taxes and insurance - we actually own this place! It took sacrifice and planning, but we did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited! Can't you tell? And we did it 5 years early. Now, maybe with our employment situations, or lack there of, we can breathe a little easier!
  8. I started a post about a house that used to be up the road from us - off Mt. Tabor, that was a perfect candidate for a call to authorities, but I'm trying to be kind and not judgmental, so I'll leave it at that. The house apparently burned down a couple of months ago. I hope and pray everyone who was there are now fine. The little girl who lived there apparently went to school with my son - 1st grade starting in '91 - graduating class of '03.
  9. I know, and great for the new toaster oven. Maybe if I'd posted this in the Political Forum or The School Vent more people would have read it. I.E. - Pastor doesn't make a speech at the airport without telling anyone he's not making a religious speech and he's apolitical and not asking for government funds.
  10. Maybe I should have posted this in another forum. 107 views and not one response to this story. Anyway, I thought it was inspiring, thought provoking, etc. Glad I could share.
  11. Dad, Mom? Actually I think that's my neighbor up the road.
  12. She sounds like a really good egg, with a good head on her shoulders.
  13. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=112679029 Story brought tears to my eyes.
  14. Now here's a real singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XRoa8C8VbA
  15. But this "singer" was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XRoa8C8VbA
  16. http://www.fark.com/cgi/vidplayer.pl?IDLink=4625109
  17. Do you want/need the job or not? If yes, then do what's required, if no, then there are a ton of people out there looking for jobs who will be more than willing to take your place. Not being cruel, insensitive, etc., it's just the way it is. Sorry, that's just life in the job market of 2009.
  18. Apparently it does now. Sux, I know, but like SOLO said, if you like your job and want to keep it, you might better go.
  19. How can that be? I thought the world was only like 2500 years old?
  20. Someone needs to tell the owner/manager of the new Oriental restaurant that we went to last night. Sweet and sour sauce squirted from a ketchup bottle just doesn't quite get it. Nor do the little plastic packets of duck sauce and chinese mustard, nor the little tiny plastic container of teriyaki sauce sitting where the little hibachi grill used to be on the "Po Po" platter as apposed to the "Pu Pu" platter - maybe that was the difference. And yes, this was a sit down restaurant, although at 7:00 we were the only folks sitting, except for the owner/manager who was sitting with some lone guy
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