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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Thankfully we can pay the bills. We've never tried to live off of credit cards, but I must say I miss having the money to plan a vacation within our means, or go out for a reasonably priced dinner. But, and I say, but, I'm not being judgemental by any stretch.
  2. Very hard to say. What do you need the money for? We've gone from making a very decent living to just enough to get by, which is OK, until you want to go on vacation, eat out, etc. Thankfully our son is done with college, we've paid off the house and now we can enjoy things like playing cards, LOL! All the plans for switching out the old counter tops in the kitchen (24 years old, cheap and stained), taking our annual trip to Tybee, etc., well, not so much. And this year, I'm being very selective about even buying pumpkins or pansies. I think it all depends on your prio
  3. I love the scarecrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something I've done for years now that are cheap to make are trash bag ghosts. You just take white trash bags - try to find the ones that don' have the built in drawstring. Make their head by stuffing crumpled newspaper in the bottom of the bag (sealed end), tie it off (I used the twist ties that come in the box), and take a black magic marker to make the eyes and mouth. I just do 2 small circles for the eyes and then an oval for the mouth. Tack them up to trees, etc. In years past I've done squash pumpkin ghosts - spray paint the squash wi
  4. We used Two Men and a Truck when we moved our office a few years ago and were very satisfied. http://www.twomenandatruck.com/
  5. Bless her heart! I will call her. Thanks for posting this - I've been wondering about her.
  6. I guess it depends on the ingredients you've got in the house. You can make all kinds of things with flour, butter, surgar, etc....................................
  7. Has anyone else started pricing pumpkins? They used to be like chicken wings - cheap as could be. This year - pumpkins that is, not so much. I said last year that I needed to start growing my own butternut squash - I've done it in the past, they're very easy to grow, but they'll cost you an arm and a leg in the grocery store. They make terrific ghosts once you spray paint them in white and apply your own decor, i.e. black majic marker for eyes and a spooky mouth. Being out of work, I'm very disappointed in the price of pumpkins this year - I must just have to skip Halloween (exc
  8. Same here in the past, I guess they're just getting too busy.
  9. Maybe it's just my computer, and if it is I apologize. It's just when I came back on after being in the woods ,I had some kind of thingy here. If it's a glitch, I apologize.
  10. With all the posts re healthcare.....................we've got insurance, good insurance I would think. I''ve been trying to make several appts. today for next week. Yes, you can get an appt. for the lab on the 2nd - the freaking lab!!!!!??????????? Yes Mam, our office closed today at 3:41. Different doctor, differerent thing. We're talking about our current health care situation with people who have good insurance. I don't know what the answer is, but this just suks.
  11. Enjoy your night, I was just trying to find a kitten, take care of a really old Basset, etc. Sorry if I offended anyone.
  12. Grandma needs Conway Twitty's hair!
  13. Art Linkleter (sp?) had the best show, and his book was equally good as well. "Kids say the darndest things" I thought about my son this morning - G. Gellar and Sons - "The Goldend Dinosaur" Or - "Bring me a pie of love"" aka "Bring me a higher love".
  14. Go pick apples in Ellijay. The other things you're showing are currently out of our price range. If I could do whatever, I'd go to the North Shore of Mass. and eat clams!
  15. Just don't kill him, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.
  16. Hell, suits me, I'm tired of the other stuff! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I've got some smoked sausage, some kraut, potatoes. I don't know. I did a roast for dinner last night. What do you think?
  17. Maybe it's different when you've grown up in the limelight, so to speak? I have no idea. Even if these things didn't happen the way that she said they did (although I'm leaning towards they did) she definately grew up differently than most of us have. My God in Heaven, would you ever in your right mind want to be hit upon by Mick Jagger? I think her point this morning was that she could be an advocate of kids/people who are or who have experienced the same thing.
  18. Regarding the floods, and comparisons to last epic natural disasters in the US. So, you want the government to be involved, you're faulting the government for not being involved, people should be helped by the government, or people should take it upon themselves to be self-sufficient. Not trying to be a smart arse here, just trying to get some clarification. Sorry, mods, it this needs to be in a different forum, go ahead. Personally, I've got some mundane things to take care of right now, i.e. boiling water, cleaning up the bathroom from bathing my aged dog, etc. Oh, and d
  19. I agree. I guess it's kind of a therapeutic kind of thing for her, assuming it's true. Still love his music though, but then again, I still love Michael Jackson's music. And I still love that thing that they played at the Brave's games - oh, what's his name, the pedophile caught in Thailand - you know who I mean. That one I have no respect for and only wish him prison time. Gary Glitter! Rock and Roll Part 1.
  20. I kept waiting for someone to ask her about Mama Cass!
  21. She may be, but why? I know, she's trying to sell her book, but would you subject yourself to that? I can't believe she would need the money bad enough to subject herself to that kind of scrutiny, etc. Who knows, I just think it's plausible.
  22. I think that sometimes their decisions and reasoning abilities are much better than most humans!
  23. And my Dad was strange.............................. I went for a walk And found me disarranged If I didn't tell I could leave today Incest in the family On such a winter's day....................... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/09/24/...in5335218.shtml Actually very sad, not trying to make a joke. I know she's trying to sell a book, but why would make up such a thing.
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