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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. \ That's exactly what I experienced today. They just seem to have that 6th sense! Yup! And that's a terrific way to look at it, no matter what your belief.
  2. Years ago we had a Golden Retriever and a Rottwieler/Lab mix. The Golden was much older than the other. We went camping one weekend and the Golden disappeared hours before it was time to leave. We had to go - work, school, etc. going on the next day. The Rotty/Lab was in full grief, etc. She would go out to the edge of our woods and just look and look and look for Jessie (the lost Golden). Thankfully, we returned to our camping area the next weekend (I'd left plenty of food and a sweatshirt that I'd been wearing, she had the creek for plenty of water). Anyway................we went back
  3. No joke! We've ended up with more incredible folks, personalities, kindred spirits, just from strays. And yes, I'm talking about animals. God love them all.
  4. It's just so strange and sweet to see a normally hyper dog defer to an old one that in the past he would have been a pain in the rear to, literally speaking, knowing dogs. Rufus is not going to be around much longer, and I think it's great that my little shelter guy, Frankie, can and is the smartes dog in the world, or at least can recognize what's going on here. Word to the wise - adopt, adopt, adopt! You never know what precious babies you'll end up with, or who you've saved.
  5. And I give them my utmost admiration. We've got a Bassett who is on his last legs. We've got a Jack Russell mix who up until today would have aggravated the crap out of the old guy. I think the old guy, "Rufus", will be gone before too long, and Frankie (Jack Russell mix) has realized that it's not the thing to do to aggravate the "Old Man". He did it on his own. I'm not sure how he knows, it's why I love animals, and I think that people could learn a lot from what animals know. I just wished I knew how they knew, but am glad for it.
  6. I've got a roast going in the oven currently, cooking with carrots and onions, and just enough taters to create the starch for gravy. I'll do mashed later or just rice. I'm still concerned here about the boil water thing.
  7. The Mexican restaurant we ate at yesteday evening was serving bottled water and canned soda. I'm assuming any water used for cooking had been boiled (haven't gotten sick yet), but I was a little concerned when I saw them dumping ice into the ice cooler.
  8. Did you pay your bill? Sorry, I have no idea. I need to go check ours - we've been gone all evening.
  9. Believe it or not, we haven't had spaghetti in a long time, so that will be it. Spaghetti along with salad and french bread. Corned beef and cabbage - yum, yum. I've actually got one (corned beef) in the freezer, and I would and could eat the whole thing by myself! Along with the cabbage, onions, carrots and potatoes!
  10. Like some others, we went, we saw, we left. Way too overpriced. I guess it depends on what you're looking for, but half the stuff I looked at I could do better at Walmart - price wise that is. Give me yard sales anyday. Sad to me, we used to able to get real bargains at Goodwill, but not apparently now. Go ahead and call me cheap, but why does anyone else shop there?
  11. Glad I guess that I'm not the only fan. Very sad.
  12. My son climbed out of his at 9 months. We bought a twin and the side rails to attach to it. There is no certain age.
  13. My husband called a while ago from the Verizon store next door. He said they were having to actually direct traffic, and there were no places to park. Says a lot for the economy in Hiram/Paulding I would think. Loves me some Goodwill. Think I'll wait a day or two before going though.
  14. I don't know if someone has already posted about this, or if anyone else cares, but it makes me sad. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,551160...tml??test=faces And kudos for the writer of the article to use one age in the title of the article and another in the story itself. Anyway, makes me sad. Think I'll go find my Peter, Paul & Mary CD and listen to it.
  15. Meaning no disrespect, but aren't most of the original band members dead? Something about a plane crash or whatever?
  16. My God Honey, if you're that beautiful, just shave it off - you've got the face for it! Lucky you!
  17. I'm sorry. I think your husband came to our yard sale several months ago. Very nice guy - not that that matters. I lost my Dad back in 2000, and the hurt is incredible. Hugs to you and your husband.
  18. Then I think you look beautiful - but have your roots done - Sorry, big fan of Steel Magnolias here. I too would love to cut my hair off, sick of it, but there is no way in the world I'll post my picture on here. (Just finished cutting and splitting trees with my husband )
  19. Is that your picture or the pic you're thinking about?
  20. I know this is going to sound strange, but my MIL took my very young BIL, at the time, to a psychic. He was having very vivid dreams, and the psychic hypnotized him. BIL, again very young at the time, and very much a Civil War buff, was told that he was reincarnated from some soldier from the Civil War. It could be true - who am I to judge? Who really knows?
  21. I'm so sorry and really don't know what to say, except that God has plans and we just don't always know how to interpret them. You take care and rest. Hugs to you.
  22. My son used to work at the New Hope BB, and worked at the one in Milledgeville while in college. We saw this coming years ago. And good luck with Comcast and On Demand. We switched from Direct TV to Comcast a few weeks ago - still no access to TV. Their customer service sux! We cancelled Direct TV on the 8th - we won't have Comcast until the 22nd - so, if you see more of me than you'd ever like, that pretty much explains it.
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