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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. When you would order the Pu Pu platter and they used to come out with that little tiny Hibachi style grill to heat your skewered teriyaki beef on, (it was always in the center of the platter) or when they used to have actual containers for the different sauces instead of plastic packets? And when you would order Mongolian Beef there was an actual layer of crispy noodles under the beef and scallions? Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this. TIA.
  2. I honestly can't remember the last time I went anywhere where they fixed my coffee for me - normally a fast food restaurant will give you the little plastic containers of "creamer" and the little packets of sugar. The "nicer" fast food sit down restaurants do the same thing, re Awful House and IHOP. Next time just ask for your coffee black and ask for the cream and sugar on the side. On a side note, I'll never forget the time that we went to Red Lobster and my SIL asked for a baked potato with butter and sour cream on the side. That's what she got - literally. They brought out her p
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,545584...tml??test=faces
  4. If she can handle it, then, good for her. If again it turns her out to be another Andrea Yates, well, that's an entirely different story. At this point I don't think it is. I remember years ago having breakfast at a Shoney's (good for you if you can find one anymore) and there was a couple with at least 7 or 8 stair step kids doing the buffet like we were. We had one young son (I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world), but those 7 or 8 blond, blue eyed kids were the most well-behaved kids I'd ever seen. Were they happy? I have no idea, but they were well behaved. My point
  5. That's why we have one of those awful noisy leaf blowers! We're surrounded by giant oaks, hickories, etc., and if you don't get out and "blow" the leaves off you can't find our driveway. Thank God we don't live in a subdivison with covenants dictating all that kind of thing - no offense to any of you living in one of those subdivisions dictating all that kind of thing The leaves can be hellish, but they make for good mulch, and it's a great sign of Fall. Bring it on! And raking can be fun - there's nothing like jumping in the leaves afterwards! Enjoy it - you, yourself, the kid
  6. Sorry, I watch way too may Andy Griffith reruns. It really is sad. The old Cotton Gin was the only "upscale" restaurant around here when we first moved to Paulding back in '91. I do remember though, one night that we had a 16th of an inch of snow and we went there to celebrate my birthday (December), and they claimed that they couldn't provide baked potatoes with their steaks. WTF? How hard is it to cook a baked potato? Anyway................they had a really good thing going on for a while, and then.................................
  7. I'm happy for the fall kindred spirits here! God I love this weather! I don't have enough green peppers for Swiss Steak, but I've got plenty of ingredients for a good old fashioned stew and a good pan of corn bread. Well, there you are!
  8. Chickens. Yum, chicken and dumplings! Actually, I'm thinking Swiss Steak, or a beef stew using the same sirloin I've got in the freezer, and cornbread, and maybe some brownies or Snickerdoodles for dessert.
  9. Anyone want to come over and fix a big pot of soup/stew and bake something? I love this weather - I'm so ready for fall. If you're really nice, we can scrounge around my attic and start looking for fall decorations. Anyone?
  10. I started a thread about this yesterday. I need to go back and check my post and any further responses to it. We quit eating there a couple of years ago because of just average food and poor service, but at least it was close, and now apparently it's close with a "d" at the end. Here you go: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...p;#entry2894473
  11. No, I was just curious. We haven't eaten there in ages, I was just curious as to what was going on.
  12. Sorry if this has already been discussed. I haven't been on here for several days. Anyway, has Beef O'Brady's shut down? I was up there this afternoon at Publix and I noticed they had "closed" signs on their doors.
  13. Cremation here, well, not actually here, but you know what I mean. The idea concerning bodies not being able to be reunited during the "rapture". What happens to all those folks who have died due to plane crashes, soldiers who were mutiliated during the war, etc." Are they just SOL? And I thought "Heaven" was all about your spirit anyway. I'll admit, I'm not the most religiously advanced/qualified person on the subject at hand, but.........................................if my minister were to tell me that in order to get to Heaven you've got to have the body that you want you
  14. I think Joe Jackson is trying to figure out how to make more money off of this. Re his doctor, from what I heard the other day, he's actually been charged with manslaughter.
  15. All of these recipes make me think of "American Chop Suey", a/k/a Beefaroni if you don't add all the spices. And I would gladly eat any of them right now.
  16. I will admit that there are some here that I may not agree with concerning certain topics, but when I've met them in person it didn't matter one bit - I liked them, very much. It's like family. We can agree to disagree, but when it all comes down to it, what really matters? Your individual opinion on politics, religion, etc. or just having a good friend who may not agree with you 100% of the time (and how boring would that be?)
  17. Congrats! Just make sure you can actually afford the home and all that comes with it, i.e. utilities, taxes, insurance, etc. Banks are great for telling you that you can afford a home way beyond your actual means. But, I'm sure you've taken all that into consideration. Again, congrats!
  18. MEn and new toilet paper...WHY? "Right store right price diaper coupons" Okay so we have another pregnant pcommer... Again I say: MEn and new toilet paper...WHY?
  19. We'll still probably give it a try for breakfast, which is kind of hard to screw up (although it can be done, LOL), but the food today was just plain not good at all.
  20. The service today was very fast and courteous, I think partially due to the fact that the food we got today was no better than what you would get at Mrs. Winners or KFC - precisely the type of Country Fried Steak that we got (Ms. Winners') and the same mac & cheese that you get from KFC. I really, really want to like this place, I've only ever heard great things about it, but I do know that they've extended their hours - new mgmt.?, and it just wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination.
  21. Doug's Place in Emerson. All I've ever heard were rave reviews about this place, and the one time we were there last summer was great. Today was absolutely awful. I'll still give them another try, but today was just yuck. Worst excuse for country fried steak either one of us have ever come across, the mac & cheese would have been better from a box and the cornbread was tough, tasteless and just plain bad. My turnip greens were OK I guess, no real flavor, but they were the best part of my meal. At least my husband liked his fried okra - the only thing we could tell that was actually h
  22. Ouch! Just don't use actual pins! I think that's a great idea, painful, but great!
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