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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Really?!? I'd love to see him, and those are cheap ticket prices!
  2. I'd never heard of him before until we saw him on a PBS special the other night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUeiGEyYy6k...feature=related
  3. Coming from a girl who had no heat in the upstairs in bedrooms in both Mass. and Maine, yes, once you get used to the freaking heat here in the south (which I'll never get used to) yes. Also coming from someone on the verge of getting hot flashes! I have no idea why that happens, I'm not that old. Anyhoot, I put on socks, and I'll still wait until Hubby is ready to smell that "heat" smell - I'm talking about the furnace! And there are actually times here in Georgia when it's colder than South Dakota, also times when it's hotter there than here. (I have family there, so I can h
  4. I would have thought it would be a cold day in Hell before you called me a fool, but I'm starting to think it is!
  5. We moved here in '91 - son in 1st grade and he graduated from EPHS in '03. We never had that problem. I guess maybe we were just fortunate, but we never had that problem, not with school text books anyway. Summer reading, we found those on our own, and it really wasn't that hard or expensive. Then again, I like to read, browse book shops, Goodwill for books, etc. and I always found that to be a priority for me (reading) which was a boon for him. Books for college - whole "nother" issue. Expensive, they only use them for a short while, and good luck trying to sell them. We were able
  6. I'm about to go do the socks and a sweater. I love to open the windows at night this time of year, in the bedroom and crawl under the blankets, but I've got stuff to do right now so I can't afford the luxury of just crawling under the covers, much as I'd like to. OK, socks, sweater and maybe some hot tea - and then I'll be having a hot flash and taking those off
  7. I may just have to go find some winter clothes and some socks. That way, when the hot flashes set in I can just undo, LOL!
  8. I'm so tempted to go ahead and turn the heat on. I know I should just pile on more clothes, and hubby and I love the first scent (I know it sounds weird, but we do) of the heat coming on and he's at work right now. Please - talk me out of it! TIA.
  9. I agree with the whole parenting thing. I used to feel bad when I or my husband would help our son with projects, thinking about all the kids who might not have a parent helping or teaching them re said project. I know for a fact it gave him an advantage, and also taught him things in the process. We were both working parents, but we took the time, and it was a time investment, not monetary. When it came to reading, that was something I took to heart when he was just a baby (my son, not my husband). I have and always have believed that if you can read, you can pretty much do anything.
  10. I haven't read all the replies, but one of the spookiest places I've ever been to was the old mental hospital down in Milledgeville when my son was going to college at GC&SU, and we were there in the daylight. Very spooky, not to mention sad. In Paulding I would think that Pickett's Mill, the "hell hole" in New Hope, or the site of the airline crash back in the '70's would allow for all kinds of scary, spooky happenings.
  11. I hadn't thought of it that way! My friends' kids go to the exclusive Walker School. You wouldn't believe the incidents of crime (well, maybe you would) from some of the children of our "elite" citizens of Cobb. (Not my friends' kids, seriously).
  12. I think a lot of it boils down to who has the better football team.
  13. I'm probably too old to have a dog in this fight, but I do have some observations. Back when my son attended EPHS, he graduated in '03, I was very, very impressed that they offered Latin as a language choice. The school was small then, which I much preferred over the gigondo schools in Cobb, but I think over the years things have changed here in Paulding - trailers out the ying yang, I can't imagine the teachers can give as much personal attention, lack of books from what I've read here from parents, etc. I think the facilities in Cobb are better, but they're so huge I'd hate to think o
  14. I agree with the bad food statement - it may have been cheap, but that's how it tasted and was presented. We ate there once years and years ago and never went back. And that's very sad about the kid who died - in that location, and with all the traffic now in that area, the same thing could happen if you're stone cold sober.
  15. There are tons of great restaurants there, it depends on how much money you want to spend (get your wine at a local grocery). The one and only time that we were there we ate at a Ruth's Chris for the 1st time ever, and it was the best one we've ever eaten at - the ones in Atlanta pale in comparison. Anyway.......................my son, who was just a little kid at the time whined and whined about the fact that we weren't going to eat in the restaurant in the hotel. Ruth's Chris was just half a block away and we decided to go there (with him whining the entire time). We get there with him s
  16. A new twist on Shepherd's Pie? (Sorry, that was ugly, I just couldn't help myself)
  17. So is it MacFarlane's or MacFarland's? Isn't the "Mac" in front of a name typically Scottish, not Irish? (I'm just trying to add another argument to this whole discussion that has resulted in 4 pages of posts). Anyway, whatever, I hope you do well with your new endeavor, changes, etc., and I mean that. We've not been there yet, but I'd always planned to. If you want to truly get shut down, just let me take the mike
  18. There is just so much to see in DC, even if you just walk around.
  19. I'm so sorry, I hope he's found safe and sound soon.
  20. I really enjoyed seeing Ford's Theater and the house across the street where Lincoln died. I know that sounds morbid, but I've always been really interested in Lincoln. There's also a really interesting museum to view all kinds of Lincoln artifacts. As I said, maybe morbid, etc., but I don't think it's any more morbid than wanting to go to Arlington and view graves. We went years and years ago, and only had a couple of days. There is so much to see and do, so much history. Oh, and take some peanuts - the squirrels all over town will eat out of your hand. My son and I had so muc
  21. This is so very sad, prayers going out for her family and all her students and friends.
  22. I haven't a clue, but I've got some country style ribs in the freezer, and I'm thinking those with homemade mac & cheese and some type of veggie.
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