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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Damn, Touching is obviously OVER THE LINE. My gut reaction to that (has happened to me) is to swing around with my elbow.
  2. Oh, I also had a guy follow me when I was in tech school. He was in one of my classes, and would follow me to the common area where I ate lunch, to the book store, to the library, even to the parking lot when I left. I tested him one day and went from the common area to the library, then back to the book store. He followed me everywhere. For some reason, while weird, I did not feel threatened. Maybe I should have, despite him being a smallish, quiet guy.
  3. QOTSA


    I don't like to be around burning, period, grilling or otherwise. And I don't eat animals. Not for that reason. That's just a bonus. I have asthma and allergies (wonder how much of that can be attributed to my smoky upbringing?) and cigarettes and smoke in general really bother me.
  4. I had a guy at Lakewood actually point his camera at my chest. Creepy. But there's a fine line, I guess.
  5. My Dad used to take me to a former army dentist as a kid. Yeah, he was a bit...rough, to say the least. I remember the extractions I had to get. There were pliers involved. And pain.
  6. QOTSA


    Don't get me started on factory farms.
  7. I've heard that sedation might be best. Ask your vet what they recommend.
  8. I wrote her off with that. She'll fit right in in Paulding, though. Well, I guess there are people like that everywhere.
  9. I had two of mine out on a Friday and went back on Monday. I was still in pain, but was worried about taking the Lortab while at work or driving. I was not put under, either.
  10. I was agreeing with you. ~ahem~
  11. PERSONAL SPACE!!!!111!!!!one!!!OMGWTFBBQ!
  12. I read Infidel (Ayaan Hirsi Ali) a while back, and she describes in detail her childhood in Somalia and her own circumcision. It is barbaric.
  13. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=216715
  14. Be sure to double check the charges.
  15. Sick. And she probably was circumcised.
  16. BOA wanted to raise my rate a few months ago, so I closed the account. Yeah, probably hurt my score just a bit, but F them.
  17. We've used a bucket to catch the water in the shower (actually, the guest bathroom tub) before it heats up. That's a good 5 gallons a day for the two of us.
  18. Sorry, I didn't mean to get all...whatever on you. I just remember seeing two kids as I was putting fliers (with REWARD in huge letters) up when my cat was missing a while back. They asked how much, and if he needed to be alive. Made my blood boil.
  19. How about - still alive.
  20. Yeah. None of the herbal stuff worked for me. and valerian smells like feet.
  21. You're right. He can do what he wants after he has supposedly paid his debt. Personally, I would be done with anyone involved in anything like this. It speaks volumes.
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