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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. YES! Don't try to make sense of a psychopath's inner thoughts. someone I know is going through something like this now. He's threatening to kill her for no logical reason (not that there is one), just the fact that she refuses to take his $#!& any more. ETA: "You can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being..."
  2. Probably someone burning their garbage.
  3. I'd want to be one of MY cats. Spoiled rotten f'ers. Even the geriatric ones are brats.
  4. True. Just annoying. Blockbuster's deal does not include such a delay, but it's probably not worth it to switch.
  5. I'll just have to wait even longer to rent DVDs. Not like I don't have nearly 200 on the list already.
  6. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-01-06/netflix-warner-bros-end-dispute-reach-deal-on-dvds-update3-.html Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Netflix Inc., the largest mail-order movie-rental service, reached a new movie licensing agreement with Time Warner Inc.’s Warner Bros., giving the studio 28 days to sell new releases before customers can check out DVDs. Netflix, based in Los Gatos, California, gets new releases from Warner after the 28-day window, as well as expanded access to catalog titles for rental and online viewing, the companies said today in a statement. Financial terms weren’t di
  7. I don't know about "studies." Perhaps I used the wrong word. Statistics? Gary Locke - Secretary of Commerce http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-march-18-2010/gary-locke-pt--2 Paraphrase: For every 1% improved response, they save the taxpayers 85 million. ETA: part 1 http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-march-18-2010/gary-locke-pt--1
  8. Someone with the census bureau said that studies have shown that sending out the initial letter actually saves them money. More people actually fill it out and send it in, keeping the number of in person visits to a minimum. Now the postcard after...
  9. The feeling is mutual here in Cobb.
  10. Proactiv is awesome. Can't use anything else. Seems I saw some sort of vending machine for it at Town Center. Maybe I was hallucinating.
  11. KillDisk, but you need to run it several times.
  12. Speaking of concerts - I smell weed at every concert I go to, and it's a variety of music types. Tool, Dethklok, Erykah Badu, Mastodon, Hives...
  13. Ew. Maybe the sweater remark meant that it felt like her teeth were wearing sweaters?
  14. QOTSA


    Is that like liver mush? My husband used to love that stuff, until I read the ingredients to him.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IF43JU89fg
  16. I do find it odd that they have HD but not Lowes. Same with everything in Hiram, and no Old Navy. Though the one in Austell has closed.
  17. I did that a while back and it was WRONG. I don't think I have a lookalike.
  18. Some qualify for paid schooling or training, too. I don't know all the requirements, though.
  19. No, she really didn't think anything of it, like the people who tell me to just pick meat off of pizza.
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