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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. My great-grandmother was Viola! Screw it. Just name her Myrtle Eunice.
  2. No, I like it, as long as there is no precipitation.
  3. Well my older half-brothers are in their mid-40s, I'm 35, and my half-sister is 21. I don't think that counts, though. (My niece is also 21.)
  4. I like Brianna better than Briley/lei/leigh.
  5. I have had one of my cats go missing. Had to go look at a dead cat on the side of the road to see if it was him. Went to the shelters multiple times a week. Put up and replaced signs daily. I cannot imagine my sorrow (and RAGE) if this were to happen to one of my pets. Accidents happen, whether there is a fence or not. Now is not the time to address your curiosity.
  6. I'm only watching because my HUSBAND wants to watch it (and it's his birthday ). Gah. Can they drag it out any further? I was over this mess 2 years ago.
  7. I thought it was always Harmon's. I remember my Dad getting the "Buck Burger" there when I was a kid.
  8. I only went once, but I liked it. If I remember correctly, they were the only restaurant I know of that had stuffed mushrooms that had no meat or seafood in them. (Otherwise, I won't eat them.) I like Pasta Bella, too, but even there my options are limited.
  9. I think it can be fun and sweet, but we prefer to do things for each other throughout the year. Of course, you can do both. YMMV Still not done with my chores.
  10. I have an exciting day of laundry and other chores planned. I know how to party!
  11. Well. I made it to Hiram with no problem at all, but the trip was full of fail. Stylist did not call to let me know she was closed (and getting the machine when I called is not unusual on a Saturday). And PetSmart was out of my cat food. Now I have to go to Smyrna. No one called. I thought that was the point of asking for my number when I make an appointment. At least I found out second hand about the gym.
  12. I have to go to Hiram in a little while.
  13. I have an appt later, too. It's above freezing now, so hopefully it will be ok.
  14. Another incident, this time with the popo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl67FmVRjYs
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6hC2P3tH2I
  16. I love that movie. Mmmmhmmm. I kilt 'im. Better send a hearst.
  17. It's a little loud. Peckers....
  18. I'm sure they go buy a meat product from the store wrapped in styrofoam and plastic wrap. I have more of a problem with that than hunters.
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