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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Which installation option did you use? I'm not sure if I want to be able to use the jacks or not. I have an old wired phone i use for backup if the power is out, but that might not matter with a battery backup. and the cordless phones only use one jack, anyway.
  2. Does anyone have this? Thoughts? I have had TV and internet for a year and a half, and I love it. But I keep getting info about the voice service, which looks to be set up sort of like cell phone service - unlimited or 250 minutes a month. The latter would be fine for us, and probably save us money. I have to figure out the installation, which will involve a battery backup and not being able to use the phone jacks, or unplugging the phone line in the main box...or something.
  3. After watching a couple episodes of Toddlers & Tiaras, I'd say it's allowing the mother to live vicariously, enabling a narcissistic spoiled brat, or spending thousands of dollars in hopes of winning $500 or so and a plastic tiara.
  4. Hmm. The jury I was on was very reasonable. The deliberations got heated/intense, but it was more everyone wanting to talk at once than anything else. We all got our turn to speak, and came to a unanimous decision.
  5. I've wondered that, too. I know this is tee-vee, but damn. Women are not all the same from the neck down, even with similar builds. ETA: 2witty4u - This is supposed to be Sheila's sister.
  6. Cool. I got it several years ago, and was excited about it, too. (I'm not the only weird one!) It was an interesting, and intense experience (malice murder).
  7. Yes. I go to get vegetarian staples that may or may not be available in local stores, and my husband buys all of his meat there. It is more expensive, but we only go once a month. He will seal and freeze the meat he buys. It lasts a while because he's the only one eating it. and he says the quality and taste are far superior. We also like to get some produce there, either better quality or variety. He's very particular about his apples. He complains that the golden delicious apples available in regular stores are neither golden nor delicious.
  8. Dance, Pool Boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSamR_8rqL4
  9. My husband is a mechanic, but he can fix/install/build damn near anything. I appreciate it very much, and it sure comes in handy and saves us money. But, he's also building a cat tree.
  10. I wouldn't want to be described as pining. Maybe a fraction of a percent of jealousy here. In his case, anyway. Does it count if he says, "Hey, that guy was looking at your _____."
  11. You're damn right I did, on Sunday. I can't open the windows or my head will explode. Funny, I remember my Dad running the attic fan and refusing to turn the air on until almost June! I held off as long as I could. ETA: MsGaStorm - we had to replace our system right after we bought the house (don't get me started on that). We qualified for a low interest loan through....let me go find it. Ah, EC Home Improvement. The heating & A/C company (Ragsdale) referred us to them. So glad it was available.
  12. I just had arm soreness for a couple days. I got one a little over a year ago when I got bit on my pinky pretty badly by one of my cats. I had the AUDACITY to try to take her for her yearly shots. (It was infected, but luckily it healed on its own and I was able to avoid antibiotics.)
  13. You can't ignore me!!!11!!! :shakesfist: No one on ignore, but there are people whose posts I just skim over.
  14. Yeah, the weather is great. Too bad certain trees are conspiring to make my head explode.
  15. ^^Some who are laid off are eligible for training funds through DOL, too.
  16. Wait, it's on Pell Grant standards? wow. I was turned down for that, and was broke as hell* working part time. I got a student loan, and then HOPE came into play, luckily. I agree with income based, but to get Pell you had to be pretty bad off. *Broke as hell, and back when there was no cable, cell phone, whatever if you could not afford it. Renting a duplex, barely affording groceries. ETA: I was pretty much told that if I'd pop out a couple kids, i could get it. F that.
  17. Ha. I know my Dad said that to all 3 of us. Joke's on him. Only one of us had kids. (Not me.)
  18. I agree, do it through your bank, not the utility. that way YOU control it, not them. In the case of our banks (both credit unions), the payment times vary depending on payee. Both of ours show the pay by date. sometimes it's 1-3 days, sometimes longer. Not sure why.
  19. They have an on and off thing going. When she leaves him, she talks to us, seems to get that she has to take care of herself and her child, and that he is no good. Then she goes back to him and avoids us, avoids our questions. I don't think she would do counseling, but I'll keep it in mind as a suggestion for her.
  20. And....now I have found out that she is back together with the psychopath POS worthless.....
  21. I agree with exercise. Luckily most of my exercise involves punching and kicking. Really helps me to tone down the anger. Somewhat. Also, do something that allows you to sort of meditate. I have not been able to just sit and meditate, no matter how many times I try. Can't quiet my mind. I do have a book of mandalas that I color with pencils. Painting had the same effect.
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