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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. My husband has a spare. He's right-handed, ya know. I'll get it to ya.
  2. I have no ideas for you since my 20th passed without much fanfare. But a very happy anniversary to you whatever you decide. You could spend the night at a nice bed and breakfast and get some pampering with a couples massage.
  3. Would a cemetary be considered private property? They don't have the right to protest on private property. Should any of their protests required a permit?
  4. Why? Did you just throw up a little in your mouth?
  5. If the government got a hold of it, it definitely would. It wasn't the tobacco guys who thought carpet glue was a good addition.
  6. When this discussion rolls around I always wonder if those screaming loudest to have it legalized also scream the loudest about second-hand cigarette smoke. Are we going to add filters? And to those that find it totally "harmless", are you just picking and choosing what you read? Oh, and it's not native to the US.
  7. You did see the Supreme Court ruling in a MARYLAND case? Just curious. Quite frankly, I really don't care one way or the other.
  8. It was wonderful to see you! Great show as always!
  9. Just out of curiosity . . . how many tried to ban Sunday alcohol sales? Glad you got a good laugh.
  10. Since my reasonable post on the subject went mostly ignored, how about this one? Living in the South has been great for me. I (and most the folks I know) loved our country, our region and our lifestyle. Driving around was a breeze and living was easy and uncomplicated. Blue laws were accepted and understood (even if you didn't agree). While I don't mind that SOME of you got here as quickly as you could (I would have missed out on some of my best friends if you hadn't) those that want to come and bitch, moan and complain, well, quite frankly I don't give a damn.
  11. Thank you, but they usually are.
  12. Yes, I've read this more than once. They have to pay the operating expenses of being open on Sunday (salaries, utilities, etc) but gain no additional income. Yes, those who choose could close, but then they do risk losing business to the guy down the street who is open. It's really a lose/lose for the liquor stores and they actually lobby AGAINST sunday alcohol sales. The Church did not make this decision, lawmakers did. Just FYI: The Supreme Court of the United States held in its landmark case, McGowan v. Maryland (1961), that Maryland's blue laws violated n
  13. I vote for the "more storage" option, but I'm certainly not a minimalist. I'm also not crazy about the brushed nickel. I think the 1st option would be more practical in a guest bathroom and would love good.
  14. Here's the question I haven't found an answer to . . . if you are an "organizer" for this event, how do you make a profit on it? Are they charging to get into the events? I just don't see it as very profitable when the kids spend most of their time in the streets. The events won't happen if they don't have permits. Why would you put so much effort into an event that isn't going to earn you much money? It started as a black spring break. I don't think it was bad the first few years. I really don't think it's the college kids coming into town causing the majority of the problems. I
  15. There's an art to the crazy act. You have to say you hate the county, the DA, think the system sucks, you'll let all offenders walk regardless just to teach them (the bad guys, the county) a lesson, blah blah blah Except that they won't let you talk much. I'm too confused by the first paragraph to give you a straight answer. I would love to go the Fox for this performance but I have out of town guests coming in. And, I still prefer private performances.
  16. Wow, victim and suspect are from Paulding.
  17. Noticed twice. Once I had already left Cobb County and didn't get to serve. 1 time in Paulding, about 12-14 years ago. On a DUI. Nothing that interesting. Was picked as the foreperson. That was kinda cool. I actually thought I'd be stricken. I think I was going to be until the man next to me when off like a psycho. Now, having sat in the same room for him for several days I truly believe it was an act so he could go home. If he had remained normal I think I would have been stricken.
  18. I'm sorry However, the coffee, a few soft drinks, bottled water and lots of laughs are about the extent of my job perks. I don't have a fancy benefits package. I do however have a part-time job with a wonderfully flexible schedule that maximizes my time with my children. I rarely go. If I'm grabbing a drive thru coffee, it's usually Dunkin Donuts. their coffee!
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