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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Thanks! Considering the topic, I think it was more of a warning.
  2. I've googled it. Not one article on how loving and forgiving the good people of Paulding are. I even checked with the 700 Club. No mention of it.
  3. The fact remains that HE has humiliated this county and MANY have been blind-sided by the skeletons. OF ALL RACES!!! WTH was he thinking!!! Support and defend him all you want. My efforts for the next few months will go elsewhere.
  4. You people are seriously messing with my post count tonight.
  5. Somebody should kick the originator in the, uh, knee. Those guys need to be worrying about the budget, NOT the bird.
  6. I'm still mad that 16 yo Thaddeus didn't make it. He was MUCH better than most of these. Tonight was NOT good.
  7. I think it's inaccurate to say "no one" knew until 2/14. It obviously wasn't general knowledge, and there isn't any way to know for sure how many in the Stout campaign even knew about it. Considering the circumstances of this special election, if Mr. Stout had political goals, perhaps the community would have been better served if he had chosen to serve more locally prior to entering a race with statewide impact. This would have given the voters the opportunity to get to know him, see how he would serve the community and then make a decision. Instead I think he has put the community in a p
  8. I voted. However. We had a less than stellar list of choices. There wasn't a clear stand out for me and probably many other voters. I made the best choice that I could. But still wasn't happy. I've never stood in front of the screen that long to cast one vote. I'm not sure that a very good job was done to get word out to all the voters about the special election. Minimal opportunity for the majority of the population to meet the candidates. Disgraceful turnout? Yes. That's also true in a general election. It's always worse for special elections and primaries.
  9. Ah, I see Mr. Stout is reading again. Doubt he'll comment, he hasn't before.
  10. Just basing my comment on the fact that YOU resumed the conversation about Richardson's "alleged" affair after there had already been numerous threads. I haven't assumed anything. You continue to make insinuations even though White has been cleared by those he works for.
  11. And yet you still want to hold White's feet to the fire. (A lobbyist and not employed by the voters.) He's been cleared by those to whom he is accountable.
  12. You are so helpful. That's why you are such a great friend.
  13. That's just it. Things that are important to this county aren't even on his radar. (I thought the four-laning of 92 had already been on the books for a while.)
  14. From another thread . . .
  15. The fact that I find disingenuous has nothing to do with the "revelation". I found him that way prior. My opinion that he will be scattered all over the news and papers sometime soon, is just that . . . my opinion. So, did your statement have a point?
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