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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. I use Cover Girl Line Exact. It's like a felt tip pen. Doesn't smudge, dries quick.
  2. If you're not living on Paces Ferry or any off shoot road, you're not in Vinnings. IMO. You're just in over priced Smyrna or Mableton. /mableton native
  3. Mine was double. It was higher last month than it was in May when I filled the pool.
  4. I wanted to love Pan Am, but I'm just not getting it. And Christina Ricci's hairstyle with her eyes make her look like a precious moments doll. O.O I have a hard time getting past that. Anybody going to watch Grimm?
  5. They're the most stolen cars for like the 4th year in a row.
  6. I wouldn't want the crash course either. It's embarrassing enough to explain on it's own. lol But my kids (7 and 4) already know the basics. I got asked questions by the 7 year old and had to explain something. I picked up a kids' book and had her read it to me... I ended it with, "Any questions?" "Nope." "GOOD! "
  7. Really? I'd see it as an easy way to introduce the birds and bees to my kid. Even though it's out in the open and no way the time or appropriate place but - sex is a natural thing. Not dirty or gross or shameful. I'd rather my kid not see it, but I'm not going to live in my house in a bubble because OMG TEH SEXORS. just sayin. imo of course.
  8. Though I'm all about the Pumpkin Spice cupcake, I'd really like to see some vegan friendly options.
  9. Yogli Mogli? What a fun place. We love it. And they have healthy options too, so you're not just limited to garbage.
  10. I agree with the above. (though I ended up taking a more severe way of weight loss.) To add: Write down everything that you put in your mouth for a couple of days. You'd be amazed at what you're eating or not eating while not thinking about it. If you hold yourself accountable for your choices on paper, you tend to make better choices. I also use sparkpeople.com and myfitnesspal.com (the phone app) for tracking food. ALSO, Get in touch with Susan @ The Book Worm or RhondaW. They are on an amazing plan that's helped them immensely! Good luck
  11. It IS A baby factory. I had both of my kids there. And I was treated as if I was on vacation both times. They were wonderful. If I ever find myself in need of another hospital to have babies in, I won't look any further than '"the baby factory." They have it down to a science.
  12. When I think of toys for tots, I think of Christmas. Not October. Maybe they just haven't thought of it yet.
  13. I've had it. Caught it from one of my girls. It was MISERABLE. I couldn't barely move my hands.
  14. Yep! In front of the Game Stop on 278. My kids were freaked out!
  15. Dear Madam, I opened this thread fully expecting to find out when we were going Trick or Treating this year. I leave disappointed, and hungry. hmph.
  16. It was MINE, ALL MIIIINE! :covets: Not all, actually, but a dern good bit. LOL I'm good on coffee for a while. and drawing paper... and puffy foamy stickers for the girls. hehehehehe
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