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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lReemWmO5o Hot Victorian Radcliffe aside, this movie looks like it's going to be the shiz.
  2. I Love the original picture from the 1920's. It looks really creepy.
  3. What is this newspaper you're talking about? You mean they aren't delivering ready-made Papier-mâché to the end of my drive? Because that's what it looks like after it's rained and I run it down a few dozen times.
  4. I'm not sure any carriers sell collision without comprehensive. You may be right about the requirement though. I know you can buy comp w/out collision, but I've never - in the 10 years I sold, underwrote, brokered insurance seen a collision w/o comp. But it's been a while since I practiced! And thanks for the policy cut/paste. That makes it easier to see what numbers covers what.
  5. Yeah, the liability part is for the other person - the comp/collision is for the indemnification of your (the banks') vehicle. They want to make sure they have their money back somehow.
  6. "full coverage" generally means the additional comp/collision coverages, and not liability. However, it is possible some banks will require more than the state minimum requirement for liability when money is still owed. eta for clarity
  7. I carry 50/100/25 on mine. Typically it's 25/50/25, 50/100/50 (or in my case 25) and then 100/300/100. Depending on your carrier. Then there's 250/500/100 (I think it's 100.) Then you get into the big bucks and umbrella policies and zzzzzzzz... Its worth a call to your agent to get it explained what the limits actually cover. I know insurance policies read like stereo instructions and are the cure for insomnia. But, I'd rather have too much liability than not enough. They can come after you in a civil case if your insurance doesn't cover their entire claim.
  8. Liability is 100/300/100. The collision and the comprehensive coverages are where things get pricey. Say - if you were to take your 25/50/25 limit car and plow through a 2011 Yukon, would 25k cover it to be replaced? Likely, no. Liability coverage is cheap. Take it as high as you can comfortably do so, in case of something like your Yugo smashes BMW accident. /ex insurance agent.
  9. My kids are 4 and 7, and our playground is in eye-shot of the front door. I let them play, with the door hanging wide open so I an see/hear them. I also tend to camp out at my patio table and work while they're playing too. I think it's finding a level of trust and maturity for both the parent and the kids.
  10. What? Mark's so far in the closet he's in Narnia? I'm confused.
  11. LOL Yeah I decided a few minutes ago it was going to be me crying and putting myself to bed. They can have it!
  12. Why did I read this in Patrick Swayze's voice? Nobody puts Baby in the corner!
  13. If the crying and whining doesn't stop at my house, they're going to bed NOW. GAAAH. /rant
  14. This makes me kind of giddy. Is that wrong of me? Thank you, Sgt.
  15. We start 'bedtime' routine around 7. Which is an hour of brushing teeth, hair, asking for 17 glasses of water, hugs, kisses, tuck ins, re-tuck ins, a story, arguing over no tv, gotta hug the dog, cat, dolly... then another trip to the bathroom. They usually end up in bed around 8. Go to sleep around 9. My kids are 4 and 7.
  16. The same person who had the bright idea to mow Bobo Rd at 7:45am on a Monday with the "mowers ahead" truck backing up traffic from Mt. Tabor to Riverwood subdv.
  17. Then have dinner at the Colonnade. (Yes, I'm just craving their mashed potatoes and bread, but still would be a great place to go.)
  18. I asked dh what he thought about it - he's a scifi fan - and I got this look.
  19. Weird. the internet hates me today. I cut/pasted it and it went to a "this story isn't here anymore" page. Anyhoo.. Yeah, I figured out where it is - it's the place across from the movies and across from the senior condos where my parents lived for a while. Always thought that place (the daycare) was shady.
  20. They moved the article from the link. Any indication as to which day care this was?
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