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Everything posted by katcol

  1. With all due respect... The three choices given weren't even close to what parents want. I messed up by not voting at all since they all were unacceptable to our family. We parents should've been taking the time to write in to let them know that there was no choice that was feasible to most parents. Unfortunately, we cannot constantly devote time to the choices of the BOE. The lawmaker in Marietta is taking costs into consideration when he is recommending keeping our school year out of the hottest month of the year. And no, June has never been as hot as August. It is a st
  2. It does seem that way. Maybe we need to get some p.commers up in there!
  3. Agreed! Because the majority of their employees are high schoolers and the majority of their business goes away when school starts.
  4. That would be great except for the fact that we were given three choices which all sucked as far as timing. It is insane to allow children to exert themselves in a gym that has no a/c in August. It is also fiscally irresponsible to pay the a/c bill when the alternative is available and has always worked for us in the past. I am not a fan of legislation making the call for local government/school systems but I think it's about time someone put a stop to this nonsense. Bring on the law if that's what it's gonna take! Here, here! I think the continuous weekly breaks are disrupt
  5. Wow. Can't argue with you there. That is scarey!
  6. That's a great idea! I may have affected testing but otherwise sounds like a good solution.
  7. Usually I like to see them err on the side of caution. This time I totally agree with them not cancelling school for the day. It's always possible that we would've never seen a flake. Then they would have all the people griping about having to make up school because someone jumped the gun. I agree...damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a shame that there had to be chaos while the roads were going bad fast. It rarely happens that that fast here. I think they did the best they could even though it wouldn't have killed them to call school one hour early just in case. We've
  8. Our elementary schooler got home at almost the time they usually let out. I'm betting they are doing what they can to get them home. Maybe they have access to enough busses for that school?
  9. I hope they've found a way. My elemetary child just showed up about 15 minutes ahead of normal schedule. Thanks for reporting, anyway. Maybe they're trying to scramble right now and different scenarios are being thrown around.
  10. And how can the buses get back from elementary schools to pick them up when they haven't even left yet?
  11. Please post if you know of any road problems. Honestly do not anticipate that until later but I'm trying to watch the roads out here for someone who is at a very important appointment.
  12. I wish ours had tried out. We just came back after trying to do GCA program. She enjoys soccer so much. Wonder how hard the try-outs were? Hope your daughter enjoys it. We had to create our own teams in high school. It was so much fun! Oh yeah....CONGRATS!!!
  13. I think it's too late at this point. They have to be able to get all the buses back from picking up elementary and their pickup is in 45 minutes. Hopefully we won't have anything sticking to the roads until later.
  14. Just kicked it up a notch on the South side. Coming down pretty fast! There are not many things that make me feel like a kid again but a good snow does it every time. My heartrate just went up!
  15. We have a light snow at Bakers Bridge Rd!!
  16. Never thought I'd say this but...those were the days!
  17. Looks like it may be a go.
  18. Patches of ice on Abbington's main Rd. A couple on Ridge closer to 92. Senator Rd had 12 patches of ice yesterday. I know 'cause DH counted them as he tried to make it down this very curvy rd. Winn was in bad shape Friday. Neighbor had to be pushed up the icy hill with the others who were trapped behind her. May be all melted by now?
  19. Our roads are white and it's sleeting. Does that mean anything? I don't think it will melt if it hasn't so far. I hate that they will miss more days but it's still better than skidding to school.
  20. Actually, we use you guys for everything. Tim has always been great to deal with. Thanks! We have our heads above water for the moment (pun intended). It took me a couple of minutes to find the handy little lever with water spewing in my face but I love it...so much easier....thank you guys for that. We may be calling you to install a cutoff further back for wintertime.
  21. Thanks. We have the dehumidifier. We're trying to dry/thaw everything. From furniture to drywall to cabinets, etc. I've got a job on my hands. So far the plan is....get a halfway decent heater from HD, have the dehumidifier and lots of fans in place already. Run every fan/heater we have. I'm sure we have some spare wood so I'm planning to prop up furniture and cabinets so that they can dry out underneath. Otherwise just crap upon crap like boxes of stuff that (of course) were left on the floor. I do know better than that...still didn't stop me. Love your signiture. Totally a
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