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Everything posted by katcol

  1. I would, if I were on the board!!
  2. Yup, just got a second call from elementary kid's teacher. They are now leaving at 10:30. See, our board listens sometimes!
  3. Personally, I think most kids/families would prefer to come in on a Saturday if they had to....when it's NOT SNOWING IN GA!!! Just saying...if that's what it takes to be safe (parents) and play in the snow (kids)...so be it. If they are so worried about making up school that we are now willing to risk the roads then our BOE needs to meet with the state and convince them to buy all the necessary equiptment like they have to do in other areas to keep the roads safe. Either adjust or deal with loosing school days. This year should be the acception so I say they just find a way to deal
  4. Maybe parents with info on the roads in their areas should start calling the BOE and clue them in. I would think they would be open ears in light of the last ordeal!
  5. Early release...12 for Elem. and 1 for middle/high schools.
  6. Looks like they will be releasing but middle/high school will not be until 1pm. Where are you located....just want to know what area has a driveway and road white already!
  7. Is there ANY chance it will stick on the roads? It would actually be nice to have a beautiful snow and still be able to get around.
  8. Yup, snowing heavy and sticking like glue..to the deck, starting to stick in the yard. Sorry...I'm still not sick of it. Even our DD is saying: you have GOT to be kidding me. She's tired of missing school!
  9. Oops, I posted before I saw yours. It does suck but it would be better than last time. I honestly don't blame them for last time but it shouldn't happen again!
  10. What are your thoughts on them calling school? I would think they would not but with the events last time, maybe it wouldn't hurt! That's the first time I had to say enough was enough and go get the middle schooler myself....only to be told they were heading out earlier and I could not get her at that time. I do not think it's cold enough to stick but I didn't think it would last time, either. I won't wait that late to make OUR call again.
  11. We have a ton of rain/slush mixture here off Bakers Bridge
  12. Wow, thank goodness someone was able to notify the school and the bus drivers!
  13. Thanks everyone! Lots of great info. I knew you guys could help!
  14. I bet that makes a big difference for you! If you're not a smoker, the smell on his clothes, hair, breath, has to be a huge improvement. Sensitive question...does his breath still smell like the cigs? Interesting. Was he a smoker before? I have a friend who smokes a lot and I'm going to encourage her to try this.
  15. Thanks for the info!
  16. They are an alternative to smoking, or a stop smoking aid, whichever you prefer. They have no flame, no carbon output. The smoke you see when someone is puffing on one is just vapor. You can use them anywhere. They have different levels of nicotene so you could replace your more harmful cigs or you could use the levels to taper off until you are using cartridges that don't even have any nicotene....just vapor. It could even be used to get a person through the day in a nonsmoking environment. I'm not a smoker but thought about picking up the aweful habit if that would make a diffe
  17. I've been researching this a little. Does anyone know anything about them?
  18. Any updates? This family is in our thoughts and prayers.
  19. So can Stars and Strikes get away with selling these drinks inside there? Or would the kids still leave just because?
  20. I'm lost....we have Buffalo here now?
  21. Easy to say. I can't single handedly vote out the board. There's one that I could see keeping but if there were an all new panel, maybe that would force them to start fresh. Might be the only way. We can get one or two new ones in but I'm here to tell you that the "old guys" really bully and pressure the newcomers. Who would be left to pressure them if they all left? I have to say that one of the newest members still has a clue and is still connected to her puplic. She's not even in our district but she still gave us a voice. Just hope she can stand the heat for us. P.S. I thi
  22. We are running late this morning. It sucks to have to re-adjust to the schedule every few weeks.
  23. You nailed it. Can't please everyone. This fighting the start date thing has just pushed our buttons for long enough that I'm actually willing to take some upper government butting in. We have made our opinion known, just didn't jump in on THIS round. You are totally right about that. I agree with you that we should talk where it matters. However, this battle seems to go on forever. Our family would love to see it put to a stop once and for all. There is not one person I've talked to who would prefer an earlier start date. There are some on here obviously. And is it really wis
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