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Everything posted by katcol

  1. That is very odd. Did he trim them to change their appearance? I would definitely file some type of report on it. I would also mount cameras at the gates....working or not. Even a decoy can be a deterrent.
  2. That must be devastating to lose her at such a young age. Thank you for sharing her with us.
  3. Congrats!!! That's always nice to hear! For the record, the girl who won for 7th grade very much deserved it, too. She's a sweetheart. Nothing against the sixth grade winners, we just don't know as much about them.
  4. Just wanted to say...our dd felt nothing but elated. She had a blast. We were just curious if that's the way things are supposed to be done.
  5. Hate to hear that this is, indeed, true. Prayers for this family.
  6. Agreed. We've never done pageants. Just wondering what the deal was. All parents around us seemed to feel the same.
  7. quote name='CeeJay' date='21 March 2010 - 12:13 PM' timestamp='1269188039' post='3113024'] I love pageant fights. I wish this thread had video. Here ya go.. Agreed. Cheerleading. Crazy. I've heard football is high but don't know for a fact. The pageant is really geared toward money regardless. Not much they can do about the competitiveness.
  8. Yeah, it's one thing to raise money for the athletics department. It's different when the whole thing seems to revolve around money. I know I'm not the only parent that notices when things like cheerleading or football or pageant stuff is geared directly toward the higher income bracket. We might be able to afford it but that doesn't make it fair by any means.
  9. I know that there is a lot of corruption at this level. I cannot say that I know of anything one way or the other at this school. I do know that if you are going to run something like a pageant then you have to be careful what you allow due to the scrutiny of other parents. We were surprised to see just how blatent the money thing was.
  10. Yes, our daughter was in it. She is not in eighth grade. So this would not have affected our daughter either way. Just know what parents/grandparents were saying. Maybe we all had too much time to converse! Edited to add....yeah, the last girl who sang WAS a runner up. It's a shame that she would have to wonder if it would've been the same outcome if she hadn't been allowed more "time".
  11. BTW: Everyone was beautiful and someone is making a lot of good decisions. You just don't hear about those since that makes things run smoothly. There was plenty of help with seating and I thought everyone displayed tons of patience and had a lot of fun. I hate giving just the negative.
  12. Here's the deal. The 20 minute break, for a fact, took over 45 minutes. At 40 minutes, the mc said it had been 40 minutes and it would still be about 4 more minutes. So there's no delusion about how long the break was. I hate to hear that a girl was sick. As far as the show starting when door sales were over, you do not hold up a public event because people show up late to buy tickets. I am looking at the program as I type this. One 8th grade contestant sang between 6th and 7th Q&A's. One 8th grade contestant sung between 7th and 8th grade Q&A's. Unless the judges gi
  13. Yeah, the judges break was at least 45 minutes that we counted. It was probably longer. I didn't even think about someone missing their daughter's crowning due to a prior commitment. I would be furious. Now if our daughter had not been there by showtime, we would assume that they would go on without her....duh!
  14. Can't believe a p.i. can get caught working a case but we hear nothing about this. Very strange. I guess it's being kept under wraps, like Lucky said.?
  15. Just wondering what other parents thought about it. We're not big pageant fans anyway so we're probably wrong in our thinking. Lets see what you guys think. 1. You NEVER hold up a pageant for one contestant unless there is a car accident or something really serious! Everyone had more than sufficient notice of start times and even then the girls were supposed to be there an hour before. Is four hours about typical for a middle school pageant? 2. You cannot allow two contestants to showcase their talent (singing) and not allow the other contestants to do a talent. Wouldn't die-hard
  16. Wow! Bless her heart. Sounds like your family has really been through it lately! Cannot imagine losing a child. Prayers being sent for her, the baby and the family.
  17. My son says he gets really nauseous when he sees too much brown (yes, he's different). That should put both kids through college! I tease. I'd hate to work with someone who wore that much smell good.
  18. Unless laws have changed, DFACS workers have to call ahead to visit. Makes a lot of sense, huh? I don't know if they would be allowed to "hang out" and investigate. That would be actually allowing them do their job.
  19. Maybe that was bad advice. Still, all it would take would be one conversation with the police officers to straighten it out. Hopefully the officers will continue to show up at bus time, even if just sporatically. Common sense says he won't be scouting that neighborhood again, though. Exactly. What can it hurt to have children be more alert?
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