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Everything posted by katcol

  1. Major highjack...I tried to send you a pm but it wouldn't let me....sorry everyone! We don't know what to do about summer classes. I just got a job with and my schedule will be weird. Also, DD made cheerleading for the Middle school but no one will give a final answer on whether the feeder teams will include the cheerleaders. In the meantime, she has scoliosis, will be wearing a brace and needs strengthening, stretching, etc. Do you guys have a class that could help her with some of the cheerleader tumbling stuff? There is a guy right now trying to find a home for his Marmaduke
  2. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!
  3. I haven't noticed any. The stuff is a little high for us but man, is it good! Are you still at PG? Are they signing up for summer classes? I could bring Roscoe to play with Moxie in the parking lot... Please tell me you guys still have her.
  4. We need to wire for an electric stove. We tried a few years ago and got a quote that was rediculous. The stove is on the opposite side of the house from the curcuit box. We were told that the distance of wire was what made it so expensive. Anyone have an electrician that they really trust? We really need to get this done. Thanks!
  5. We've used the site for four years now. Twice we ended up with a unit that had not been cleaned but a cleaning person was sent out. Otherwise we've had great luck and excelent deals.
  6. katcol


    Yikes. That sucks that it's a rental. Never know when a landlord will be unreasonable. Did you have to put down a big deposit? It might be cheaper to recarpet the one room than to lose the deposit.?
  7. She's already seeing a pedeatric ortho at Children's Healthcare. Right now it's not surgery worthy...33 degree curve. Since her growth plates are still open they are going to try to prevent progression with the brace...20 hours a day! I swear, it might be better to have the spinal surgery if it weren't so risky!
  8. katcol


    Do you have a closet that has the same carpet? You could try cutting out a piece from the closet (which may match better than new carpet). Then you could put some other flooring down in the closet or just put a new piece of carpet down there where it's not seen that much. Don't feel too bad. Ours chewed up the sofa and we still have a little carpet chunk missing from the stairs. They get better with time....almost always!
  9. I'll have to read the book because I agree...I could've done a lot with that two hours.
  10. Anyone have experience with scoliosis? We really like our chiro but she's on the East-West connector and we're in South Paulding. Our daughter has been diagnosed with a significant case of scoliosis. She is still growing and will be in a back brace for a year plus. We need someone who knows how to help her while it is critical....now...and someone that we can actually get her to, often enough for it to help her. Once she stops growing there is no way to correct it so we need to make the move now. Also, I like the idea of her getting the benifit of massage. I know that relaxing t
  11. You know, there's no way to ever try this but I wonder what the outcome would be with a placebo affect. If someone had to prepare mentally and thought they'd had the surgery.. Like I said, there would be no way to test it. I guess they would not feel full quickly like when someone's had the surgery, for one. But you're right. If they do not do what THEY are supposed to, the surgery will do nothing but create more issues. I'm not against it! My mind just ponders these things.
  12. Ugh! I always "squish" and rub the fingers of any gloves that I put on. Better to put my hand into a squished spider than to lose it. Same with shoes. Bang the heck out of them if they've been outside. I'm glad you posted this and that she went on the news. I've been pushing my luck lately, not wearing gloves, working with a wood pile, etc. They are so small you'd assume they were just a normal spider. They don't look menacing. I hate it for the lady. That really sucks. At least she's trying to warn others. Some of us would be thrilled to lose our tatas but I'll bet she's n
  13. Which Walmart? Maybe I'll thank them for their public "service" the next time we're there!
  14. What do you put in green smoothies?
  15. I think it's funny! Sometimes you just have to be able to laugh.
  16. Very strange that this is the third person from that store.
  17. I can tell you what folks have to go through to get hired on with the sheriff's offices around here. It's insane. So, I guess the sheriff never has to jump through all these hoops? It is surprising that he is allowed to run for a position after being "convicted" of a felony. Maybe the technicality on "convicted" due to his age...allows him to run for sheriff. Maybe that's why he was so defensive about the whole "convicted" thing.
  18. We heard the news at soccer practice. What a shock! Please have this entire grade of children in your prayers as well. They lost another friend in first grade. Now this precious little boy. I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through, Freebeer. We have a mutual aquantaince in the Kluttz family. Please let them know if there is anything we can do to make this time easier on you and your family. We are praying for you!
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