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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Bentwater has several men's teams. If you call Mark at the activities center he can put you in touch with a captain.
  2. The Lockheed account is only for children up to 18 years old. I opened one of those for each of my children. The starter card they're talking about is an ATM/Debit card, not a credit card. I started my credit history with a gas card. On the application I only asked for $100 credit as I knew that was all the gas I would buy per month. At my parents direction I would buy gas on the card and march straight in to the store and make a cash payment. That way my bill was always paid in full and I never suffered any interest or late fees. Later I started working in a retail store where I was
  3. Is ALTA allowing women to play both Thursdays and Sundays yet? I'm already on a Thursday team but I'd love to play Sundays too. I just don't think they're allowing it yet.
  4. I love to cook and sew. I only wish I had more time to do it.
  5. When this has happened to me I'be contacted the manufacturer and they directed me where it could be purchased. I love Red Rock Ginger Ale but for a time I couldn't find it anywhere. One call to the bottling company and I had a list of 4 stores within 10 miles of me. Write, send an e-mail, or give a call to Morton's and I bet you'll get your answer pretty quickly. Good Luck.
  6. I love the heated seats. I love the automatic windshield wipers. It's so cool. They sense the rain and activate or deactivate themselves. I love the remote start -- especially in the summer. I start the car as I'm leaving a store and all the heat is blown out before I get there. I love the automatic open and close on the hatch. When it's raining I can press the button as I'm leaving a store and the hatch opens to be a perfect umprella while I load the groceries.
  7. I'm throwing in the towel and calling Papa John.
  8. I completely agree. However, sometimes we have to look for a compromise. Some parents do rely on the school system for babysitting. Regardless of the intentions the board still has to answer to the voters. And without their support nothing will work.
  9. The biggest objection I've heard to 4 day weeks is the added expense for childcare of elementary aged children. So, how about making it 5 days for elementary and 4 days for middle and high school?
  10. Good Morning All. Have a wonderful day.
  11. My daughter started babysitting in 5th grade and that's when we got her a phone. I'm so glad we did. On two occasions she has excused herself to the restroom when the parents arrived home and she could tell they had been drinking. She called to have me pick her up. She was able to avoid confronting the adults by saying, "Thanks for the offer but my mom is on the way to get me." Sidenote: She learned this in the WellStar babysitting class. I highly recommend it. As far as concern for a child having a phone, it depends on the child. Some are more responsible than others.
  12. Each kid learns differently and I've had to use different tactics with all my children. With the oldest I had to use the you don't know what you've got until it's gone method. I told her I'd pay her a dollar a day to do all her chores and ONE thing that went above and beyond what was normally expected. I told her I'd put 7 one dollar bills on her dresser each Monday morning and she couldn't touch them until the following week. Each night I went into her room and discussed with her what she had done for the day. If she hadn't done what was expected I walked over and took one of the dollars
  13. Are you looking for right now or next year? If you're looking for next year don't be afraid to put your child's name on a waiting list. Many people sign their kids up for multiple schools then pick one after the open house or meet and greet. Many providers do their meet and greet about two weeks before school starts. After the first day of school the providers start calling the families of absent children to find out what's going on and then is when the waiting list comes in to play. You'd be surprised how many kids are called back from the waiting lists. If you're looking for one
  14. First of all I want to applaud your child for wanting to be considerate of others. Somehow that character trait seems to have almost disappeared. Secondly, I personally see nothing wrong with describing someone by their appearance. People are different and it doesn't matter if you describe someone as the redhead, black person, guy in the wheel chair, short, or scanitly dressed. Facts are facts. Some people can change their appearance and some can't. Regardless, if you are not blind, then it is silly to ignore what you actually visualize. If someone is overly sensitive to their own ap
  15. We've been there once and my family enjoyed it. I just wish you could get a plain burger -- especially for the kids. I ordered the cole slaw and was a little surprised. I'm a horseradish fan but the cole slaw had A LOT of horseradish. It was too hot to eat plain but it was great when I put it on the burger. We'll definately go back.
  16. Maybe your sister just needs a break. My aunt took care of my grandmother in another state. They were very close (best friends) but the stress of her own life plus the responsibilities were wearing her down fast. My father stepped in and insisted they move my grandmother closer to him so he could help out. Once we moved her up here my aunt's stress level decreased and my grandmother was able to enjoy other family members. My aunt visited often and truly enjoyed their visits. It was really the best thing for everyone. I know what you're going through. It's hard not being able to he
  17. Can she go on day trips? When my grandfather was in a nursing/rehab center I would pick him up and take him to my house for dinner or we would just drive around for a couple of hours. Even though he hated having to go back at the end of the day I knew he had a good day simply enjoying the change of scenery. I always called the nurses ahead of time and they had him washed, dressed, and ready. If she is chair bound talk to the nurses. Most of them will be glad to help your sister get her in and out of the car. If nothing else, the two of them could just ride around. You will be very ple
  18. I can not begin to imagine being a bus driver today. They may need a couple extra angels on their shoulders.
  19. I don't mind the extended day. I just wish they would add the time to the mornings instead of the afternoons. It's never hurt someone to get up 15 minutes earlier but it can be a major inconvenience to alter the afternoon schedules.
  20. Did they happen to say if they would be adding the extra time on to the mornings or to the afternoons?
  21. Mine is from my favorite book series. In Janet Evanovich's novels Ranger calls Stephanie, "Babe," and Joe calls her, "Cupcake." Since I see no reason whatsoever she shouldn't be able to have both men I put the names together and called myself BabeCake.
  22. You can add extra horseradish to call it angry cocktail sauce or you can add lots of horseradish to get piZZed off cocktail sauce. For the benefit of PCom I exchanged the S for Z. I like my cocktail sauce extra hot.
  23. Crab claws, pizzed off cocktail sauce, corn on the cobb, hush puppies, Bud Light Lime, and Bud Shootout.
  24. Call the vets and tell them your situation. The vet my MIL uses gave her a pill to give her dog. Even though he wouldn't eat she was able to put it in his throat and after about an hour he just went to sleep. It was very hard on her but at least she was able to hold him the entire time, they were at home, and the dog wasn't in an uncomfortable or strange environment.
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