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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Please don't think I was quetioning the Shriners. I think they have been amazing in their efforts to help children. I was really questioning why the family may not be able to get the help from the Shriners. Is it red tape, finacnial stability, or is it that they (the parents) haven't asked?
  2. Humm. Sorry. I didn't look at the photos. I just read the short article. Now that I've looked at the pics. I agree. No matter how you feel about the death penalty. I can't imagine it ever bringing joy to anyone.
  3. He died from a "barrage" of bullets. http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/gallery?section=news&id=7505678&photo=1
  4. From what I remember, it is a legitimate cause. The child in question suffers daily. I too wonder why they can't or haven't gotten help from the Shriners. Who knows. I just thank God I'm not in that family's situation. I would go to all lengths to get the right care for my child. Whether they are going about it the right way is a question left for someone else. Like most, I cringe when I see her sitting out in the extreme weather and the brother being taught to panhandle. The big question here seems to be about what the children are being made to do. Regardless, I hope the c
  5. Has he been swimming in a neighborhood pool lately? For the last couple of years my kids always got sick right after school was out. Come to find out there was a lot going around. It was mostly strep, stomach viruses, and sinus issues. Just about all the sick ones had been hanging out at the pools. This year I've kept them out of the subdivision pool and we've only been in private pools. So far everyone's healthy. I can't guarantee the public pools are breeding grounds but my kids are definitely healthier.
  6. Report cards from McClure came in the mail today.
  7. I've had a Garmin and a Magellan. They were both great. Currently, I have a factory installed unit that is absolute garbage. I've resorted to using the OnStar navigation and it has worked perfectly.
  8. Are you sure? I was under the impression that even if you upgrade you have to sign a NEW two year contract. The new contract would eliminate unlimited data even to existing customers. If you want to keep the unlimited data you can't upgrade to the new phone. I hope you're right. That would make this a much better deal.
  9. I don't expect to hear anything about Natalie Holloway's murder any time soon. He was smart enough to get away with it this long. Now I'm sure he'll hold on to that bit of information in hopes of using it as a bargaining chip for a reduced sentence. But who knows, Peru may not care about what happened in Aurba and sentence him with or without the Holloway confession. I have high hopes but no expectations that the Holloway family will ever know the truth.
  10. Silly man. Did you tell him that red lights are only suggestions?
  11. I don't thing she's commenting on the schools or any of its employees. I think she's commenting on the parents who are complaining about something they can do nothing about. The only productive complaining I've seen here was from Caped Crusader. He voiced his opinion about the parent portal being shut down and then the decision was over turned. Way to go CC!! Anyway, when things are done and over and there is nothing you can do about it no amount of complaining will make it any better. It will only make you bitter. On the other hand, if you are voicing your distaste for something t
  12. Wow! I've been reading your posts for quite a while. I've never read one quite like that. Suggestion: fix yourself a large cup of coffee, go out on the porch, and listen to the birds sing. All will be well with the world.
  13. I agree, it makes me sick to my stomach. A year ago I spread my father's ashes in the waters of Pensacola Beach. I just hate to think about it now. We were about a mile out from the light house and the water was just so pretty. His ashes sparkled like diamonds as they submerged. There will be no sparkling for a long time to come.
  14. Yeah, you're right. Why have a reminder of the past unless you're scared you might repeat it? The other option is to not get one at all. Personally, if I really wanted to buy something to help me move on I would go with jewelry. Diamonds are always good. Oh yeah, and you can take them off if you want!
  15. Please don't take this as being critical because I don't know you or anything about you. The chain and the jar kind of symbolizes that someone else kept you caged when in fact you admitted you stayed because of your own fear. If you stay with the butterfly idea how about having it emerging from a coccoon? That way it is breaking away from something it did to itself. I'm not sure that congratulations are in order but if this is what you feel you need to do, I'm happy you're taking steps to improve your life.
  16. You find out who owes the debt just by listening. LGM: Hello. Collector: May I speak to ____________? LGM: Who's calling please? Collector: ____________________. LGM: That person does not live here or have this number, however, I have it and I will be glad to give it to you!! Now, finding out who they owe it to is a different matter.
  17. I had the exact same problem. The individual gave out my phone number and address all the time. I knew she had to be local because I even got Kroger card coupons with her name and my address. I googled her and found her address in Marietta. When I called her husband answered and I told him about the collection calls and the mail. He went ape$hit!!! Needless to say, she stopped giving out my address and phone number. Now when the stragler collector calls I tell them that I'm not who they're looking for but I'll gladly give them her number and address!
  18. Call the Activities Center at Bentwater. They rent out to residents as well as non-residents. I have no idea what the non-resident fee is. Have fun!
  19. Cut in half and boil until tender. While they are boiling mix some onion salt with melted butter. Drain the potatoes, cover with the melted butter, then sprinkle with chives.
  20. Have a great weekend and thanks for the mowers.
  21. Prayers sent. Is her mother a teacher?
  22. Good work CC and all the others who called. Now, if getting other changes made were so easy. At least now we know that someone there is listening. CC for President!!!
  23. I feel so sorry for what she's been going through. It's great that she wanted to share her story and warn everyone to be on the lookout for the spiders. I just don't think I would have gone on TV and told all of Georgia about the smell. By the way, when they showed a pic. of the spider you could tell it was on a finger tip. I had no idea they were so small.
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