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The Texture

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Everything posted by The Texture

  1. College is over rated. How about teaching your kids that not only are their other options out there, but many of them offer better job security and pay, such as learning trade skills. Have your kid go apprentice for an electrician, a plumber, a carpenter, a mechanic, a welder... have them learn skills that will not only get them a job but serve them well at home too. Too many people think that college is the only way to be successful, but the demand for skilled labor is so high that very rarely do you hear about tradesmen who are out of work, and when you do its never for very long. Teach your
  2. Its subjective somewhat... but anything below 70 you might want to eat some sugar. I tend to get cranky when I fall anywhere near 60 or so. By contrast you may want to hit a dose of humalog, or w/e your on if you get at 140 or higher. Anything in the middle your fine.
  3. What are you talking about, you dont give a damn that everyone here hates you!
  4. If sports teams cant be named "Rebels" then I submit that no sports team is allowed to be called "Panthers" either.
  5. Get one of those miniforklifts instead, not only can you elevate yourself, but you can transfix anyone in front of you who gets on your nerves.
  6. Why settle for .38 special? Get a .357 magnum and you can shoot both!
  7. Youre kidding right? I dont think 3 pages of paperwork constitutes a mountain. I bought a SSA on a lunch break. In and out. It was nice and im all in favor of it.
  8. Now we need to ensure polygamy is legal too. Yes, I am being serious.
  9. 7 bucks and a home depot and ill have a gun in less than 5 minutes. So much for the wait period.
  10. You dont need that much air. Only law enforcement and military personnel should have access to that much air. You dont need this, cause you can call the exterminator. I bet you didnt have any training with air either.
  11. I would travel to 1985 and ask Doc Brown how the events transpiring didnt cause a universe destroying paradox because thats heavy duty.
  12. Well I suppose I shouldnt tell you about this boil I had lanced with all this gritty yellow pus oozing out, or this weird flaky rash I have on my right buttocks, I mean the skin is just sluffing off I tell ya h-whut.
  14. that's a pretty stupid policy for a store that SELLS 12 GAUGE SHOTGUNS!!!!!!
  15. Ide let her choose between me reporting her to police or get a world class beating... world class... something that would make Torquemada blush.
  16. Because that is what the internet is for. The internet is for slamming others anonymously and sharing adult oriented content. Where have you been, under a rock?
  17. Nope, I get the same. Comcast is friggin blazing.
  18. Whats the problem youre having with your computer?
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