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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. I watched the Brady Bunch in reruns. Oh, my mom was pregnant with me when Elvis died. My husband is 12 years older than I am and I love reminding him that his senior year of high school was my kindergarten year.
  2. Were all those really "meow"? Some sounded like he was saying "now", which makes more sense. Anyway, good game yesterday but they shouldn't have let Carolina (meow) get that close! Where was the offensive line? Ryan got sacked 7 times--that's unacceptable!
  3. Her ex-husband started saying that when she left him and filed for divorce, which she did after he was watching porn and the kids walked in and caught him. It was a NASTY divorce and he also called her anorexic and the whole thing was ugly. She left Dancing With The Stars to deal with it, remember? Kenny Chesney isn't gay.
  4. CHOA had some ads where the kid was asking the mom why the kid was fat and the mom, overweight herself, had no answer, or mom was thinking that the kid looks normal and is just "big-boned" like mom. True, overweight kids can come from slender parents--I have a friend who's a size 4 and both her kids are chubby--but a lot of it does start at home. When we go to McDonald's I make my son get one healthy choice, either apples instead of fries, or milk instead of sweet tea. He then pointed out that I got fries and sweet tea, and I tried to distract him to avoid the hypocrisy that he saw. (The
  5. Modern Family did an episode where their car was mistakenly switched by the valet and they had someone else's Prius. They used GPS to drive the car home to the right owner and switch cars, but the wife was waiting for the car to come home (thinking it was her hubby) and was throwing things for going out without permission. Funny twist on that and made me rethink putting "home" in the GPS. My hubby bought a new GPS recently and used it to get to work and a doctor's office (that he was an established patient at and knew where they were) and even to my son's school--just to use it. So, of cou
  6. They will either do a split-night sleep study, where you go one night and they monitor you then wake you up and titrate your CPAP to see which setting works best, or a two-night where you have to come back a second night for the titration. Most people get the split-night so they're only away from home one night. Yeah, the sleep labs rival the Marriott I stayed in a few years back--nice!! It's all on who your insurance will cover. Call the number on the back of your insurance card and find out who they allow for DME (durable medical equipment). My husband's insurance changed and
  7. I'd ask about that. I was told, up front, that the working interview wouldn't be paid but once hired I was given the W2 and all that. The two days you worked should be paid unless it was your working interview.
  8. The photo was on one of the guy's personal blog and that's where the picture was taken from. The group that stole it added a tagline that implied the couple's marriage would be legal if so-and-so got elected. So not only was the couple's picture taken and republished without their consent (not to mention copyright infringements for the original photographer), it was used in an ad against gay marriage, which this couple obviously believe in. They got hit twice with this. Whatever your stance on same-sex marriage, it was wrong to do that to anyone. There need to be much tougher (or any at a
  9. While we're on the subject of legality in the workplace, I have a FMLA question. I was on intermittent FMLA during my pregnancy, which my HR initiated when I was hospitalized for 4 days the first time, and wound up missing a total of 3 non-consecutive weeks of work in one month due to hospitalizations and home health services. I know FMLA protects your job but does it protect your performance? Three months after I was able to return to work (wearing a medication pump for 2 weeks!) I had my annual review. Keep in mind I hadn't missed a single day of work or even been late since I had return
  10. The job I was at for 2 1/2 years started with a a regular interview then I was asked to return the next day for a working interview. I worked from 9-4:30 while also being trained. I got the job and wasn't paid for the "working interview" but was paid and on regular payroll with tax deductions and benefits for the rest of the time. Small offices seem to do that to get a feel for how you'd fit in and if the other people would like working with you. I'm a nurse and they needed someone immediately (they'd fired the previous nurse for falsifying prescriptions and two other nurses walked out in
  11. My oldest is almost 11 and he sat in his jumpy twice. Once he'd stomp one foot and spin in circles, the second time he cried. My baby is 7 months and he's been in his once. He just kinda looked around and whined to get out. The only reason my baby even has one is because my sister-in-law was visiting and insisted on buying him something. I'd say to spend the money on something else, like an exersaucer, where they can bounce (or lock, most have locking features so it won't bounce), spin, play with toys, and also strengthen their legs for walking without the danger of a walker. Although mo
  12. All the refs want is a pension. Give them their pension and bring them back. Once the regular refs are back then people would quit complaining about the outcomes (and actually give the Falcons credit they deserve!). If Green Bay had been playing decently the whole game it wouldn't have come down to one play, but I was glad to see them knocked off their high horse. This whole thing is why I hate unions. Hopefully this will resolve itself very soon so wins can be celebrated completely and losses are taken in stride.
  13. My best was a dumb blond. I wore jeans with holes in the knees because I was feeling religious and wanted to wear my holy clothes, a plain white T-shirt (actually, two of them because it was a 2-pack, just wore one under the other) and I wrote on the front of it "head goes here" with the arrow pointing up, "tuck in here" with an arrow pointing down, "right arm here" with the arrow, "left arm here" with arrow, "front" and "back". I had an old pair of tennis shoes and wrote "TGIF" on them to remind me that Toes Go In First, blonde wig which I twirled around my finger with a blank look on my fa
  14. I'm not convinced this oral device would be sufficient. The issue with sleep apnea tends to be the soft tissue at the back of the throat/mouth collapsing and covering the airway. This device would need to physically hold it up and my gag reflex wouldn't let that happen if I had to use it. My husband has a CPAP, had it for years before we met, and we've both gotten used to it. His is set on 12 (started at 14!) and he says it's like night and day. Before, he'd fall asleep on the couch or sitting at work or sitting in traffic, he'd go to bed at 9, wake up at 7, take a 3-hour nap and still be
  15. I was denied Medicaid because I "made too much" as a single mom waiting tables two nights a week. I've worked in different medical offices (specialists) and Wellcare is the one Medicaid plan not accepted because they won't pay. I don't know if CHOA is the exception to the rule, but the ENT and allergy/asthma clinic I worked at both couldn't accept Wellcare because it's for well visits. That's great that you found specialists that could take it, most can't. I agree that it should be on a sliding scale and some do have a small $2.00 copay. Hope your kids are doing well now--my baby had to s
  16. So sorry. I lock my car even when it's parked in the garage.
  17. The child tax credit is $1000 per child, so that should only be $2000. Where did the other $2200 come from? Also, if you worked with her then how was the federal not being withheld from her pay? If someone doesn't pay federal income tax because they're unemployed but still have kids, they don't deserve their child tax credit? I was a single mom, going to nursing school full-time, working part-time, so I didn't pay very much in federal income tax but you can be dang sure I got my $1000 child tax credit. I still had to feed and clothe him and put him in daycare and after school care. I was
  18. That was wrong on so many levels but made me laugh. I'd get phone calls like that from patients and now I'm wondering if she was the culprit! LOL.
  19. Why give up boots? None of my boots are high heels so they should be exempt. I wear so little makeup that it wouldn't be obvious. I did my makeup on one side and left the other half of my face naked and I couldn't really tell a difference. I did finish the naked half before I left the house so I wouldn't look like an idiot, though.
  20. It's not an attack on you personally. I know there are safe bikers out there but I see so many more dangerous ones. You're getting all our problems with motorcyclists. We can't approach y'all on the road with our concerns because you're driving between traffic lanes and doing 80 in a 45 and taking curves on your knee. I saw one Saturday make an illegal right turn. He was in the right turn lane and there was a car in front of him at the red light, checking to see if the traffic was clear so the car could turn right. The idiot motorcycle went off the road onto the shoulder and sidewalk to
  21. They made it to the Superbowl and even then weren't getting the respect. There's four (pretty sure it's four) teams that have NEVER been to the Superbowl so the Birds are hardly the worst out there. I know they've choked in playoffs the past few years but still, they're off to a great start and aren't getting the love. I was watching Good Morning America yesterday and their ticker at the bottom of the screen showed most of the Sunday football scores but not the Falcons. Their defense has been killing it this year and Matt Ryan has been awesome. They kicked San Diego's rear and the Charger
  22. Their defense won that game against Denver. Yes, Old Man-ning threw those interceptions but they could only be interceptions if our defense caught them. They're putting some hard hits and pressuring the QB and forcing turnovers--great job. Matt Ryan has been on fire and throwing very well. I don't want Gonzales to retire this year either and I agree they are a force to be reckoned with. What I don't like is how the Falcons aren't getting the love and respect from the media. I was watching Good Morning America this morning and their ticker at the bottom of the screen didn't even show the
  23. Want to make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it.
  24. Never been there but was at Buffalo Wild Wings and not only did they seat us in a table where the waitress was on break, but when she finally came back from break (another waiter said he'd be right with us to get our drink order--never happened) and put our order in, she brought our check five minutes after we got our meal. Is that normal for them? It felt like we were being rushed.
  25. You are awesome! Don't give up on your dream of nursing--I LOVE it! Chattahoochee tech has nursing programs and might even have CNA programs. CNAs are great and really are the front line of patient care, especially in long-term care facilities. It takes a special person with a special touch to do that. I salute you in your career choice while pursuing your dream.
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