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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. At 29 I'd been married, had a child, bought a house, divorced, and was a single mom putting myself through nursing school. Being settled isn't a bad thing. I wouldn't want to be 21 again--that's for sure!
  2. Paulding County doesn't have the after-school program in any of their schools, it's an outside company called Learning Bridge. Go to Learning Bridge's website and look over all their info and print out the 6-page enrollment form and bring it to sneak-a-peek in the summer. It's still held at the school and run by the school's own teachers, but it's not a direct part of PCSD. Right now it's a small registration fee and weekly rate of $35 for full-time enrollment (5 days a week, I don't know what their part-time 3-day fee is). We're not at Roberts but Learning Bridge is universal for the dist
  3. How is Direct TV? I had Dish Network years ago and would lose signal every time it rained or had heavy winds. Has that improved now?
  4. Levaquin is the preferred choice for sinus infections because it's stronger and works, unlike so many other antibiotics. The tendon soreness is more likely to happen when the levaquin is combined with oral steroids (prednisone). Sinuses have very little blood flow so it takes a stronger antibiotic to get rid of sinus infections because so little of it actually reaches the affected area; areas with high blood flow can usually be treated with lower-dose antibiotics because more of the antibiotic is reaching them. Anyway, the ENT I worked for would never write a Z-pack for sinus infection
  5. Okay, so if the blizzard of '93 was nothing compared to the ice storm of '83, which was a cake walk compared to the storm of '73, does this mean we're due for some good snow here in '13? Anyway, I had forgotten about the thundersnow but I remember it waking me up, and what a wondrous sight! All that pristine snow just begging to be played in! And yes, this makes me feel old, too. My 11-year-old was hearing the stories about it and he's jealous. He wants to play in all that!
  6. On yesterday's news they reported a guy had 10-12 gunshots at his house at the intersection of Hiram Way and Davis Mill Rd. He was asleep and heard the commotion around 3:30 a.m. and the cops found the bullet holes all in the front of his house. Thought it was weird that his house was shot up very close to where the big booms had been the night before!
  7. PCP's (primary care physicians) don't get near the compensation that specialists do, yet specialists have such high malpractice insurance premiums that some can't afford to practice anymore.
  8. Amen!! I hate having to get prior authorization from insurance companies for prescriptions we write and imaging we need to schedule. Most insurance companies want the patient to try drug X first, then drug Y, then drug Z, then they'll cover drug A--but at a higher tier which means higher copay for the patient. Imaging studies require an approval number, which is only good for 15-30 days. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. That's the only drawback (for me, anyway) to working in healthcare.
  9. I'm waiting for aspartame to be added to that list.
  10. White Oak Park. There's an old mill somewhere in Cedartown (google it, a lot of people have their weddings there) and there's a waterfall in the background, Rolater Park in Cave Spring if you're heading west.
  11. He is da- and kinda cute. I love his attitude on and off the field and am so happy he's back. I've got my 88 jersey ready to wear again! I think he would have fully retired if the Falcons had gone and won the Superbowl, so hopefully they'll get it this year so Tony can go out on a high note. I'm happy he's back.
  12. Twenty years ago--so hard to believe! I remember it well, and had to laugh this morning when David Chandley on Channel 2 was saying how the city of Atlanta officially had 4 1/2" (hubby's a Yankee so he really got a kick out of that) but, to our credit, the suburbs got up to 19". I remember using a ruler in my front yard and measured 10" of snow in one area. I enjoyed that you could build a snowman and not use all the snow in the process!
  13. Graduated HS in 96, was taught two spaces. I don't know if my thumb could stop after just one space after a period. See, I just did it again. Plus, my iPhone automatically puts a period when I space twice, so Steve Jobs apparently agreed with the two spaces.
  14. I'm off Ridge and was outside with my son last night and we both heard a boom. It was noticeable enough to make us both stop throwing the football and he asked if that was thunder. Does anybody know now what it was? Tunnel construction? Meth lab? Redneck with a shotgun doing a celebratory thing? Blasting Bill Carruth Pkwy? Or maybe, just maybe, we're ALL crazy and hearing things.
  15. Not a big fan of Pretty Boy, but this is a great commercial. He was funny when he guest co-hosted Live With Kelly before.
  16. Yes, I'd want to know. Even if I didn't know, other people would know and it'd eventually get back to me. I'd rather find out from him than from my friend's cousin's neighbor's sister who was working front desk at the Holiday Inn and saw them check into the room together. There's the trust issue also. If he can't be trusted with our intimate life, then can he be trusted with our financial affairs? The biggest thing is the risk of STDs. No, not all affairs or one-night stands involve unprotected sex, but nothing is 100% effective. Besides, if it's a drunken one-night stand, what married
  17. Such a tragic loss. She had a beautiful voice and I had hoped she could beat her demons and get back on track. If you have never lost someone to suicide or contemplated it, you have NO business attempting to judge anyone! My friend took her own life at 16 after battling bipolar disorder for years. I was so guilty over it that I contemplated it. When you're in a situation like that, you are NOT in your right mind and can't see anything beyond your own pain and suffering and don't think anyone would notice, or care, if you left. It's a dark, deep, horrible place and nobody should suff
  18. Yep. I'm working but it's temporary work and I'm still looking for something else. I'm working through the temporary service of a large, well-respected healthcare group in Atlanta, in their midtown location. The bad part (besides the drive) is I'm making almost a dollar an hour less than I made 5 years ago with no experience in a small private practice in Cherokee county, and it's over $4/hour less than the job I left a year ago. So, not only am I making $13/hour as a nurse working in Atlanta, I have no benefits (being a temporary employee) AND they won't validate my parking anymore but I'
  19. Oh, our defense knows what to do; unfortunately, they just stopped too early. Still rooting for them next year though!
  20. I ask myself that when I'm eating at Chick-Fil-A. They have the best customer service and go way beyond any fast food restaurant, heck, most sit-down restaurants, and take care of their guests. From "my pleasure" when you say thank you to bringing your food out to you to the person offering to refresh your drink, I just feel appreciated when I'm there. When I worked in Austell, I'd go to the CFA on Austell and Mulkey Road and would eat inside just to be around that atmosphere for an hour!
  21. Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer. And yes, I love that song, best song of the 80's Heard: when she cries in the night on Christmas Really: when she cries in the night Tommy whispers These have cracked me up, especially the Dream Weaver mix up just now getting corrected (again). And open condom style But, I must say, there are a lot of songs that I'm glad I didn't understand what they were saying when I was singing along with the radio as a kid, because when I understood them as an adult I was shocked that my parents would let me listen to it! Heck, even an innocent movie like "Greas
  22. A little more current--Call Me Maybe! Can we PLEASE banish that song and all its stupid parodies for eternity? PLEASE!?!?!? 99 Luftballoons Dwight Yokam--anything he sings, can't stand his voice I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas Deanna Carter--Strawberry Wine I know there's a LOT more--it'll come to me soon!
  23. And it's politically incorrect. It's American Gauchos and Native Americans. Your neighbors sound awesome! I bet that was so much fun!
  24. While the courtesy is appreciated, it's also uneasy for the other driver. Someone waved me out (I was turning left and traffic headed to my left was backed up and I couldn't see traffic coming from the right) and when I pulled out to turn left, someone coming from my right nearly T-boned me. I don't know if the driver that waved me out would have had any consequence (I highly doubt it since I was the one that pulled out) but that was the last time I pulled out if I couldn't see both lanes of traffic. And yes, turning left onto Ridge from Austin Bridge SUCKS but turning left onto Ridge fr
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