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Everything posted by justme2

  1. http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/bigdog.asp english mastiffs are great family dogs, calm and cuddly with their family, but large enough in size to stop most idiots from coming between them and their family.
  2. justme2


    agreed.... but if it comes down to bachman or perry for the republicans i would be voting against them even if it means obama i really wish they would come up with a third choice....republican democrat or none of the above and let's start over
  3. justme2


    gee, i am really sad he dropped out. after all this was a person who complained about obama not having any political experience, but yet decided to run for president even though he was never elected for ANYTHING and if cain has to drop for having affairs, i assume that newt will have to drop out as well. Romney can not get nominated, because he isn't a baptist. that leaves the republican party with a bunch of idiotic fundies. welcome to four more years of obama
  4. gee, phil gigrey (a republican) lying? who would have thought anything different?
  5. good choices. i would add sarah conner chronicles to this list i think that all "serials" should end like six feet under where they showed what happened to the characters.
  6. this does not surprise me....after all congress just passed a law that allowed the military to arrest us citizens and hold them forever without charges indefinitely. hopefully obama will veto this the constitution as written is over and done with, and the america we knew 15 years ago is also finnished.
  7. sexual harrasment? no should he have beat the other boy to a pulp for trying to steal something form him? yes
  8. perhaps you should report both the salon owner and the liquor store owner, since they are in violation of the law also by accepting ebt cards for these items
  9. if they are planning on using dns filtering this is easily bypassed by using opendns. (opendns.org) this only takes a few seconds to set up, and is what everyone should be using anyway, since they filter out a lot of the phishing\malware sites and if you go to their website, you really do not need to register. all you need to do is set your dns servers to and to use opendns
  10. jax's brother died (or got sick, i don't remember which, but they did say he died) when john (jax's father) was in ireland. i hate it that next week is the last episode for this season, and we will have to wait until next september to continue the story. this is one of the best shows on tv
  11. so which is it? was it paid for by public(taxpayer) funds, or private funds?
  12. yep that is my feelings.....if you chose a career deal with the results....if you don't like it change careers\employers or be self employed if you are able to.
  13. given the demographics of nascar fans, what did you expect?
  14. thanks for pointing out that kurt sutter is otto. didn;t notice that before
  15. strongly disagree. once they pass a certain size the angles are all wrong. i prefer to have my half of the bed, not my quarter. in addition to that i have allergies to most types of flour
  16. it's not their fault? some one force fed them?
  17. i never did care for nascar, or any auto racing on a oval. for me the best auto racing was back in the late 80s/early 90s when prost and senna were in formula 1. both were on the same team (maclaren) and hated each other, and every race you knew that the first two finishes would be prost or senna, the race for anyone else was for third. if you missed this, a google search for "prost senna youtube" will give you several vidoes
  18. if it is paid for by a private source then i have no problem with it.
  19. huh? i just gave the previous post a +, and i'm not a paying member
  20. maybe cobb county had more sense than paulding, the first post in this thread said there was a police escort
  21. more waste of taxpayers dollars for religious reasons. glad i moved.
  22. 13.59 per hour would not have paid the state\federal income taxes for the last 20 years as far as how many times i have had a gun pulled on me i am at 7. guess we grew up in a different 'hood as far as results 2 were drt (dead right there) one was no billed by a grand jury, one i was tried and found not guilty. the third (who raped my grandmother) i did time for, a total of 16 months since i was a minor at the time, can no longer rape anything since he is missing the required parts, and has been in a wheelchair and using a colostomy bag since 1977. it was worth every bit of the 16 mo
  23. huh? why? gemma will be in the show until it ends in season 8. after all she is married to the writer\producer in real life the question is who tries to kill clay? will it be tig, opie, jax or unser?
  24. eztv.it. demonoid.me and thepiratebay.com normally have torrents available within 20 minutes of the end of the broadcast
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