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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. It cracks me up. The 3 cats are fine, the 2 dogs (mini-Chi and miniature Dachshund) are cowering. Wimps, lol.
  2. I hope everyone got out alright.
  3. I would be HIGLY suspicious and I'll tell you why. Larger dogs, with big heads...Rotts, Shepherds, Hounds, Danes, etc. Are highly valuable to animal research labs. They are stolen or picked up frequently as 'free to good home' dogs and sold to those types of places. That's why most reputable listing agencies that have a large public base of users refuse to accept those listings. I wouldn't trust those people as far as I could throw them.
  4. It's scaring my little chihuahua. She is crying and hiding under her covers . Poor baby.
  5. Yes, I can hear the thunder out there right now. I hate thunderstorms . I'm in Powder Springs and from the sound of it I'm not sure exactly where it is coming from.
  6. I don't see any need to apologize, honestly. I just think every once in awhile all of us (on both sides of the issue) need to push away from the keyboard and 'breathe'. With hot button issues in particular. When cooler heads prevail it's easier to dialogue. Otherwise it just turns into mudslinging and everyone ends up dirty. Absolutely nothing is really discussed and all we accomplish is hurting another person. No one takes well to insults and personal attacks, unless they are just trolling for a flame war. I don't think that's the issue on this case on any side. I need to remind mysel
  7. The rules: Don't take too long to think about it. If you could program your own movie channel with the thirty-One films you'd love to see during the month of October, what would they be? I transported this list from Facebook. I LOVE horror (always have), and am just interested in what others would choose. I seriously could have added about 100 more, but these were the first that popped into my head . 1. Night of the Living Dead (original) 2. Dawn of the Dead (original) 3. Day of the Dead 4. Night of the Living Dead (Savini remake) 5. Dawn of the Dead (2004) 6.
  8. I think this thread is a very good example of why we cannot have a civilized discourse on differences political/religious/whatever in this country. I'm talking from ALL sides. Why is it necessary to resort to intelligence insulting, and ad hominem attacks (on both sides)? I understand that it is easy to sit in front of a keyboard and say or suggest things that you would not perhaps, say to a person's face. I hate that. I'm not thin skinned either, and I am as liberal as they come. I just think that perhaps there is a better way to discuss. I do get hot under the collar about certain is
  9. Yep Susan is pretty freaking awesome . She told me I had just missed you guys. Maybe I'll meet you next time .
  10. Exactly! I don't understand the sense of entitlement, and that is exactly what it is .
  11. That used to happen at Best-Buy all the time as well. They were also collecting food for an abused women/children's shelter and someone (an employee) stole a lot of the food. Pretty damn disgusting.
  12. O.M.G!!!! That is awesome! I just added it to my favorites . How did you come across that? I cannot wait to share it, lol.
  13. I really enjoy Juan Williams and for the most part agree with his views. I was super disappointed that he was fired from the station That being said, I have enjoyed listening to NPR for the last 30 years or so. I appreciate their programming, and as a HUGE lover of classical music it is an awesome place to get my fix when my cd's are unavailable. I just think the whole thing sucks all the way around and am entirely disappointed in them.
  14. That's kind of silly, and not what I understood from the post at all. I think it means more that there is a widening of the pool of those with the ability to adopt and rescue children from being shuffled from temporary places. That's what I understood the post to mean, anyway.
  15. Awww, thank you former member, That seriously made me smile . Back atcha, sister!!
  16. Amen to that! Sexual orientation has no bearing on a person's ability to be a loving, caring, INCREDIBLE parent( or anything else for that matter). I know WAY to many heterosexuals that should be snipped and clipped to avoid reproduction, seiously. Love, is love. Period.
  17. I just asked my daughter and she said 'It's difficult, but not outright banned'. SO, I am not sure. I hope that this stays on topic because it would truly suck for this awesome news to be relegated to a part of the forum where no one will see it.
  18. -21, lol. It won't let me vote anymore today. I'll make sure and remedy that tomorrow, and it will punch my 'v' card because I have never given anyone a negative before .
  19. LOL, my husband calls them 'pixie britches' on me, because I am so short they come to my ankles no matter what. Oh, and I do wear capri's, flip flops, and whatever kind of t-shirt strikes my fancy. Usually Tim Burton or something declaring my love of zombies. I don't have cankles so I guess that is a plus . I don't wear heels, but I do wear doc martens...just not with my pixie britches, lol.
  20. I agree 100% and would have done the same thing if there had been any type of common social media when mine were younger. Funny thing is my two 20-somethings still live at home and I know all of their passwords, and they know mine. Not for snooping reasons, because we don't have anything to snoop. Just in case anything were to happen to any of us and we needed to get in touch with the other's people.
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