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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I hate these people. I mean, I really HATE them...and everything they stand for. They are all loudmouthed, obnoxious, incestuous, and quite possibly the result of unfortunate encounters with farm animals. Unfortunate for the animals, I mean. But I agree with NC, as much as I hate them I have to support (for lack of a better term) their right to free speech. They are disgusting, and since they are all related hopefully once their partiarch and his daughter die off the 'church' will die off with them. I'm disgusted that the media gives them any coverage whatsoever b
  2. Absolutely, and everyone like them!
  3. This is about to be my new status!!!!!
  4. I know! I had a friend post this as her status today. Cracked me up! "GTFO of my inbox with this stupid number sh*t. I've already said I'm not doing it. It's just another way for people to be fake towards people. No one's gonna say "### I think you're a stupid b*tch who needs to leap from the highest building you can find!" It would actually be much more entertaining if someone said that!
  5. Did they have that right next to the Hanukkah pork chops and shellfish ??? *face-palm*
  6. Best. Show. Ever. I am absolutely loving this season. I'm wondering if they are going to take this in the direction of the novels? Deb knows about Dexter, from the first book. So I keep wondering if they are going to take the characters in the same direction that Jeff Lindsay originally wrote them. Deb is to the point now where I think she would be more open to the idea of Dexter being a vigilante, whether she understands him fully or not. Either way, as usual it is fascinating how it is all playing out. At first I did not like the whole 'Lumen' idea, but I am warming up to it so I h
  7. Books (shocking, I know), and art supplies .
  8. :wub:Michael Stipe (R.E.M) Holds my heart always and forever . Second only to Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day). Flogging Molly. Yo-Yo Ma...my favorite master of the Cello. Top Four .
  9. For me, as far as physical books are concerned there is no better decor for the home than a wall full of books . I'm serious when I say that. I could literally have every wall in my home covered in books and be happy. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. My 24 yr. old daughter has the same sickness...we are quite a pair. For that reason if no other, an e- Reader is just an accessory for me. I too am a reader, and a book reviewer. I'm paid in books. I'm often given the choice on the books I review between hard copy or electronic delivery. In that case I always choose hard copy. I k
  10. If so, I happened upon this cool little shop this past Friday and met one of the owners...Charlene Galoski. Super friendly people and just in general an awesome atmosphere. Good vibes and good fun. I highly recommend a visit if you are in the area . Joe's Cigar Company
  11. Couldn't answer the poll . I own the Sony Touch Reader (which I love). That being said my personal and ever growing library is numbered at well over 1,000 books. I think a Reader is a wonderful accessory and it is a pleasure to be able to increase font size for those of us with really poor eyesight. BUT... the Reader is not, nor ever will be a replacement for the physical book for true bibliophiles. As an accessory it most assuredly has it's place. Easy to carry hundreds of books with you in one handy device. Eventually the technology will be utilized to assist students with bulky texts
  12. Just wanted to say ...everyone can forward their unwanted $50.00 bills to me. I'll be happy to take them off your hands .
  13. Lenay, I appreciate the email . This looks so incredibly awesome. I wish we had time to do it. We just have so few people, and resources are stretched to the limit for all of us. I definitely want to visit this year and see all of the trees!
  14. I beg to differ. I think a majority of people tend to mind their own business and aren't really worried about what their neighbors are doing in their bedrooms...as mentioned above, as long as it does not involve children or animals. Also edited to say...'Those who partake of this' from your quote. What exactly is that supposed to mean, to whom are you referring? I don't know a single GLBT that thinks pedophilia should be a legally sanctioned activity. Just, wow.
  15. That is just sick and disgusting. What does the equal oportunity for two consenting adults to have the same partnership rights/protections as every married couple have to do with pedophilia? It's NAMBLA, btw.
  16. I'm not posting links to them but my sister and I LOVED 'Rockin' Robin' and 'Five O'Clock World'. We had a record of them and played them over, and over and over . I still have the record player btw...inside the clip-shut cover it says 'Rhonda Blackmon+Elvis Presley'. My Hubby laughed his arse off when he saw it and said 'I didn't know you used to 'go with' Elvis" . Talk about showing our age, lol.
  17. Yummy, yummy, YUMMY!!!! Hubby is on his way home right now, hmmmmmmmmm... lol
  18. Blessing for the second night of Hanukkah: Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-oso Nissim La-avoseynu Ba-yyomim Ho-heym Ba-zzman Ha-zze. Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who wrought miracles for our fathers in days of old, at this season. Also for our non-Jewish friends...Hanukkah lasts eight nights to celebrate the fact that during the rededication of the Second Temple there was only enough oil for the first night. The miracle taking place when the oil lasted 8 nights, hence the 8 nights of commemoration .
  19. LOL He was so goofy looking when he was younger, who woulda thunk he'd grow into such a purdy man?? RAWR Dadgummit...they didn't post .
  20. I pronounce 'orange'----'arnj'. My daughter is always jumping me about that one . I do say 'fixin to', as in 'about to'. Yonder...anywhere I am not. Spicket...for spout. Nekid for 'naked'. I do say on occasion, 'a whole nother'. Oh...and can we please have more RDJ photos???
  21. A sheynem dank (thank you very much) .
  22. They are I agree, as well as today being the first day of Hanukkah .
  23. Yep, devoted my FB page to my favorite uncle today. Uncle Mike, 'Michael Donovan Sargent'. Infected in 1975, we lost him in 1981. Gone, but never forgotten. He was a beautiful man. I gave my son his middle name. My link
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