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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. You really should read the novels, much more internal dialogue. Fascinating character, probably one of the most fascinating characters ever. He takes everything to the extreme. The way he handles interpersonal relationships while trying to walk that tightrope between the monster that he feels he is, and what he perceives as 'normal'. What's expected of 'normal' is an issue he constantly deals with. I just love his character and the discussions you have because of him. Never would you think that you would root for a serial kiler, but you do. The lives he saves far outnumber the lives he
  2. 1. LOVED him in 6 Feet Under. Bought the entire series because of him...okay and Jeremy Sisto . 2. We should all be so lucky as to have someone like Dexter Morgan out cleaning the streets. Just sayin'
  3. I just don't understand the casket being needed for cremation. I do understand when there is a viewing (sort of). But as you said they told you that before you had decided on the viewing. We used the Eberharts...have been acquainted with them since my son (almost 22 now) was a toddler. We too were all completely traumatized and would have done anything suggested. They were very open and honest about what we had to have/didn't have to have. I appreciate that so much because (especially in cases of sudden loss) you are not in any position to make kind of informed decision. Very vulnerable
  4. I know some people find it creepy, and I understand. I think maybe I used to. Mom's death was very sudden, and it happened the day after I got in a fuss with her. I didn't even hug her bye that night, because I was being an idiot. The next morning she was gone. Cops showed up at my door with her purse. I even kept that. The main reason to keep the ashes (on my behalf anyway) was that she used to joke that since she would drive us nuts all the time if she became old and feeble we would put her in a home because we wouldn't let her live with us (not true...just what she said). Keeping th
  5. Why? Was there a viewing? If so that would be the reason. My Mom was cremated...she never wanted to be buried, and that was made known to us from the time we were small. We did not have a viewing, so no embalming was necessary and no casket. We purchased a beautiful cherry box (actually stained a lighter color with embroidery around it) looks like a sewing box. She loved to sew. It was around 800.00, and that is where we keep her ashes. Of the three sisters I was the only one who didn't find it too morbid or upsetting to keep. I too want to be cremated, no embalming and no viewing. I
  6. We love ALL of our customers!!!! It was funny, Susan had this very elaborate, heartfelt message planned to go out...but the thing kept timing out on her. She had to reduce it to 'Happy Holidays', so as not to leave anyone out. We really do appreciate everyone's support, and love to see pcommers in the shop .
  7. Sorry about your Dad . It's not a death I would wish on my worst enemy. I lost my Mema in 1989...she lasted a little over a year (16 mos) after the primary diagnosis. If she had gone to the physician earlier she may have lasted longer, but Dr. Campbell said when he originally opened her up the tumor was as bigger than a softball. Removing it would have killed her on the table . I think eventually it attacked her liver? But I'm not clear on that. It's a death sentence, plain and simple.
  8. Yep, I thought the same thing. I hate to hear of anyone with any cancer...but pancreatic in particular. One of the most aggresive, horrible, painful cancers there are. I lost my precious Mema to pancreatic cancer, and you are right she will have about a year, if it is well treated.
  9. We have all of the grandchildren's presents purchased, and I am working on DH's. Will have it this week. I have not even started on my 2 grown kids, or my stepdaughter and son-in-law. I am such a slacker this year. I'm hoping to have it all finished by Friday. It's so much more difficult for me to shop for adults than children. I miss the simple days of "Mama, I really want this or that". My grandson has no problem with that, lol.
  10. Who commented, suggested, messaged me on the bookcases . DH and I drove to pcom member 'bdye' (Belinda's) home yesterday and picked up 3 HUGE bookcases for 30.00 . Lots of cases for little money, means I also get to purchase more books to put in them! I really appreciate everyone's input, and it was lovely to meet another pcom member . Thanks Belinda!!!! P.S to Susan we are also going to grab the one that needs some love from the store .
  11. Me too! I don't ever purposely set schedule to watch them or anything BUT, if I am channel surfing and happen to see one I always pause . I remember one lazy, rainy Saturday I actually sat all day and watched HGTV . Hubby was not happy with me, lol. That channel is dangerous .
  12. Sounds like a bibliophile's dream . I tell you what, if I ever win the lottery...
  13. O.M.G!!!! I think I love you Mei Lan!!!
  14. Yes, I think that would need to be the plan.
  15. More head is always a good thing. Come on...you know you were all thinking it .
  16. I just read the article. Sorry, hard to type through the puke on my keyboard. Hell is too good for these people.
  17. Too late! Muwahahahahahahahaha Bumble Bee Bakery, can you post a link to your FB page. I can't find you .
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