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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. HAHAHAHA! A few of mine, could probably think of a million more "There ain't no cure for the dumbass" ~ My Dad "Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne "For every prohibition you create you also create an underground." ~ Jello Biafra "After all is said and done, more is said than done." ~ Aesop "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~Andre Gide "Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth." ~Ludwig Börne "Beware of a man of one book." ~English Proverb "Life beats down and cr
  2. I do Tarot readings, but I would never see someone who refers to themselves as 'Psychic'. There are a number of reasons, one in particular is that anyone can learn to pass themselves off as 'psychic' through a fairly well known technique in the community known as 'cold reading' cold readings. I would daresay that Jonathan Edwards and several other well known psychics use this technique. Professional magicians use this as well, but for entertainment purposes, not to bilk anyone out of money. I am intuitive, just as I believe most people are. I've just learned over my lifetime to listen to
  3. Off topic...how was the Zombie Apocalypse????
  4. I would say...anything with vodka . Although I have noticed that since I hit my 40's my tolerance has been reduced significantly. I kind of have to restrict myself to wine now if I don't want to be hugging the porcelain god .
  5. Those are HOT!!!! I collect Tarot decks~books (in particular 1st edition signed, lettered or numbered from my favorite authors)~frogs~and anything Tim Burton .
  6. You are right about it being located between Ross and Sams, but then we wouldn't have our charming little historic building either. Six of one, half dozen of another. We really aren't in an obscure spot with Powder Springs park right below us, two huge churches above us and several sucessful businesses in the square across from us. The strip malls are an eyesore to me, and I guess we just need to find better ways of letting like minded potential customers discover this little gem of a book store. More than anything I was responding to the concern of longer business hours. Which is thor
  7. Hi Mark, it's Rhonda . Susan (Bookworm) is headed out of town for her birthday and wanted me to respond so you definitely don't think you were being ignored . *sidenote* How are Leslie and the kids (not 'kids' anymore I know) You know me from P.B.C . In response to your post... We have tried off and on over the last 5 years to extend our business hours due to the obvious issues of closing at 5:00 like all of the other shops in our area. We have experimented with open Sundays for periods of months and even with all the advertisement, to the specific customers that requested this we h
  8. I'm manning the store again today...SO drop by and introduce yourself. Mention Paulding.com for an additional 10% off anything in the store (aside from consignment items). I'm the crazy tattooed redhead with the Tim Burton shirt . Love to meet some of you guys today!!! The Bookworm 4451 Marietta Street Powder Springs 770-439-2029 We are directly across the street from 'Hand-me-ups'
  9. Sarah is beautiful, just like her Mama . Yeah for Sarah and Brady...Mazel Tov!!!!!! I still say the Rabbi could have worn a kilt, lol. Love you !!!!
  10. I actually did not allow either of my children to get their licenses until they were 18. I know, I know...mean Mama. But their heads were screwed on tighter at that age and at almost 22 and 24 (in a couple of days) it has proven to have been a good decision.
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE that! P.s, this wasn't just any dog dookie. This was a 175lb blue Dane, lol. Poor sister .
  12. I used to play a lot of 'Army' and 'Mother may I'. I dug around in the dirt a lot because I wanted to be an archaeologist/anthropologist/paleontologist. I used to play 'Chase the little sister around with dog-dookie on a stick' . We had lots of tree climbing contests, which I generally won . I also played vampire, but since I couldn't fly that generally resulted in total suck (no pun intended). lol
  13. Awwww, what a cutie-pie! Happy Birthday .
  14. I always loved him, he was my favorite. I remember the tragic day he was murdered like it was yesterday . What a legacy he left behind. Truly a beautiful man and a great artist.
  15. Spirituality is a VERY personal issue. If you feel bad about any certain practice then it can only cause you harm to partake, so don't . If you do not have any conviction that it is spiritually harmful then by all means, express yourself...and don't let anyone, anywhere (Pastor, preacher or sister fluffy-head) guilt you into feeling otherwise. That creates bondage, and resentment and a whole host of other toxic reactions. Peace!
  16. LOVE me some Hitchcock!!!! I was raised on horror. My Mom would quote Poe's 'The Raven' to us verbatim, as a bedtime story, lol. It's funny but of we 3 girls, I was the only one that became a scream queen. My sisters pretty much shun horror. I did however marry a man that loves the genre as much as I do, and my son and daughter are also great fans. So I think I made my Mom proud, lol.
  17. Nothing really ever has or does scare me (movie wise)...George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, which I saw in the early 70's, and Phantasm in the late 70's creeped me out. Okay wait, 'Jaws' scared the cheezee out of me but I saw it when it was released, on vacation in Tx. and my Mom forced us to swim in the Gulf afterwards . I had REALLY low expectations for Paranormal Activity because I had so many friends see it and hate it. That's probably why I enjoyed it so much . Low expectations, lol. I did not expect to be scared, and wasn't but I really enjoyed it so I am hopeful for this o
  18. Oh Yeah! I LOVED the first one, can't wait to see this !!!!
  19. I'm beginning to wonder myself, lol. Oh well, you get to see my lovely daughter, anyway. She's much prettier to look at . Hope you guys are all SUPER busy tomorrow, but I am being kind and not coming to share my germs with everyone.
  20. Well damn...I won't be there again tomorrow . We keep 'missing' each other, lol.
  21. RhondaW


    Pretty sure Best-Buy in Hiram is still hiring for seasonal. If they like you they take you perm. Good crew to work with there, I was with them for 2 years. You can fill out an application online.
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