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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I miss my Mama, and my Mema. I actually miss feeding the animals on our small farm, taking care of the rabbits. Climbing the tall oak trees and sitting up super high with a book where no one could find me to read. Riding big-wheels with my sister. Exploring the woods behind our house with my younger sister (AdamandAarensmom). Laying in the grass watching the shapes in the clouds with all of the yard cats climbing around on me.
  2. In my experience those who feel this way (myself included) have been horribly, irreparably damaged by the 'church' and the aforementioned evangelical con men, and the people who follow them. Not saying they are all like that but (again in my experience) most seem to be. In my 17 years of service both on staff and off I can think of only two who were genuine and not in it for the power/money willingly bestowed upon them by the masses they 'pastor'. I have no use for organized religion or the people who represent it. Am I bitter, you betcha...both with my own self for allowing myself to be
  3. Doesn't Papa have some garden like areas in his subdivision?
  4. This is true. A friend of mine, Brian Keene posted on his site that "unofficially" through discussons with some Borders employees, a conference call had been made where several were advised to be looking for other jobs. It really makes me sad because aside from our store, Borders is the only other bookstore I shop. It's the only big box store I will use because as a former employee I know that through the interview process you actually have to be literate to work there. This has not evidenced to me through unfortunate shopping experiences with B&N. I hope they are wrong and their busi
  5. Mine get so dry that the skin cracks around my fingernails. After my last tattoo, my artist recommended a product I previously not heard of. It is called Aquaphor. Aquaphor I purchased it at Kroger, in the lotion aisle. Not only did my tattoo almost completely heal in 3 days (no skin or ink loss)...I realized it was great for other things . It is too heavy to use during the day so I just massage it into my hands before I lie down to sleep at night. It works all night and has helped me tremendously. I highly recomend it.
  6. Actually there was a whole heck of a lot more than a tenth paid according to scipture. The money isn't there to build bigger shiny buildings, buy the Pastor a second home, assure that all his children drive foreign imports. I'm sure more than one person on this board knows exactly the 2 'pastors' I am referring to. It all makes me sick to my stomach. PREACH IT!
  7. I am definitely the loudest (I am my Mama's daughter). Britaini is much more Zen than I will ever be .
  8. More often true than not.
  9. I agree, and as a 'progressive Libertarian' I really have a lot of respect and admirationf for Condolezza Rice. I detest the Clintons but I would vote Hillary in a heartbeat if it would keep Palin out of office, lol.
  10. Yeah !!! FINALLY...beam me up, Scottie .
  11. I am a Libertarian, and most people would call me progressive. I definitely saw the satire, but I have to tell you I also agreed with a lot of it . Amen to that, lol. I've never seen her show, but every time I hear that woman open her mouth I want to jam a bic in my eardrum, repeatedly .
  12. Yep, and pancreatic cancer. One of the worst, most horribly painful ways to die. If you have it, it will kill you.
  13. Yeah, and did you hear they were trying to blame the first rash of dead birds on fireworks? I call bulls**t . Something is going on .
  14. Awwww, thank you . I am just thrilled that it is going to someone who can use it. I really appreciate your picking it up and I am SO glad I got to meet you! I hope to see you again soon .
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Candy? Mattresses? Chairs? OH... Yeah, BOOKS!
  16. Awesome! Thank you, I think I need to check this out. The spider veins I can deal with...these deep ones hurt like the dickens.
  17. She is absolutely beautiful! Being a grandparent is just the best . Hubby was telling me last night he was feeling a bit guilty for spoiling our 3 yr. old grandson. I told him not to worry, that is part of the joy of the whole experience...we are allowed to spoil .
  18. Does it hurt terribly to have that done? Also, how deep can they go with that procedure?
  19. LOL! Someone was eating their paintbrush . Too cute!
  20. Ewww, no suggestions but I sincerely hope you find help for the issue. I have horrible varicose veins in my right leg, behind my knee now down into my ankle. I'm in my mid 40's, but these appeared in my early 20's during my first pregnancy. I know eventually I will need to have work done because they cause a tremendous amount of leg pain and swelling at different times of the month. If mine began to spurt blood I promise you I would have a heart attack . I hope you find some relief for this very soon. I'll be watching this thread for future reference.
  21. He already came by and called me to say that he saw two chairs, one had a sold sign on it and I think he said the other was a gray(ish) color. He said the nicer of the two was the one with the sold sign on it . I asked him if he could take a picture and send it to me and he said "Honey I would even know how to go about that", lol. SO if it's still there Wednesday when I am off I will come by and check it out.
  22. Yep, that actually does happen. I pulled a chest muscle a few years back and had to go to the E.R...hooked up to the monitors and the whole 9 yards. Scared the crap out of the whole family. It's easier to pull a chest muscle than you think . Felt kind of stupid afterwards, but was glad it wasn't a heart-attack .
  23. I'm here at the Bookworm 10:00~6:00pm today. I did however just talk to my Dad (Joe Blackmon) and he said he would come by and check it out for me .
  24. I'm very interested ...do you have any other type reading chairs as well?
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