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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I KNOW , I got some the other night . LOVE it!!!!
  2. I sincerely hope that as a society we are moving past the hatred and ignorance. The sooner the better, and yes the younger generation for the most part is more accepting. I kind of see it like I do the ignorance over racial inequality...those hardliners are still out there kicking but they are a dying breed. Society as a whole is progressing regarding the issue, and ignorance in general seems to be less of a majority mindset. *crossing fingers*
  3. Along the same lines...my daughter as been 'out' for a few years. We were going through some family pictures a year or so ago of she and her brother. There was one in particular (now in my FB photo album, btw) of she and my son in a tree. She was about 6 or 7 at the time. There is a heart in chalk on the tree with her name and the name of her best friend (female), drawn onto the tree. You know the typical 'so and so loves so and so heart'. It's funny now, and honestly we just never really paid any attention to it, and didn't understand the significance until almost 20 years later . I s
  4. Dexter Supernatural The Walking Dead Nurse Jackie Hell's Kitchen True Blood (until this last season, hoping the new one is better or I am over it). The Office
  5. Tru Calling John Doe After Tru Calling was cancelled I swore to never get involved in another show on FOX, and I have not. Pissed me off to no end!
  6. Opposum are only aggressive when scared or cornered (or sick). We raised a whole litter of them on the farm when I was a teenybopper. Our Great Dane (who was as gentle as could be) accidently killed the mother and she was carrying babies at the time. They are clean like cats, the fur is very soft and they hiss for communication. I have a photo of my youngest sister in the barn with three or four hanging off of her arm, lol. They tend to be a "live and let live" kind of creature, you leave them alone and they will reciprocate . They are beneficial as someone already mentioned as the
  7. Dealing with the public is never an easy thing. I over tip, always have. My husband and I both. Our servers are always glad to see us coming. The service industry is rough, I know the majority are underpaid and under appreciated. I even saw a man stack money on his table once and let the server know that was her tip, as she 'displeased' him money was removed from the stack. I was aghast...silently hoped he enjoyed the little extras I am sure were added to his plate. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Works both ways for servers and those being served.
  8. Smashwords Permuted Press Horror Mall Fictionwise eBooks Necro Publications Cemetery Dance I read a lot of dark fiction, so if you like horror 'Permuted Press', the 'Horror Mall' , 'Necro Publications' and 'Cemetery Dance' are 4 great sites. I agree with the comment about authors not making a lot of money Unless you are a Stephen King or Charlaine Harris type best seller you are lucky to pull minimum wage. Imho the 'mid-list- authors are generally better writers than the best sellers. If you like horror, my very good friend Ray Garton has been published ov
  9. RhondaW

    Sad News

    He was awesome, I can imagine there are very many people here on the board who have had positive interactions with him. He was a fixture in the store. I can honestly say everyone who knew him loved him. So very, very sad.
  10. RhondaW

    Sad News

    If you ever had the great pleasure of meeting the older gentleman who walked with a cane at the Best Buy in Hiram...you know what an amazing, loving, wonderful man he was. I had the honor of working with him for 2 years, everyone who knew him loved him. He had a unique way of making instant friends with strangers, and was one of the kindest people I have ever known. Bill lost his battle with cancer yesterday. I don't have any details yet, but will post when I know. He cared for his elderly mother, I believe she is close to 90 now.
  11. Nothing bad about the plasma. The technology has improved by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of 'myths' about the plasma. Problems with older plasma screens are no longer applicable. LCD's and Plasma screens have the same 'lifespan'. By contrast the newer technology LED's do have a longer lifespan.
  12. I did read the article. Psycho idiot. Religious fanaticism at it's finest. I hope she gets the maximum penalty allowed by law .
  13. We have had our plasma for well over a year and still love it. I used to work for Best Buy . Plasma screens are awesome for gamers (truer blacks) but not good for rooms with a lot of light. There is a relfection on the screen. Personally I like the look of a plasma better than an LCD screen. I could totally go into the technicals of LCD vs. Plasma but it would bore you. Rule of thumb, a lot of light in a room LCD, darker room/gaming tv Plasma. Check out Best Buy in Hiram, ask for Bill, David, Josh or Rick. They also match prices, and won't leave you hanging after your purchase.
  14. O.M.G...You are speaking my language. That is my favorite Merlot. It has been on sale the last few weeks at the Kroger on Brownsville for 12.95! I love it, but my daughter says it tastes like rotten flowers smell, lol. A bottle of wine and a movie night with my daughter never fail to cheer me after a bad day .
  15. AJ, my grandson dancing with our store mascot 'Fred'. It was difficult going but he was really trying to make it work .
  16. I think it is very telling that a huge portion of those who support this claim it is not a 'christian' or religious issue. Yet this thread has become a christian vs. non conversation. I don't have any other alternative suggestions, do not have a dog in this fight. Me personally...I'm a grandmother with grown children. I do however support the ideal of separation for church and state, so that the government does not appear to be giving sanction to any particular religion. If you can cover all of the religious iconography etc. then you are right this does become just a building. Other
  17. I don't have an agenda, I stated an opinion. To bad it doesn't jive with yours.
  18. Not all of the kids wanted it at the church. I disagree wholeheartedly. I heard one child say 'it's not a religious issue' I couldn't help but feel if she would feel the same way if it was taking place in a mosque. One Jewish girl in particular was uncomfortable with it taking place in a Christian church. I understood and agreed with her. Find a community center, etc. Also are they sure Johnny Hunt isn't going to rear his head somehwere during the procession?
  19. Both went straight to work, but continued academic studies on their own time. Now both are considering and trying to find avenues to pursue a higher education (officially) and continue to work. I'm very proud of both of them .
  20. I have to admit I have not watched American Idol since the first season. I watched tonight BECAUSE of Steven Tyler. I've been in love with that man for 35 years . I wasn't disappointed. He only gets better with age. I LOVED the chick that did the song from 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'. I may even watch again next week .
  21. Woohoo YEAH! More readers . I do SO love book-nerds .
  22. Wow, really? No one else sets reading goals for the year? I've been doing it since I was young, when the libraries used to encourage children to read over the summer and have us set goals for ourselves. We would compete within our family, my sister and I .
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