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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. When did you attend? I graduated in 1984, and we still had the 'spithole', and the 'smokehole'. lol
  2. Oh shut it, you know I am . More likely I was drugged out of my mind and melting into the sofa, just missing the post .
  3. I didn't even know you had posted it...a children's book author friend of mine posted it and I just had to share!
  4. It helps me get over the fact that books had to be destroyed in order to make it. Amazing or what?? Golden Books Gown
  5. I feel the same way, NO ONE outside of my Hubby is touching my feet . The thought just creeps me out . I always paint mine black, or deep red. But, generally black. I like the contrast with my pasty white casper complexion, lol.
  6. The whole lunar thing affects women much more than men. We are naturally more in tune with nature and her cycles. The lunar cycle directly affects our menstruation, etc. Expect this month to be much more wacky with this being the amazing lunar specatacle it is . Overall it is pretty awesome. I was just standing outside gazing up in awe. Tomorrow will be that much more . Try your best to let it be positive and not negative. I know it is difficult, but you can do it . Yes, that is my neo-pagan mystic self talking .
  7. My husband did/does too. He also loved Linda Ronstadt (sp) . That man loves anything with boobs, I swear.
  8. I'm sorry but I hated 'Heart' in the 70's and 80's...I hate them even more tonight. He seems like a super sweet boy, but *ugh*.
  9. My #1 favorite, in fact Flogging Molly is my third favorite band of all time right behind REM and Green Day . Also, The Cranberries~The Pogues and Dropkick Murphy .
  10. WOOT!! P.S...OP, the "No, I love Jesus" option is absolutely hilarious .
  11. My thought exactly...that has a lot to do with their more positive attitude.
  12. Nope, no 'quick fix'...more of a 'not even knowing where to begin'. Hubby has had several careers in his almost 50 years. He is just interested as a hobby more than anything. My son however, was thinking more career wise. I agree with the apprenticeship, there is no better experience than working with a seasoned master. That's why I came on here for suggestions, I was not keen on the whole 'online' thing myself.
  13. Great suggestion, and thank you I will pass that on!
  14. Thanks Hubby does know the basics, but I think he was referring to some kind of certification type program. My feelings run in the same direction as you mentioned. There are online courses you can take, from accredited sources...but I think this is one of those things you would need a one-on-one type experience with. I knew if there was anywhere to ask and get an answer it would be here. So I appreciate the input .
  15. My (almost) 22 year old just bought his first handgun today...a Ruger, when my hubby went to pick up his new Taurus. We have a gun safe fully loaded. I'm all for enforcing existing laws, background checks, etc. I'm also all for (obviously) law abiding citizens arming themselves to the teeth. The zombie apocalypse is coming, people.
  16. What's really funny is that I didn't even see the other topic till I posted this one .
  17. Lol... I'm sure Mother Theresa was pretty hot 'back in the day'.
  18. My husband and adult son are interested in learning. Local or online? TIA
  19. Nah, you aren't a sociopath...or you wouldn't give a sh*t about anyone but yourself. Trust me, I know and am related to a few. Sociopaths are lacking some basic ingredient that makes them 'human'. I don't detect that from your posts .
  20. You know you are getting old when they play 'The Cure' as background music in the grocery store.
  21. I cannot even imagine. I see my paternal grandmother in my daughter sometimes...just the expressions she has. We have a great relationship so it always strikes me as funny. She gets a look on her face and I say "Hello, Gloria", lol.
  22. My stepmother is from Dalton. She met my Dad while I was in my early 20's. I had never heard of it before then. I grew up on good 'ole milk gravy. We just kind of assumed it was one of those 'mountain people' things . Not being a fan of chocolate in the first place I think this was one of the most disgusting things I had ever heard of .
  23. I really don't understand how you can compare a teacher having sex with one of her students to a teacher that made porn movies 10 years ago (not with her students). Total apples and oranges on that one.
  24. You can also do that with the Sony.
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